The New York Post dedicated to Trump an article of the three words

Archive photo The New York Post published an article about the activity of Donald trump on Twitter, consisting of only three words. — Maggie Coughlan (@MaggieCoughlan) 30 June 2017, 12:50 “Stop. Just stop”, — stated in the material. Also, the publication on its website posted a link to an article which deals with his recent tweet in which he insulted the staff of the channel to MSNBC Mika Brzezinski and Joe Scarborough. — Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) On 29 June 2017, 12:52 — Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) On 29 June 2017, 12:58 Messages trump called Brzezinski “crazy”, Scarborough “psychopath”. He also walked around the exterior of the journalist, wrote that her face “was bleeding after braces”.

The minimum wage for Russians increased by 300 rubles

In Russia from 1 July 2017 will come into force amendments to the law “About the minimum wage”, in which the level of the minimum wage is increased from 7500 to 7800 rubles, reports TASS. As stated by Deputy Prime Minister Olga Golodets, the salary at the level of the minimum wage in Russia get 4.9 million. 16 may Prime Minister of Russia Dmitry Medvedev said that in the next two years the increased minimum wage will be raised to the subsistence level, which in the first quarter of 2017 is 9909 rubles. In early may, Medvedev instructed the Ministry of labor, Ministry of Finance and economic development ministries to prepare a draft Federal law to increase the minimum wage to the subsistence level of workers. According to the head of Ministry of labor Maxim Topilin, the approach of the minimum wage to the regional subsistence minimum, you must provide

American aircraft carried out reconnaissance at Russian base in Tartus

U.S. military aircraft on Friday, 30 June, made another reconnaissance flight near the Russian naval base in Syrian Tartus. This is with reference to these sites, tracking movement of military aircraft, reports “Interfax”. It is noted that the patrol anti-submarine aircraft of the U.S. Navy P-8 Poseidon with the hull number 168852, taking off from Sigonella airbase in Sicily, flying to the coast of Syria and standing in a circle, has long hovered near the Russian base in the port of Tartus, being from it at distance of 40 kilometers. In addition, in the Eastern Mediterranean near the Syrian coast on Friday, was recorded flying strategic reconnaissance aircraft the U.S. air force RC-135V, which has a Board room 64-14841. June 29 American strategic reconnaissance plane flew near the coast of Syria and the Russian naval base in the port of Tartus. Boeing RC-135U USAF tail number and call sign 64-14847

Marine Le Pen was the defendant in a criminal case

Marine Le Pen The leader of the extreme right French party “national front” marine Le Pen was the defendant in a criminal case. About it reports The Guardian. Policy suspect in the embezzlement of European Union funds — according to investigators, she spent the money of the interstate Association on the services of a workers party in France, which is prohibited by the terms of the allocation of this money. The Le Pen has rejected the charges and called them political persecution. It is clarified that all such investigations are conducted against 17 members of the “National front”. In France the formal involvement as a suspect means that investigators have solid evidence of guilt, but the case may not be brought to court

Trump expressed an unwillingness to tolerate more nuclear and missile development of the DPRK

Donald Trump The era of “strategic patience” of the United States against North Korea over. This was stated on Friday, June 30, the us President Donald trump, reports CNN. The head of state noted that the DPRK authorities “don’t care about the safety of its citizens, and residents of neighboring States that do not respect human life.” According to the White house, Washington begins to implement a “range of measures in the areas of diplomacy, security and economy” in order to achieve the cessation of nuclear and missile development of the DPRK. The us leader also urged countries to join the sanctions against Pyongyang, according to RIA Novosti. He added that the US is closely cooperating with South Korea, Japan and other partners on a range of diplomatic, economic measures and measures in the field of security. The President noted that this is done in order to “protect U.S. citizens

The shipwreck in the Mediterranean sea was missing about 60 migrants

About 60 migrants missing in a shipwreck in the Mediterranean sea. This was stated by the official representative of the International organization for migration (IOM), Flavio di Giacomo, reports Daily Sabah. In his microblog, he said that 80 survivors arrived in the Italian port of Brindisi. All on Board were about 140 people. According to Giacomo, the boat that sailed the refugees capsized. The ship sailed from the shores of North Africa and after a few hours began to sink. According to IOM, since the beginning of this year while trying to cross the Mediterranean sea to reach Europe, killing 2169 people.

The British foreign Ministry has urged Moscow to establish customers of murder of Nemtsov

The Ministry of foreign Affairs of great Britain has urged the Russian authorities to establish and bring to justice the instigators of the murder of Boris Nemtsov. The corresponding statement was published on the website of the foreign Ministry on Friday, June 30. “The foreign Ministry supports a family of Boris Nemtsov in their calls for full investigation relatively customers of his murder”, — stated in a press release. Also, the foreign office stressed that the responsibility for the crime are not only located at the dock. On 29 June, the jury in the Moscow district military court convicted all the five defendants on the episode about the murder of a politician. In the opinion of the Board, the crime was committed Zaur Dadaev together with Anzor and Shadid Gubarevym, Temirlan by Eskerhanova Khamzat by Bakievym and the person against whom the criminal case was terminated in connection with his

The state Department welcomed the verdict Nemtsov killers

The U.S. state Department is satisfied with the verdict of the killers of Russian politician Boris Nemtsov. It is stated in the document on the website of the American guardian. “We welcome the news that the five are responsible for the murder of Boris Nemtsov the person was convicted. We again urge the Russian government to ensure that all involved in the murder of a person — including the organizers — will suffer a just punishment,” — said in a statement. The state Department also notes that with the death of Nemtsov, Russia has lost a champion of democracy and human rights. “Boris Nemtsov is no more, however, his Patriotic spirit lives in Russian people — both young and old people — those who seek to build a democratic, prosperous and open Russia”, — sums up the authors. At the trial in the Moscow district military court on June 29,

The Russian foreign Ministry questioned the objectivity of the report of the OPCW on the chemical attack in Syria

The Russian foreign Ministry called questionable data underlying the report of the technical Secretariat of the Organisation for the prohibition of chemical weapons (OPCW) on the incident in the Syrian Khan Sheyhun (Idlib) in April. This is stated in comments posted on the foreign Ministry website. The document States that the evidence used in the conclusion of the OPCW obtained from Syrian opposition or non-governmental organizations. Their employees were not at the scene, and were in a “neighboring country”. “It is not surprising that the contents of the report of the special mission of the OPCW is largely biased, which suggests the presence in this structure of the political order”, — reads the statement of the foreign Ministry. June 29, the Russian diplomatic source said that the current in Syria, terrorist groups are preparing a provocation using chemical weapons in the area of Deraa, by analogy with the situation in

Analysts have predicted the collapse of the “Caliphate” of ISIS to the end of the year

Three years after the proclamation of the “Caliphate” by the leader of the terrorist organization “Islamic state” (IG, is prohibited in Russia), the group has lost more than 60 percent of the territory, which was controlled initially, and about 80 percent of the revenue. In this regard, the researchers predict a collapse of the organization until the end of the year. This is evidenced by the research of the analytical company IHS, Markit, published on Thursday, June 29. By 26 June of this year ISIS controlled 36 200 square kilometers, which is comparable with the territory of Belgium or the U.S. state of Maryland. It is 40 percent less than at the beginning of 2017, and 60 per cent lower than in January 2015, when for the first time estimated the territory of the “Islamic state” spread to 90,8 thousand square kilometers in Syria and Iraq. “Three years after the