The Russians were asked not to be afraid of the “raids” of the tax on transfers from card to card

Head of the Federal Tax Service Yegorov: the department does not plan to make “forays” on transfers from card to card Tax control in Russia applies to transfers from cards at stake between individuals, but the authorities are trying to do without “raids” so as not to bring down business activity. The head of the Federal Tax Service (FTS) Daniil Egorov told RBC about this in an interview. According to him, the transfer system is of great value as an alternative to cash payments, that is, at the state level, non-cash payments look like a priority method of transferring money. This means that it is necessary to prevent a decrease in their share. Egorov noted that the demand for cash is primarily associated with microbusiness, for medium and large businesses this method of calculations is not of interest. We are talking about small sellers of goods or household services, such

Myasnikov appreciated the idea of ​​banning the nationality of criminals from being indicated in the media

Dr. Myasnikov: the ban on indicating the nationality of the attacker has weaknesses the nationality of the criminals. In a post on Telegram, the doctor wrote that the draft law on specifying the nationality of attackers has many strengths, but there are also weaknesses. “We all know for sure:“ criminals have no nationality, ”“ everyone is equal before the law, ”“ there is no need to incite ethnic hatred, ”and so on. I completely agree with this, ”said the TV presenter. The doctor added that if he were asked to express unambiguously for this idea or against it, he would choose the first option. The doctor noted that there are stable national diasporas in Russia that have a strong influence on their representatives. Such groups, Myasnikov considered, are the least interested in the illegal acts of their members and damage to the reputation of the rest of their representatives. “Look

Young people wanted to get rich on cryptocurrencies

Engine Insights: 59% of Gen Zers wanted to get rich on crypto Most young US investors are confident they can get rich on crypto. According to a study by Engine Insights, 59 percent of Gen Z (born 1997 to 2012) and 46 percent of millennials (born from 1981 to 1996) wanted to become millionaires thanks to digital assets. This trust in cryptocurrencies among the younger generation was explained by Katie Sheehan, vice president of the Cassandra division at Engine Insights. “This generation is comfortable with everything related to digital technology, so it is not surprising that they are more comfortable working with cryptocurrency,” Sheehan told Insider. The vice president also noted that young people are very concerned about debt and finance. This could be due to a number of factors, including rising property prices and higher education, she said. Sheehan stressed that the highest inflation rate in the last 30

The lawyer spoke about the pros and cons of refusing to declare 3-NDFL

Lawyer Andreev: you will have to pay for avoiding the 3-NDFL declaration by refusing to confidentiality Lawyer, tax lawyer Viktor Andreev told Lenta. ru ”that the refusal from the income tax return in the form of 3-NDFL has its pluses and minuses. Earlier, the head of the Federal Tax Service (FTS), Daniil Egorov, told RBC that the department plans to abandon this document, popular in Russia, by automating the system by 2024. The main advantage of such a solution is convenience, Andreev said. “Our citizens are not very literate from a legal point of view. Of course, if they do everything for them, everyone will count, and they will only need to click the “Submit tax deduction” button, or maybe they will not need to do this, they will certainly be pleased and comfortable, “the lawyer believes. “But you will have to pay for this by completely rejecting the confidentiality

Teenager who shot dead two protesters in the United States expresses support for the BLM movement

Fox News: American Rittenhouse who shot dead BLM protesters said he was not a racist , Wisconsin teenager Kyle Rittenhouse expressed support for the Black Lives Matter (BLM) movement and said he was not racist. The American announced this on Fox News. Related materials 00:01 – November 6 “Whites are not culture!” How has the fight against racism in the United States led to harassment and divisions in society? 00:01 – November 16 “They make scapegoats of whites” How the fight against racism is splitting America and leading it to civil war? “Race has nothing to do with it … this is about the right to self-defense. I'm not a racist. I support the BLM movement, I support peaceful demonstrations, ”he said. On August 26, 2020, a video filmed by an eyewitness was published, where a crowd of rioters pursues 17-year-old Kyle Rittenhouse, armed with a semi-automatic rifle. At some

The minimum cost of renting an apartment in Moscow has been disclosed

“INKOM-Real Estate”: the minimum rental rate in Moscow has reached 30 thousand per month As of November 2021, the minimum rental rate apartments in Moscow have reached 30 thousand rubles a month. The cost of the cheapest rental housing in the capital was disclosed by INKOM-Nedvizhimost analysts, Interfax reports. According to experts, the most affordable one-room apartment with an area of ​​36 square meters in the Golovinsky district, near the metro station Water stadium “. For housing on the 12th floor in a 16-storey building, tenants will have to pay 30 thousand a month. The next one in the ranking of budget Moscow apartments is a one-bedroom apartment on the sixth floor of a ten-story panel building, eight minutes walk from the Buninskaya Alley metro station “- you can rent such an object for 33 thousand rubles a month. The same amount will have to be paid for a two-room

Jackal attacked 40 villagers and maimed eight people

Villagers killed a jackal who attacked 40 people in the Indian district of Katihar In the Indian district of Katihar, a jackal attacked 40 people them and was killed by local residents. This is reported by the Hindustan Times. Over the past week, residents of five villages in the county have survived a jackal attack. Children, women and men were injured, eight of them were seriously injured. According to Afsar Alam, the beast attacked him while he was working on the farm. Another resident ran into a jackal in a rice field and was hospitalized after the attack. Alarmed Indians were on duty day and night, trying to track down the beast and prevent its attacks. On Sunday, November 21, villagers managed to catch a jackal and kill him. Environmentalist Sumit Anand commented on the incident and expressed concern about the killing of a wild animal. “After deforestation, wild animals

In the Russian region, they announced the absence of deaths from COVID-19 among the vaccinated

In the Sverdlovsk Region, no deaths from coronavirus were recorded among those vaccinated This was announced on Monday, November 22, by the chief sanitary doctor of the Russian region Dmitry Kozlovskikh at a briefing on measures to counter the spread of infection. A recording of his speech was published in a group of local authorities on VKontakte. “We do not have information on deaths from coronavirus infection in vaccinated people,” he said and clarified that there are isolated cases when vaccinated people died from severe concomitant diseases. The head of the local department of Rospotrebnadzor also noted that they are being studied by the commissions of the Ministry of Health. Earlier, Kozlovskikh said that in the Sverdlovsk region over a month there was a decrease in the increase in the incidence of COVID-19 by more than 120 times. According to him, a positive trend has been observed in the region

In Belarus, a Russian was put on trial for calls to seize power on Telegram

The prosecutor's office of Minsk sent the case of a 21-year-old Russian to the court about calls for the seizure of power accused of calling for the seizure of power in Belarus. A Russian citizen is charged with inciting social hatred and harming the country's national security, according to the website of the Belarusian prosecutor's office. According to the Belarusian security officials, 21-year-old Russian D. has committed illegal actions on Telegram. He posted at least 55 voice messages calling for the seizure of state power in Belarus. In addition, the young man “incited social discord and enmity on a professional basis” and “formed a negative image of representatives of the authorities.” Related materials 12:44 – September 10 ” We can quickly resolve all issues “Lukashenka agreed to integrate with Russia. What will the Union State be like? 10: 31 – November 18 “You are one of those who whip up