Israel responded with an air strike on a random fire from Syria

Aircraft of the Israeli air force struck at Syrian army positions in the Golan heights. On Friday, June 30, according to Haaretz. The RAID destroyed the mortar. Air operations were a response to the random shelling from the Syrian side that occurred in the area earlier on June 30. On the Israeli-controlled territory, nobody has suffered. The incident was the fourth such incident in the last week. On 27 June the Israeli air force in response to the shelling of the territory of the country, struck at the two objects of Hamas in the Gaza strip. Two similar incidents occurred on June 25. The Golan heights, for half a century controlled by Israel, is one of many disputed territories in the middle East. From 1944 to 1967, they belonged to Syria, then during the six day war were captured by the Jewish state and subsequently annexed. The UN Security Council

Canada will provide to the OPCW the money to investigate the use of chemical weapons in Syria

Chrystia Freeland The canadian government intends to allocate $ 2.5 million to the Organization for the prohibition of chemical weapons (OPCW) to investigate the use of chemical weapons in Syria. About it reported in a press-service of the government with reference to the statement of the foreign Ministry Christi Freeland. “This announcement reflects the continued support of the Syrian people from Canada (…). The use of chemical weapons is unacceptable. All those responsible should be held accountable for the incident,” — said the Minister of foreign Affairs. Freeland also added that Ottawa “strongly condemns the regime of [Syrian President Bashar] Assad for the use of 4 APR chemical weapons against women, men and children.” April 4, the Syrian opposition, said the forces loyal to President Bashar al-Assad, chemical weapons in Idlib province, resulting in 87 people were killed and over 200 injured. On the night of 7 April, the United

Lavrov denied that Russia is interested in the collapse of the European Union

Sergei Lavrov Russia is interested in a strong and United EU. This was stated on Friday, June 30, Russian foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov, speaking at the “Primako readings” in Moscow, the correspondent “reports”. Foreign Minister drew attention to the fact that in the EU the leaders of some countries say that the European Union is “imperfect and is about to disintegrate.” “We look at it all without any malice. We this pleasure is not exactly derived, but understand that you can’t influence what is happening in the EU. These processes, this fermentation must somehow calm down”, — concluded the foreign Minister. According to Lavrov, Russia expects that the EU will build its policy “on the basis of a balance of interests, not the opinions of Russophobic minority.” The crisis in relations between Moscow and Brussels occurred in the spring of 2014. Member States of the European Union have imposed

Briton sentenced to six months in prison for hitting a Muslim bacon in the face

Alex Chivers Court in London sentenced to six months in prison the British, struck a Muslim woman in the face with a piece of bacon. On Friday, June 30, reports The Independent. He must also pay the injured 115 pounds. According to police, on 8 June 36-year-old Alex Chivers approached a teenage girl and her mother dressed in traditional Muslim clothing, and called it “igilovskoy creature” (terrorist group “Islamic state”, banned in Russia). Then with the words “You deserve this” the man hit the girl in the face. It is noted that she was not injured, but was shocked. Chivers was detained six days after the incident. As the newspaper notes, the last time in London on 20 per cent increase in the number of crimes committed on the grounds of religious and racial hatred. Last year the number was 14 thousand, in 2017-m — 16,6 thousand crimes. In November

Lavrov hoped for pragmatism and realism in the negotiations Putin and trump

Sergei Lavrov Moscow hopes that during the meeting of presidents of Russia and USA Vladimir Putin and Donald trump in Hamburg at the G20 summit will be dominated by pragmatism and realism. This was stated by Russian foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov, speaking at the “Primako readings” in Moscow, the correspondent “reports”. According to the Minister, Moscow and Washington are much more effective will be able to ensure its national interests, if they work together, not separately. “We expect our presidents’ meeting in Hamburg, which was announced, will bring clarity to the question about the prospects of Russian-American cooperation”, — said the Minister, quoted by TASS. 29 Jun senior Advisor to the us leader’s national security, Herbert McMaster reported that the trump on the sidelines of the summit of “Big twenty” in Germany to meet with Putin. Earlier in the day, Russian presidential aide Yuri Ushakov said that among the

In Romania into the abyss fell the truck with soldiers

In Romania fell into the abyss truck in which there were 13 soldiers. It is reported by Agerpress. In the accident three people were killed, the others received injuries of varying severity. As stated by the defense Minister Adrian Zuzanu, the most injured soldiers in helicopters transported for treatment in Bucharest. On the scene working investigators who are investigating the accident. 19 APR India fell into the abyss of a passenger bus which was moving on a mountain road near the town of Nerva. The accident killed 44 of the 46 passengers. A day earlier, a similar accident occurred in the Philippine city Carranglan in the Central region of the country. The victims were 26 people.

In the immigration decree trump will appear exclusions for brides and grooms

The American authorities will allow the bride and groom of the six countries of the black list to enter the territory of the United States. On Friday, June 30, reports Reuters, citing a source in the state Department. Exception for entry into the country earlier it was done only for those in United States living parents, children, brothers or sisters, husbands or wives. It was noted that grandparents, grandchildren, nephews, uncles or aunts, cousins, brothers and sisters, and brides and grooms will not be considered close relatives. On June 26, the U.S. Supreme court allowed the President of the United States Donald Trump is partially to enact a decree banning the entry into the country to citizens of the six predominantly Muslim countries (Iran, Yemen, Libya, Syria, Somalia, and Sudan) and all, without exception for refugees. The document comes into force on 30 June. After a few days the government

Russia warned about terrorists in Syria provocation with chemical weapons

Terrorist groups in Syria are preparing a provocation using chemical weapons in the area of Deraa, by analogy with the situation in Idlib province in may this year. About it RIA Novosti reported with reference to informed diplomatic source. The Russian side on June 29 notified the US-led international coalition about the plans of terrorists to blow up some stuffed with toxic substances of shells in one of the districts of Deraa. “Provocation will be produced by analogy with the situation in Idlib province,” said the source, adding that the incident light will be attracted by professional journalists, and the “chemical attack” will be broadcast through the media and social networks. The Agency says that, according to information received from reliable sources in the military-political leadership of Syria, the impetus for the preparation of provocations in the area of Nova Jassim angel was warning Washington about the “catastrophic” for Damascus,

The state Department accused Syria of reneging on the commitments for the prohibition of chemical weapons

The state Department accused the Syrian government of using chemical weapons. This is stated in the statement, the text of which is published on the website of the American dipvedomstva. The organization for the prohibition of chemical weapons (OPCW) issued on the eve of the report, which put the Syrian government forces responsible for using sarin gas or similar in the city of Khan shaykhun on 4 April. “The facts reflect despicable and dangerous use of chemical weapons by the Assad regime. By continuing to use chemical weapons, Damascus, due to the inability to completely destroy its chemical weapons program, continues not to comply with their legal obligations in accordance with the chemical weapons Convention and of resolution 2118 of the UN Security Council. The Pentagon reported on the preparation by the government of new Syrian chemical attack on June 26. Any evidence of these words was not provided. Later,

The white house has estimated the number of fake news about trump and Russia

Sarah Sanders Assistant press Secretary of the White house Sarah Sanders in the briefing lashed out at journalists, blaming them of spreading false news about Russia. Transcript of its communication with reporters is published on the website of the presidential administration. “I think the President would like, so we focused more on the legislative agenda. Look at the mainstream media and what they were covering in may and June they spent one minute on the evening news on tax reform, three minutes on the infrastructure, five minutes on the economy and the issue of jobs, 17 minutes on health and 353 minutes in 70 times more on the attacks on the President and a false history about Russia,” said Sanders. — “It figures, you guys, the numbers don’t lie”. Russia has repeatedly accused of meddling in the US presidential election with the help of hackers. American journalists and officials asserted