Merkel told about the ritual in hotels

Angela Merkel At the meeting with readers of the magazine Brigitte, the German Chancellor Angela Merkel said that she does, once during business trips in the hotel. About this reports Deutsche Welle. “The first thing I see, is it possible to open the Windows or go out onto the balcony. Often the room is high, for example on the 27th floor and the Windows cannot be opened. Then I look where there is air conditioning. Depends on if I can sleep well (…). Then look for where the light is turned off”, — said the head of the German government. Merkel also added that it is important to check whether there are in-room Internet access. As noted by Deutsche Welle, the Chancellor explained that usually likes to stay at the same hotels. German media reports that Merkel is inherent in the discreet charm of the “ordinary German woman”, who in

Putin reminded Brechalov on the right of Russians to protest

Vladimir Putin Russian President Vladimir Putin commented on the words of the acting head of Udmurtia Alexander Brechalov on protest moods in the region. It is reported RIA Novosti on Tuesday, June 27. Brechalov at a meeting with Putin said that the region was attempting to conduct opposition activities, but interest among the residents they did not cause. “Everyone has the right to take the initiative,” said representatives of the Russian leader. Earlier Tuesday it was reported that the head of state during the visit to Izhevsk gave a ticket to travel to Sochi, local resident Anastasia Votintseva complained to him in emergency housing in a straight line. Jun 20 Vladimir Putin said that political protests aimed at solving specific social problems, not to be feared. At the same time, he criticized a public event, whose main goal is self-promotion. 15 Jun in an interview with reporters after a straight

The state Department included Russia and China to the list of countries with problems in the slave trade

The US state Department included Russia and China to the list of countries not complying with minimum requirements for the suppression of the slave trade. This is stated in the report of the American foreign Ministry, published on Tuesday, June 27. The registry got 187 States that assessed the actions of governments to combat trafficking from 1 April 2016 to 31 March 2017. Moscow and Beijing joined the third group, where 23 countries. According to the state Department, the authorities of these States “do not fulfill minimum standards in accordance with American law on the protection of victims of human trafficking and do not take steps in this direction.” Also in the list are Belarus, Turkmenistan, Uzbekistan, North Korea, Syria, Iran and Venezuela. As noted by RIA Novosti, Moscow has for several years included in this group, Beijing hit her for the first time.

KCNA called the policy of trump’s American version of Nazism

Donald Trump The Central Telegraph Agency of Korea (KCNA) published a statement in which he compared the policy of the US President with the methods of control used by the Fuhrer of the Third Reich. About it reports The Telegraph. KCNA says that the strategy of Donald trump’s “America above all” is aimed at “infringement of the sovereignty and rights of other peoples to development”. The Agency also notes that migration policy in the White house “denigrating America” and “no different from racist policies of fascism.” The authors also urged “all Nations to fight against the hegemony of the United States.” In recent years, relations between Pyongyang and Washington is even more aggravated because of the death of an American student, Otto Warmbier. The young man held in a North Korean prison for nearly a year and a half and was returned home in a coma. After a few days

The media found the connection between the blown in Kiev Colonel and killed by Voronenkova

A member of the Ukrainian intelligence service and direct subordinate of Colonel Maksym Shapoval, who was killed in a car bombing in Kiev, supervised the security of former state Duma Deputy, Denis Boronenkov. About the Agency UNN said a source in the defense Ministry of Ukraine. According to the interlocutor of the Agency, Shapoval know about the process of protection of Russian politics, who was shot dead in the Ukrainian capital on March 23. At the same time, the source did not link the two murders. The Colonel was in the Mercedes, which blew up in Solomenskiy district of Kiev on the morning of Tuesday, June 27. The incident qualified as a terrorist attack. The investigation was transferred to the chief military Prosecutor’s office. According to unofficial reports, the victim or led the special forces of the main intelligence Directorate, or was chief of the reserve Gur. The defense Ministry

IG began to give their fighters “passport to Paradise”

Terrorist group “Islamic state” (IG, is prohibited in Russia) started issuing his followers “passports to Paradise”. Reported by the Daily Mail. The forms fell into the hands of the Syrian armed opposition during the fighting for the liberation of Raqqa. In the document executed at high polygraphic level, contained quotations from the Koran in Arabic and English. They encourage their supporters to carry out attacks using suicide vests or car bombs. The holder of the passport then promised to get to Paradise. In the forms there is no place for specifying personal data of the holder. Raqqa — the captured militants city in Syria, which has proclaimed as its capital. The liberation of the city is one of the main goals of the international antiterrorist coalition headed by USA.

The court in the Hague has acknowledged partial responsibility of the Netherlands for Srebrenica massacre

The exhumation of the remains of victims of the Srebrenica genocide The court of appeal in the Hague ruled that the Dutch government is partly responsible for the deaths of about 300 Muslim men killed by Bosnian Serb forces in the massacre at Srebrenica in 1995. Reported by the Associated Press. The judge Gepke of Dulek (Gepke Dulek) also decided to pay the families of the victims monetary compensation. The massacre in Srebrenica happened in 1995. Serbian forces blocked the declared “security zone” of the city, took it and is believed to have destroyed up to eight thousand adult men from among the Bosnian Muslims, leaving the women and children. Dutch peacekeepers who were supposed to ensure the safety of Srebrenica and refused to fight. In 2007, the international Tribunal has described the incident of mass killing as genocide. In an International court for the former Yugoslavia (ICTY) considered the

Former French Prime Minister announced the withdrawal from the socialist party

Manuel Valls Former Prime Minister of France Manuel Valls comes from the Socialist party. This is stated in his official statement on Tuesday, June 27, the newspaper Le Huffington Post. “End of my political life. I leave the socialist party, or even she leaves me,” said the politician. Recently, the Waltz has repeatedly stated the intention to support in Parliament the movement “Go Republic!” President Emmanuel Macron. Manuel Valls took was Prime Minister of France from March 2014 to December 2016 in the government of françois Hollande. He resigned in order to participate in the primaries of the Socialist party to fight for the presidency. However, in the second round of primaries he lost to Benoit Amon, and eventually supported the election of President the nomination of Macron.

Sociologists reported the fall of the US image in the world because of trump

After the arrival of Donald trump to power the approval rating of the US policy in the world has decreased significantly. Such a study leads Pew Research Center. If at the end of the presidential term of Barack Obama’s positive attitude towards the United States, said 64 percent of the respondents, in the spring of this year, when the White house has entered the trump, the level of support the USA was 49 per cent. According to sociologists, the rating of approval of the policy of Washington fell while reducing the credibility of the President. So, at the end of the term trusted Obama 64 percent of respondents in the first weeks of the presidency of the trump support only 22 percent of respondents. The level of distrust of the White house grew from 23 to 74 percent. The exceptions are Israel and Russia: in those countries the level of

Russia has developed a road map for solving the problem of North Korea

Igor Morgulov Moscow has developed a “road map” for solving the problem of North Korea and are ready to discuss it with partners. This was stated by RIA Novosti Deputy foreign Minister of Russia Igor Morgulov. The diplomat noted that the ultimate objective is “the formation in North-East Asia of lasting peace mechanism with the simultaneous decision of problems of the Korean Peninsula including its denuclearization”. Morgulov also noted that Pyongyang must be given security assurances that in the future will allow it to abandon its missile and nuclear programs. According to him, Moscow is promoting a similar initiative, acting “in coordination with the Chinese partners that are concerned with what is happening on the Korean Peninsula.” In early June, the UN security Council unanimously adopted a resolution expanding sanctions against North Korea for missile tests. The last launch was conducted on June 9, when North Korea tested several anti-ship