Slutskaya called the benefits of the work of athletes in politics

Former figure skater Irina Slutskaya thought that athletes could work in the State Duma athletes in politics. The athlete considered that any person for whom the voters voted for can work in the State Duma, because he received a higher education and understands many issues. In her opinion, the skills and abilities of former athletes will help them in politics. At the same time, the former figure skater emphasized that she herself was not ready to engage in this type of activity. In January of this year, the four-time Olympic champion Alexander Tikhonov urged to expel athletes from the State Duma. He said that athletes have no place in politics, and expressed his conviction that they occupy other people's places and do not solve important issues. Among the former athletes sitting in the State Duma are Vladislav Tretyak, Vyacheslav Fetisov, Irina Rodnina, Svetlana Zhurova, Anton Shipulin and Nikolay Valuev.

A prisoner died in a Russian pre-trial detention center

The body of a deceased Russian prisoner was found in the Zlatoust SIZO In the Chelyabinsk region, investigators are checking after the death of a prisoner. On Monday, November 22, URA.RU reports. According to the agency, the dead Russian was found in one of the cells of the remand prison (SIZO) No. 4 in the city of Zlatoust. The man had several convictions for various crimes. According to preliminary data, the death of the prisoner could have been suicide. On October 20, it was reported that a convict had his head cut off in the correctional colony (IK-10) of the Perm Territory.

Russians spent non-working days on entertainment

The financial turnover of entertainment companies grew by 16 percent on non-working days on the introduction of QR codes for visiting leisure places in many regions. This is evidenced by the research data of the Tinkoff CoronaIndex analytical project, which came to the disposal of From October 28 to November 7, the financial turnover of entertainment companies (tourist attractions, botanical gardens, shows, museums and others) increased by 16 percent. Also, Russians ordered food from fast food restaurants more and more often. The number of online orders from fast food enterprises increased by 20 percent, the number of transactions – by 10 percent, and the average check – by nine percent. Cafes and restaurants lost some of their customers – online orders fell by 14 percent, transactions – by 16 percent. The turnover of postal companies and courier services increased by 35 percent, medical institutions – by 117 percent. During

Place and time of farewell to Nina Ruslanova revealed

Farewell to Nina Ruslanova will be held at the Central House of Cinematographers on November 24 A farewell ceremony with People's Artist of Russia Nina Ruslanova will be held at the Moscow House of Cinematographers November 24. This is reported by TASS. The funeral event will begin at 11:00 in the foyer of the Great Hall. It is noted that the actress will be buried at the Troekurovsky cemetery. The death of Ruslanova became known on November 21. The star spent the last ten days in the hospital, where she got with the coronavirus. The actress was diagnosed with respiratory failure of the first or second degree. She was 75 years old. Nina Ruslanova starred in films such as “My Love”, “Don't Shoot White Swans”, “Afonya”, “Shadows Disappear at Noon”, “Be My Husband” and “Heart of a dog.”

State tests of the Russian “Armata” will be completed in 2022

Head of GABTU Shestakov: the completion of tests of the T-14 tank is scheduled for 2022 The completion of state tests of the Russian T-14 “Armata” tank is planned for 2022. This was announced by the acting head of the Main Armored Directorate (GABTU) of the Russian Ministry of Defense, Major General Alexander Shestakov. The words of the military are quoted by the newspaper Krasnaya Zvezda. “Every year at the Army forum, samples of the T-14 tank, the T-15 infantry fighting vehicle and the T-16 armored recovery vehicle, which are created within the framework of project “Armata”. This year, he went, as they say, to the home stretch. The completion of its state tests is scheduled for 2022, “Shestakov said. The head of the GABTU also noted that modern armored personnel carriers and infantry fighting vehicles are universal models of equipment. He stressed that modern combat vehicles should not only

Peskov's daughter stood up for her brother after a post with a reaction to the death of a blogger in an accident

Peskov's daughter confirmed that her brother Mika took a screenshot of the fatal traffic accident in Moscow -year-old brother Miku after his post on social networks, where he reacted to a fatal traffic accident in Moscow, in which blogger Said Gubdensky died. The girl in her Instagram account confirmed that her brother took a screenshot of someone else's post. “He wanted to show that many people do not learn anything from such situations. Yes, it was necessary to indicate that this is a screen, “wrote the daughter of the press secretary of the President of Russia. She explained that their parents raised them so that those around them would not think that they were” brainless representatives of golden youth. ” Peskova is sure that her brother would never have written such a story, realizing that his every step is closely watched by the media. Earlier it was reported that Mika

35 681 cases of coronavirus detected in Russia

In Russia, 35,681 new cases of coronavirus were detected per day 35,681 new cases of coronavirus were detected in Russia per day. Thus, the total number of infections in the country since the beginning of the pandemic was 9 366 839. This was reported on the website of the headquarters for infection control on Monday, November 22. A day earlier, 36 970 infections were recorded in the country.

Embassy of Ukraine congratulated Latvia on Independence Day with a song about Bandera

The Ukrainian Embassy congratulated Latvia on Independence Day with the song “Our Old Man Bandera” Bandera “dedicated to the ideologue of Ukrainian nationalism Stepan Bandera. This was announced on his Telegram channel by the journalist of the Rossiya Segodny media group Alexei Stefanov. In the published video, the diplomatic workers lined up and, after the operator's command, began to sing the first verse of the song. At the end October, a flash mob with a song about Bandera was launched by Ukrainian tiktokers. Videos began to circulate on social networks in which teenagers in different places and situations perform this composition. During the Second World War, Stepan Bandera headed the Organization of Ukrainian Nationalists, which collaborated with the Nazis (OUN, banned in Russia) . Under his leadership, the radicals carried out ethnic cleansing of Poles, Russians, Jews and Gypsies on the territory of Ukraine, and also participated in anti-partisan operations

The Russian region is named the leader in terms of salaries

RIA Novosti: Chukotka has become the leader in the share of highly paid specialists in the Russian Federation Every tenth employee in 13 Russian regions receives more than 100 thousand rubles , the northern territories became the leaders in the share of highly paid specialists. RIA Novosti writes about this. Over the past year, the share of highly paid workers has grown by 0.9 percentage points. The experts named Chukotka the leader in terms of wages, where over 46 percent of employees receive 100 thousand rubles or more. On the second line is the Yamalo-Nenets Okrug with an indicator of 40.5 percent. Then comes the Magadan Region (32.1 percent), the Nenets Autonomous Okrug and Moscow (where 30 percent of employees can be called highly paid). In four regions (Sakhalin Oblast, Kamchatka, Khanty-Mansiysk Autonomous Okrug and Yakutia), the share of employees with a salary of more than 100 thousand rubles exceeds

Military historian explained the use of Javelin missile systems in Donbass

Military historian Yulin: The United States provides direct military assistance to Ukraine Javelin missile systems are very expensive, not every state can afford to purchase them , their use suggests that the United States is providing direct military assistance to Ukraine, the military historian Boris Yulin is sure. In a conversation with, he added that this also indicates that Ukraine is ignoring even a formal truce with Donbass. Ukraine for the first time used American Javelin missile systems in Donbass, the head of the Main of the Intelligence Directorate (GUR) of the Ministry of Defense of Ukraine Kirill Budanov. Yulin explained that Javelin is a new generation anti-tank man-portable missile system that allows increasing the survival rate of crews. “It works according to the principle“ fired – forgot. ” If earlier it was required to direct the marker at the target, to carry out careful calculations, then here it