Doctor of Military Sciences described a possible scenario of the war with Ukraine

Doctor of Military Sciences Sivkov: Ukraine may close the borders with the DPR and LPR in the near future War with Ukraine is expected of the republic, Vladimir Zelensky may try to close the borders with the self-proclaimed DPR and LPR, which will force Russia to start offensive movements, suggested Konstantin Sivkov, Doctor of Military Sciences. He described such a possible scenario in a conversation with and added that in this case, Ukraine will face an extremely negative scenario. Martial law may soon be introduced in Ukraine. This was stated by the leader of the Radical Party and former deputy of the Verkhovna Rada Oleg Lyashko. He also revealed the expected date for the introduction of the special regime – December 1. Scenario “Most likely, Zelensky will try to close the border, this may happen in the near future. Russia will have nowhere to go – first, political measures,

Russian students promised to be expelled for taking their eyes off the monitor

SPbU students were promised to be expelled due to diversion during the retake of the exam from looking away from the monitor during the retake of the exam. The Telegram channel REN TV channel writes about the incident. Students received a notification that they were submitted for expulsion due to academic failure. The program “Examus “, Which controls the passage of retakes. If a student looks away, turns his head, or opens extraneous programs, the system considers that he is cheating. However, students who received a notification of a possible expulsion stated that they only took their eyes off the monitor for a split second and asked to review the records cameras. St Petersburg University employees refused the students, as the video was viewed by professional inspectors. Earlier, six students of the Ostankino Higher School said that they were expelled because of the likes of a negative comment about the

Moscow summed up the results of the Laboratory of Contemporary Art

The final of the Theater Without Borders competition was held at the School of Modern Play on November 24 At the School of Modern Play, on November 24 the final of the “Theater without Borders” competition – a joint project of the Federation of Creative Industries and the 5th Festival “Biennale of Theater Arts. Directing lessons “. The laureates received grants for the implementation of the sketches presented. The prize fund was 3,000,000 rubles. The laboratory was held within the framework of the “Scene of the Future” project with the support of the Presidential Fund for Cultural Initiatives. “Theater without Borders” is the first and only project in Russia aimed at updating the form and content of contemporary art based on cross-industrial interactions. Within the framework of the laboratory, participants created sketches of future productions of a new format outside the usual box-stage. Shows-excursions, performances under water, digital theater –

Moscow summed up the results of the Laboratory of Contemporary Art

The final of the “Theater without Borders” competition was held at the School of Modern Play on November 24 the final of the “Theater without Borders” competition – a joint project of the Federation of Creative Industries and the 5th Festival “Biennale of Theater Arts. Directing lessons “. The laureates received grants for the implementation of the sketches presented. The prize fund was 3,000,000 rubles. The laboratory was held within the framework of the “Scene of the Future” project with the support of the Presidential Fund for Cultural Initiatives. “Theater without Borders” is the first and only project in Russia aimed at updating the form and content of contemporary art based on cross-industrial interactions. Within the framework of the laboratory, participants created sketches of future productions of a new format outside the usual box-stage. Shows-excursions, performances under water, digital theater – the contestants proposed revolutionary ideas, in the implementation of

Russia announced the calls of “hot heads” in Kiev for a scenario of force in the Donbass

Russian Foreign Ministry spokesman Zakharova: Kiev sabotages its obligations under the Minsk Agreements Kiev sabotages its obligations under the Minsk Agreements, which leads to the breakdown of negotiations to resolve the conflict in Donbass in any format, and calls for a force-based scenario. This was stated by the official representative of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs (MFA) of Russia, Maria Zakharova, in a comment to the correspondent. According to her, the reports of the OSCE Special Monitoring Mission (SMM) testify to the offensive actions of the Armed Forces of Ukraine ( Armed Forces of Ukraine) on the line of contact, which leads to an escalation of tensions and causes serious concern in Moscow. According to observers, the Ukrainian military have advanced their positions at least one kilometer beyond the contact line, the diplomat added. “Hot heads in Kiev, feeling complete impunity, are in favor of a military solution to

Zakharova called pathetic US attempts to arrogate to itself the right to determine democracies

Maria Zakharova: “Summit for Democracy” is confrontational maintaining strategic independence from the collective West. Thus, at a briefing, Russian Foreign Ministry spokeswoman Maria Zakharova commented on the upcoming Summit for Democracy, organized at the initiative of Washington, the correspondent reports. According to the diplomat, the United States arrogates to itself the right to determine who is worthy to be called a democracy and who is not. “It looks cynical and pitiful against the background of obvious problems with the state of democracy and human rights in the United States itself and in the West in general,” she said.

Russia announced the calls of “hot heads” in Kiev for a scenario of force in the Donbass

Russian Foreign Ministry spokesman Zakharova: Kiev sabotages its obligations under the Minsk agreements Kiev sabotages its obligations under the Minsk agreements, which leads to the breakdown of negotiations to resolve the conflict in Donbass in any format, and calls for a force-based scenario. This was stated by the official representative of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs (MFA) of Russia, Maria Zakharova, in a comment to the correspondent. According to her, the reports of the OSCE Special Monitoring Mission (SMM) testify to the offensive actions of the Armed Forces of Ukraine ( Armed Forces of Ukraine) on the line of contact, which leads to an escalation of tensions and causes serious concern in Moscow. According to observers, the Ukrainian military have advanced their positions at least one kilometer beyond the contact line, the diplomat added. “Hot heads in Kiev, feeling complete impunity, are in favor of a military solution to

DPR announced new data on the number of civilians killed in Donbass

Ombudsman of the DPR Morozova: since the beginning of hostilities, more than 5 thousand civilians have died Daria Morozova named new data on the number of civilians killed in Donbass. Her words are reported by the correspondent. According to Morozova, since the beginning of hostilities in the region, more than five thousand civilians have died, including 91 minors. More than eight thousand were injured. 353 people are listed as missing. The Ombudsman points out that, according to her estimates, only 40 percent of the burials of civilians who died as a result of the actions of the Ukrainian military are known; search operations are still ongoing. All the bodies that the search teams find have signs of a violent death. Most of the burials are located in the territory controlled by Ukraine. According to Morozova, the Ukrainian side refuses to cooperate with the Donbass republics in search of the