Poland blames Russia for European inflation

Polish Prime Minister Morawiecki: inflation in Europe has come because of Russia Polish Prime Minister Mateusz Morawiecki said Europe came because of the actions of the Russian energy company Gazprom and the Russian authorities, as well as because of the construction of the Nord Stream 2 gas pipeline. His words are reported by RIA Novosti. According to Eurostat, annual inflation in the eurozone in October rose to a record 4.1 percent for the first time since July 2008. A month earlier, the figure was 3.4 percent. Moravetsky explained that such a strong inflation in European countries was caused by the rise in prices for energy resources, in particular gas, and accused the Russian supplier Gazprom of inflating prices. “Today we are faced with a situation where in most European countries inflation is historically high compared to the last 20-30 years. And Gazprom and Russia are responsible for the high energy

Dr. Myasnikov warned of the deadly danger of taking certain drugs

Doctor Myasnikov: blood thinners for mild COVID-19 are deadly “On the channel” Russia 1 “warned of the mortal danger of taking certain drugs for a mild form of coronavirus. The release is available on YouTube. According to the TV presenter, in most cases, patients infected with COVID-19 are prescribed blood thinning drugs. Myasnikov said that these drugs are required only for severe cases of coronavirus. If a person's disease is mild, then these drugs can be deadly, the doctor said. “All Western medical manuals say:“ Even if you gave blood-thinning drugs in the hospital, you take them off when you are discharged “. A blood thinning drug can kill! ” – emphasized Myasnikov. He clarified that this group of drugs, if taken incorrectly, can provoke gastrointestinal bleeding or cerebral hemorrhage. “Remember: covid-ARI, which we treat on an outpatient basis, does not require antibiotics, does not require blood thinners. Here you

The girl found a treasure from the Bronze Age and aroused the envy of archaeologists

A 13-year-old schoolgirl went to look for treasures and found a treasure from the Bronze Age A young treasure hunter from the English town of Mildenhall, our Suffall county ax from the Bronze Age and aroused the envy of competitors. This is reported by The Sun. 13-year-old schoolgirl Millie Hardwicke, along with her 51-year-old father Colin, was carried away by the search for treasures. “Every time I go looking for a treasure, I find something. I found a gilded button and a Queen Elizabeth coin. I like it when, after a few hours in the field, I suddenly hear a metal detector signal. It can be literally anything, “said the girl. Related materials00:03 – February 21, 2020 Bloody treasures The largest treasure in history has killed dozens of people. But they still look for him00: 01 – March 29, 2018 “I won't stop until I dig it” Behind a huge

Alibasov's son commented on the fire in the apartment of the singer Khlebnikova

Bari Alibasov Jr.: singer Marina Khlebnikova was depressed and did not want to live Bari Alibasov Jr. musician Bari Alibasov, believes that the fire in the apartment of the singer Marina Khlebnikova was not accidental. He expressed this opinion in an interview with Teleprogramma.pro. As noted by Alibasov Jr., Khlebnikova is in critical condition after a fire that happened in her apartment on November 18. “It doesn't matter if she was intoxicated or not, it is important that she regains consciousness as soon as possible,” emphasized the son of the famous producer, expressing a desire to visit the star in the hospital as soon as they begin to let visitors to her. Materials on topic11: 02 – 19 November Marina Khlebnikova fell into a coma after a fire in the apartment. The singer has burns 50 percent of her body, she is in intensive care11: 35 – October 26 The

The stylist called clothes “cheapening” the appearance of a woman

The blogger recommended removing cheap-looking shoes and bags with scratches from the wardrobe London stylist Anna Bey which “reduce the cost” of a woman's appearance. The corresponding video appeared on her YouTube channel, which has over a million subscribers. First of all, Anna Bey advised spectators to wear neutral underwear under light-colored items made of translucent fabrics such as silk or thin cotton … “It is better to buy sleek sets, because the outlines of lace on the fabric make the look less stylish,” she said. In addition, the blogger recommended learning how to correctly combine different colors in an outfit. According to her, if a wardrobe item contains a print, it is necessary to select the rest of the clothes, relying on the shade of the pattern. “Do not be afraid to experiment with color, but do not overdo it, otherwise you will look like a clown,” Bey explained.

Mosbirzhi index suffered its worst fall in a year and a half

The Moscow Exchange Index fell 3.58 percent for the first time since April 15, 2020 The Moscow Exchange Index survived worst drop in a year and a half. The index dropped to 3872.77 points (minus 3.58 percent). The last time the fall by the end of the day exceeded 3.48 percent on April 15, 2020 (then the index fell immediately by 5.27 percent). The RTS index also dropped significantly, losing 5.55 percent at once (amounted to 1628.10 points). All 15 blue chips ended the day in the red. The largest drop was shown by Yandex (minus 7.12 percent, to 5444 rubles per share), TCS Group (minus 6.55 percent, to 6629.4 rubles) and Polyus (minus 5.43 percent, to 14,940, 5 rubles). The exchange rate of the ruble has also fallen in price. For the dollar they gave 74.89 rubles (plus 1.41 rubles), for the euro – 84.24 rubles (plus 1.3 rubles).

Lukashenko explained Britain's exit from the EU by Trump's order

President of Belarus Lukashenko: Americans told Britain to leave the European Union President of Belarus Alexander Lukashenko in an interview with the BBC explained Britain's withdrawal from the European Union ( EU) by order of former American leader Donald Trump. Lukashenko said that he is building a Union State with Russia in the same way that Britain is with the United States. To the journalist's remark that the United States and Britain do not have a Union State, the Belarusian leader replied: “It will. You have more than a union state. The Americans told you to leave the European Union, Trump said you left. ” When asked where there is evidence of this, Lukashenko said that there is evidence of mass protests in Minsk. Earlier, Lukashenko assured that he was not discussing with his Russian counterpart Vladimir Putin the issue of a single president of the Union State. According to

Russian synchronized swimmer appreciated the emergence of transgender people in sports

Russian synchronized swimmer Varvara Subbotina on transgender people in sports: this is wrong Transgender people should not participate in sports with men or women. Such an assessment of the appearance of such athletes was given by the Russian synchronized swimmer Varvara Subbotina, whose words are quoted by Sport-Express. According to her, it is worth creating a separate category for transgender people. “Girls have to compete with girls, boys with boys. Or do you want to mix everyone up and make a total porridge? Yes, everyone has the right to be whoever he wants. But not in sports, “Subbotina said. The athlete also called the admission of New Zealand weightlifter Laurel Hubbard to the Olympic Games in Tokyo wrong, and was also shocked by the recognition of her as the athlete of the year in the country. “It’s good that this will not happen in Russia in the near future,” added

Lukashenko assesses his presidential rating at 90 percent

President of Belarus Lukashenko announced support for his actions by 90 percent of Belarusians President of Belarus Alexander Lukashenko estimated his presidential rating in the country at 87-90 percent. Lukashenka cited these figures in an interview with the BBC. Lukashenka named the data based on the results of voting in the presidential elections in August 2020. According to the Central Election Commission of Belarus, Lukashenka won with a score of 80.1 percent. According to the president's assumption, people have become even more supportive of his actions after the end of the protests that swept the country after the announcement of the results of those elections. Related materials00: 01 – 14 August 2019 While Lukashenko talks about friendship with Russia, Belarusians are fined for the Russian language 00:02 – July 14 “He called himself the savior of Europe” Lithuania swept over a stream of refugees. What awaits the EU and how