The fate of the ancient advanced civilization of China is revealed

Science Advances: Advanced Ancient Liangzhu Civilization Disappeared Due to Climate Change thousand years ago in the east of China, disappeared due to climate change in the region. Despite the fact that the ancient Chinese civilization possessed fairly advanced technologies for managing water resources, it perished due to severe floods caused by abnormal monsoon rains. The results of the study are published in the journal Science Advances. A summary of the scientific work is described in a press release on The ruins of Liangzhu city are located in the Yangtze River Delta, about 160 kilometers southwest of Shanghai. About 5.3 thousand years ago, a highly developed culture was born, which created large hydraulic structures, although it did not own metalworking. Liangzhu was a fortified city with a complex system of navigable canals, dams and reservoirs. The system covered large agricultural areas and allowed them to be cultivated throughout the year.

Former head of the Russian Biathlon Union criticized the split in the men's team

Former head of the RBU Vladimir Drachev on the split in the men's team: this leads to anarchy Former head of the Russian Biathlon Union (RBU) Vladimir Drachev appreciated the split of the men's team into two groups. His words are quoted by “This is the path to anarchy – the mother of order, when an athlete does what he wants,” Drachev criticized the transition of athletes from one coach of the national team to another. < p> The ex-head of the SBR was surprised that many biathletes changed the group of the head coach Yuri Kaminsky to the team of Sergei Bashkirov, who was originally considered a youth coach. “Time will tell whether this choice was correct,” Drachev noted. The specialist also stressed that all questions about the composition during the season should be decided only by the senior coach, because he is responsible for the result of

Rector Shaninki was charged with fraud

Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation: Rector Shaninki Zuev was accused of embezzlement and conspiracy with ex-Deputy Minister Rakova Sciences (MSSES) – Sergei Zuev was accused in the case of fictitious employment of employees of the Ministry of Education. This is reported by Interfax with reference to the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia. Zuev was charged under Part 4 of Article 159 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation (“Fraud committed by an organized group or on an especially large scale”). According to the investigation, to steal money, he entered into an agreement with the former Deputy Minister of Education Marina Rakova and the former Deputy General Director of the Fund for New Forms of Education Development Yevgeny Zak. The defendants entered into fictitious employment contracts at the RANEPA for twelve employees of the Russian Ministry of Education. Earlier, Rakova and Zak were charged under the

Rector Shaninki was charged with fraud

Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation: Rector Shaninki Zuev was accused of embezzlement and conspiracy with ex-Deputy Minister Rakova Sciences (MSSES) – Sergei Zuev was accused in the case of fictitious employment of employees of the Ministry of Education. This is reported by Interfax with reference to the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia. Zuev was charged under Part 4 of Article 159 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation (“Fraud committed by an organized group or on an especially large scale”). According to the investigation, to steal money, he entered into an agreement with the former Deputy Minister of Education Marina Rakova and the former Deputy General Director of the Fund for New Forms of Education Development Yevgeny Zak. The defendants entered into fictitious employment contracts at the RANEPA for twelve employees of the Russian Ministry of Education. Earlier, Rakova and Zak were charged under the

The star of “Ural dumplings” spoke about the censorship in KVN

Myasnikov from “Uralskiye dumplings”: before the performance Maslyakov removed almost all jokes Member of the creative association and the KVN team “Ural” Myasnikov spoke about the censorship of performances in the “Club of the cheerful and resourceful.” According to him, the head and presenter of KVN Alexander Maslyakov often recognized almost all the jokes that the team had prepared for the performance unsuitable. A participant in a humorous show told about this in an interview with KP.RU. Myasnikov said that before each performance in KVN, the material invented by the teams was edited, after which unfunny jokes were eliminated. “It often happened that Alexander Vasilyevich (Maslyakov – approx.” “) removed almost the entire performance from us, and we came up with another one overnight, which turned out to be more funny,” said the star of the show. . The comedian stressed that Maslyakov, with his experience, knows better what

Azerbaijani sappers talk about unusual Armenian booby traps

During demining, the Azerbaijani military stumbled upon mines in water pipes for mine clearance in Azerbaijan Ekhtiram Jafarov. Telegram-channel “Karabakh Today” reports this. “Inside and near the water pipes, the Armenians have planted small mines, which, at first glance, seem to be some kind of unusual objects, which is why they attract attention,” Jafarov said. Such mines were laid on the territory of Aghdam and Fizuli regions, where the Azerbaijanis stumbled upon them. Materials on the topic00: 01 – October 30 “It was very scary” 30 years ago, interethnic conflicts began in the USSR. How do eyewitnesses and participants remember them? 00: 04 – 22 November “We needed a lot of blood” How the struggle for equality in the USSR led to the war in Karabakh and other ethnic conflicts According to him, this method of mining is prohibited by the norms of international humanitarian law. Because of this, sappers

The star of “Ural dumplings” spoke about the censorship in KVN

Myasnikov from Uralskiye dumplings: before the performance Maslyakov removed almost all jokes Member of the creative association and the KVN Ural Myasnikov spoke about the censorship of performances in the “Club of the cheerful and resourceful.” According to him, the head and presenter of KVN Alexander Maslyakov often recognized almost all the jokes that the team had prepared for the performance unsuitable. A participant in a humorous show told about this in an interview with KP.RU. Myasnikov said that before each performance in KVN, the material invented by the teams was edited, after which unfunny jokes were eliminated. “It often happened that Alexander Vasilyevich (Maslyakov – approx.” “) removed almost the entire performance from us, and we came up with another one overnight, which turned out to be more funny,” said the star of the show. . The comedian stressed that Maslyakov, with his experience, knows better what jokes

Azerbaijani sappers talk about unusual Armenian booby traps

During demining, the Azerbaijani military stumbled upon mines in water pipes for mine clearance in Azerbaijan Ekhtiram Jafarov. Telegram-channel “Karabakh Today” reports this. “Inside and near the water pipes, the Armenians have planted small mines, which, at first glance, seem to be some kind of unusual objects, which is why they attract attention,” Jafarov said. Such mines were laid on the territory of Aghdam and Fizuli regions, where Azerbaijanis stumbled upon them. Materials on the topic00: 01 – October 30 “It was very scary” 30 years ago, interethnic conflicts began in the USSR. How did eyewitnesses and participants remember them? 00: 04 – November 22 “We needed a lot of blood” How the struggle for equality in the USSR led to the war in Karabakh and other ethnic conflicts According to him, this method of mining is prohibited by the norms of international humanitarian law. Because of this, sappers during

Власти Татарстана смягчили ковидные ограничения в транспорте

«Проектом предусматривается с 26 ноября разрешить проезд в транспорте прошедшим вакцинацию первым компонентом двухкомпонентной вакцины или однокомпонентной вакциной против новой коронавирусной инфекции», — говорится в постановлении. Власти решили в таких случаях выдавать региональный QR-код, который будет действовать 24 дня. Эти коды будут выдавать в виде справок в местных медицинских организациях. В общественные места можно попасть только с федеральным QR-кодом после полного курса вакцинации. QR-коды о прививке от SARS-CoV-2 на общественном транспорте ввели в Татарстане с 22 ноября. В первый день в Казани произошел транспортный коллапс: контролеры высадили из автобусов, троллейбусов и трамваев несколько сотен непривитых, у некоторых пассажиров не выдержали нервы и они устроили несколько скандалов, а таксисты задрали цены.

Жители Финляндии увидели в небе три «солнца» (фото)

Parhelio sobre Sotkamo, Kainuu, #Finlandia. (23.11.2021). #Sun #Halo #Solar #TreSoles #zabedrosky #SnowStorm By: Tmi Joiguni, Jari Salomäki y Sisu Steluja. — ⚠Climático Mundialᵀᵉᵐᵃ? (@deZabedrosky) November 24, 2021 Жители финского города Соткамо могли наблюдать в небе впечатляющее атмосферное явление. Над горизонтом во время заката появилось сразу три «солнца», связанных между собой золотым кольцом. Настоящее солнце можно было увидеть посередине, а два ложных — по бокам. На некоторых снимках, появившихся в соцсетях, даже можно рассмотреть маленькое четвертое «солнце» над дугой. Это завораживающее природное явление называется «паргелий» и является редкой разновидностью солнечного гало. Паргелий или «ложное солнце» возникает вследствие преломления солнечного света в анизотропно ориентированных кристалликах льда, парящих в атмосфере, а потому появляется обычно в холодное время года в северных регионах. Посмотреть эту публикацию в Instagram Публикация от Noora Limnell (@visualsbynooora) Посмотреть эту публикацию в Instagram Публикация от Pekka Vesiaho (@pekkavesiaho) Екатерина Гура Черная пятница обрушит цены на тысячи товаров Еще больше интересного о природе