DPR announced new data on the number of civilians killed in Donbass

Ombudsman of the DPR Morozova: since the beginning of hostilities, more than 5 thousand civilians have died Daria Morozova named new data on the number of civilians killed in Donbass. Her words are reported by the Lenta.ru correspondent.

According to Morozova, since the beginning of hostilities in the region, more than five thousand civilians have died, including 91 minors. More than eight thousand were injured. 353 people are listed as missing.

The Ombudsman points out that, according to her estimates, only 40 percent of the burials of civilians who died as a result of the actions of the Ukrainian military are known; search operations are still ongoing. All the bodies that the search teams find have signs of a violent death.

Most of the burials are located in the territory controlled by Ukraine. According to Morozova, the Ukrainian side refuses to cooperate with the Donbass republics in search of the missing.

In August, the head of the self-proclaimed Luhansk People's Republic Leonid Pasechnik said that more than ten mass graves of war victims in Donbass had been found in the region. According to the interdepartmental working group, more than two thousand residents have died or gone missing, but it is difficult to give exact figures.



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