The Foreign Ministry assessed the media publications on Russia's preparations for the invasion of Ukraine

Zakharova: media publications about Russia's impending invasion of Ukraine are a mythologeme Ukraine, using for this the crisis with migrants on the Polish-Belarusian border, is another mythologeme. This is how the official representative of the Russian Foreign Ministry Maria Zakharova assessed such messages, RIA Novosti reports. “This should be treated like that. There are facts – show it, show it, we'll talk. If not, then it’s time to work on the mistakes on those nonexistent stories that have been wandering in the pages of the Western press for seven years with regard to Ukraine, ”Zakharova said. She recalled that earlier in Western publications Doubtful materials have been circulated repeatedly, saying that Russia is allegedly building tunnels leading to southeastern Ukraine, and is transferring its tanks there under the guise of humanitarian convoys. Earlier in November, The New York Times, citing American and European officials said that Russia was allegedly ready

Natalia Oreiro wanted to record a duet with Volochkova and Buzova

Natalia Oreiro praised the performances of Olga Buzova and Anastasia Volochkova Buzovoy. She announced this on the air of the NTV channel, a recording of which was published on YouTube. Oreiro showed videos with the participation of Russian artists, and she praised their performances. In addition, she appreciated the dances of Nikita Dzhigurda on Red Square. When the star was shown a video with Philip Kirkorov, she said that she knew him, as she performed with him at a music festival. “Since now we women need to unite and show solidarity, I would really like to sing with Anastasia or Olga, “Oreiro said. On November 21, it became known that Oreiro, who received Russian citizenship, was vaccinated against the coronavirus with the Sputnik V vaccine. She stressed that in the future she does not plan to use other drugs for vaccination, except for the Russian one. Previously, actors Gerard Depardieu

Christina Aguilera's breasts have become a topic of discussion on the network

Christina Aguilera attends the Latin Grammy in a Vivienne Westwood gown with American singer Christina Aguilera attends the 2021 Latin Grammy Awards dress with a deep cut. Photos of her are published by the Daily Mail. The 40-year-old celebrity appeared at an event in Las Vegas in a custom-made Vivienne Westwood velvet maxi dress, which is decorated with long vinyl lantern sleeves and a semicircular neckline. She also wore sandals, a cross necklace and some rings. In addition, Aguilera's face was brightly colored. Aguilera's breasts became a topic of discussion among netizens, whose comments appeared under the material. “She was a natural beauty with small breasts. These implants are too big for her figure “,” Why do her implants look square? ” Hayek also caught the attention of users. The 55-year-old actress attended the premiere of The House of Gucci in a Gucci suit, which was a blue velvet top

Repair of all water pipelines in Russia was estimated at trillions of rubles

IUE: Replacement of water supply networks in Russia is estimated at almost 3.2 trillion rubles Experts of the Institute for Urban Economics it is estimated that the repair of the entire water supply system in Russia will require investments of almost 3.2 trillion rubles. Analysts shared their assessment in the study, TASS reports. According to analysts, the need for such investments reaches about 731 percent of the costs of water supply and sewerage enterprises. With regard to the replacement of sewerage systems, the figure is estimated at 146 percent – they need 638 billion rubles. The values ​​were identified based on their comparison with the expenses of enterprises in 2019, when the amount of expenses amounted to 436.7 billion rubles with revenues of 425.9 billion rubles. Experts noted that water supply and sewerage enterprises in the country are considered unprofitable. Basically, their expenses for improving the state of water supply

The admiral announced the death of the Kursk submarine due to the human factor

Vice-Admiral Borisov said that the human factor led to the death of the Kursk submarine Former Chairman of the Special Purpose Underwater Works Committee , vice-admiral of the reserve of the Russian Navy, doctor of technical sciences and professor Tengiz Borisov told “” that the human factor led to the death of the nuclear submarine (nuclear submarine) “Kursk”. Earlier, the ex-commander of the Northern Fleet, Admiral Vyacheslav Popov, told RIA Novosti that the disaster was due to a collision with a NATO submarine. According to Borisov, the first pop happened due to an oversight of the personnel, when hydrogen accumulated in the nose compartment – this was caused by non-observance of safety measures and rules for operating the battery. “The first cotton was light, it did not damage the submarine, but in the first compartment everyone died and a fire started. The boat continued to sail at periscope depth, practically

The Kremlin reacted to the admiral's version of the death of the Kursk submarine

The Kremlin does not comment on the version of the destruction of the Kursk nuclear submarine due to a collision with a NATO submarine submarine (nuclear submarine) K-141 “Kursk” due to a collision with a NATO submarine. So the version of the ex-commander of the Northern Fleet, Admiral Vyacheslav Popov, was reacted by the Kremlin's official representative Dmitry Peskov, TASS reports. He stressed that the investigation had come to a final conclusion about the reasons for the incident. “We leave it (the new version of the incident – approx.” “) leave absolutely no comment,” the press secretary concluded. Previously, the former chief of the General Staff of the Military of the Russian Navy, Admiral Viktor Kravchenko noted that indirect signs confirm Popov's version. So, the government commission claims that the official version of the death was the explosion of a steam-gas torpedo, which led to detonation. According to Kravchenko,

The West has promised to help Ukraine in the event of a Russian offensive

Western countries assured the NSDC secretary that they would help Ukraine in the event of a war with Russia Western countries promised to provide assistance to Ukraine in the event of a military offensive by Russia , said the secretary of the National Security and Defense Council (NSDC) of the republic, Alexei Danilov. This was announced on Monday, November 22, Ukrinform reports. Danilov said that during the International Security Forum in Halifax he met with the Canadian Defense Minister, several US senators, officials from other partner countries of Ukraine. “It's no secret that we exchange intelligence information, so almost everyone understands what's going on. The only thing that remains unknown is whether Putin will attack, and if so, when. However, we must be ready in any case, and our partners have assured us that they will help Ukraine as much as possible in the event of the arrival of the

The Kremlin appreciated the use of QR codes in transport in Tatarstan

Peskov: the use of QR codes in transport in Tatarstan could not do without problems the day could not do without problems, but such a measure will help preserve the health of citizens. This is how the press secretary of the Russian president Dmitry Peskov assessed the situation, he is quoted by TASS. “Of course, such decisions cannot be implemented without certain problems at the initial stage, but we hope that the situation will soon level out,” said the official Kremlin. He noted that the only goal pursued by the authorities is “to ensure the safety of people's health.” Over the morning of Monday, November 22, more than 500 people were dropped off from public transport in Kazan due to the lack of QR codes. The presentation of digital passes also made it difficult to board the metro, due to the Russian who refused to show the document, tram routes