A new way to cope with diabetes revealed

University of Connecticut scientists have developed a drug to treat diabetes The research findings, published by the University of Connecticut in the journal Cell Metabolism, will help develop new treatments for various metabolic diseases. The scientific work is briefly described in a press release on MedicalXpress. The body is constantly renewing cells, but sometimes this mechanism fails. As a result, senescent or senescent cells accumulate in the tissues, which influence their environment by producing defective signaling molecules. As a result, surrounding cells may be less able to absorb nutrients such as sugar, causing a pre-diabetic state. Scientists have developed and tested combinations of experimental drugs: dasatinib and quercetin. Dasatinib and quercetin have already been shown to prolong lifespan and improve health in aged mice. According to the findings, these drugs can cope with senescent cells in human adipose tissue cultures. Adipose tissue cells were also injected into mice, in which

Potential Country for US Nuclear Weapons Deployment in Eastern Europe Named

Political scientist Vadim Kozyulin: Poland has more chances of getting American nuclear weapons US nuclear weapon is Poland. Vadim Kozyulin, an expert of the Valdai Club and head of the Center for Global Studies and International Relations of the Diplomatic Academy of the Russian Ministry of Foreign Affairs, said this in a commentary to Lente.ru. Related materials00: 00 – March 22 “Our relations are nowhere worse” The United States and Russia are on the brink of a new Cold War. Why is this not considered important in America? 00: 01 – January 26 “Postpone the crisis for five years” The United States is ready to extend the missile treaty with Russia … Why did Biden decide to make concessions? He stressed that countries with pronounced anti-Russian sentiments are more likely to obtain American nuclear weapons. “This is important, since some part of the population does not want to live under

Published one of the last photos of Valery Garkalin

One of the last lifetime photos of Garkalin, who died from COVID-19 Journalist Alla Bulovinova published one of the last photos of the deceased artist Valery Garkalin. She posted the photo on her Facebook. She captured the actor at the exit at the service entrance of the Pushkin Drama Theater after the performance. Also in the caption to the picture it is indicated that the portrait was taken on August 18. People's Artist of Russia Valery Garkalin was hospitalized in a hospital in Kommunarka with confirmed COVID-19 in early October. Later he was connected to a ventilator and injected into a drug-induced coma. In November, his condition worsened: first he developed pneumothorax, after which his organs began to fail, and then septic shock came. The artist died at the age of 67 on November 20. The farewell ceremony and Garkalin's funeral will be held on Tuesday, November 23.

The plane made an emergency landing in Kamchatka

The Yak-40 plane crashed at the airport of Tilichiki, Kamchatka Territory, no one was hurt The Yak-40 plane of the Kamchatka Aviation Enterprise en route to Petropavlovsk-Kamchatsky, made an emergency landing at the airport of departure Tilichiki. This was reported by the press service of the government of the Kamchatka Territory, RIA Novosti reports. As specified in the government, the aircraft crashed due to a stop of one of the engines. There were 13 passengers on the plane, no one was injured during landing. At the moment, a check is being carried out. It is noted that passengers will go to Petropavlovsk-Kamchatsky on another flight. It is noted that the Kamchatka Aviation Enterprise owns three Yak-40 aircraft, which were overhauled in Minsk in 2013, 2015 and 2017. On November 11, a Mi-8 helicopter en route Valek – Svetlogorsk – Igarka made an emergency landing on Taimyr. There were three crew

Hungry men are more dangerous than hungry women

The diet of men accounted for 41 percent more emissions than the dietary habits of women than the dietary habits of women – it accounts for 41 percent more greenhouse gas emissions. Such conclusions were made by researchers from the University of Leeds in a new report, writes The Guardian. For three days, analysts watched the diet of 212 Britons, who recorded all meals in a mobile application. Based on the data obtained, experts studied greenhouse gas emissions from more than 3.2 thousand products. It turned out that almost half (45 percent) of emissions from the average diet comes from meat and dairy products. Beverages (15 percent) and confectionery (8 percent) were next in terms of emissions. The meat diet had 59 percent more emissions than the vegetarian diet. In addition, satisfying men's hunger was 41 percent more damaging to the planet than eating women's. Scientists associate such indicators with

Arguments have been found in Russia in favor of the construction of one of the main megaprojects

Kommersant: Russian Railways has argued for the high-speed Moscow-Petersburg highway highways (high-speed lines) Moscow-Petersburg. Kommersant writes about this. According to the newspaper, as an argument in favor of the construction of a megaproject, the company points out that without the highway, the country will be deprived of promising cargo flows to the ports of the north-western region. And for the export of goods, the development of the railway infrastructure will still need to be developed, which will cost almost the same money as the high-speed railroad (1.6 trillion rubles versus 1.7 trillion). Another reason for the Russian Railways was the decrease in passenger traffic in The central transport hub for 15 million passengers a year, in St. Petersburg – up to 12 million passengers. Kommersant claims that the decision on the fate of the highway has not yet been made. However, according to Deputy Prime Minister Marat Khusnullin, the authorities

The man heard his wife's joke and decided to do a DNA paternity test

A Reddit user was upset about his wife's joke about his son and decided to do a DNA test Reddit user throwaway11212021 said he decided do a DNA paternity test after hearing a wife joke about their common son. As the man noted, the words of his wife greatly upset him. The author of the post stated that he got married about a year ago. Together with his wife, they are raising a son. “Our relationship with my wife has always been smooth. I never had any suspicions about her being unfaithful. Our child is healthy and happy. We are fine. We are very lucky that we have no reasons for stress and anxiety, ”he said. However, the situation has changed recently. During a trip to the store, his wife asked him not to buy one product, as, according to her, it contains bisphenol, a chemical that allegedly negatively affects

The virologist assessed the need to vaccinate people with high levels of antibodies

Virologist Agranovsky: vaccination with a large number of antibodies will not do harm with a high level of antibodies in a conversation with URA.RU. According to the virologist, a high level of antibodies is not a 100% guarantee of protection against the disease. “I would not measure antibodies, since the titer is only partly an indicator of your security,” he explained, adding that it is necessary to measure exclusively antibodies to the spike protein. At the same time, vaccination with a large number of antibodies will not do any harm. Agranovsky advised measuring protection by time from the moment of vaccination, the vaccination lasts from 6 to 9 months. If more time has passed since the day of vaccination, then it makes sense to revaccinate. Earlier, professor at the School of Systems Biology at George Mason University, Doctor of Biological Sciences Ancha Baranova said that a sharp decrease in the

Virologist spoke about the exact way to confirm recovery from coronavirus

Virologist Nesterov: negative PCR cannot be considered a guarantee of recovery from COVID-19 Sergey Nesterov, virologist and doctor of biological sciences, told radio Sputnik the exact method that will help confirm complete recovery from COVID-19. According to Nesterov, a standard negative PCR test cannot be considered a guarantee of recovery from coronavirus. “The fact is that a PCR sample taken from the nasopharynx determines the presence of a virus in the nasopharynx. From there, as you know, the virus leaves quite quickly: it can end up in the lungs, in the blood, in the intestines, “the expert said. In his opinion, PCR should be taken twice with an interval of about three days. And when the PCR in the nasopharynx finally becomes negative, you can check the PCR in the blood. This will be an additional guarantee that there is no coronavirus in the body. Earlier, Elena Malinnikova, head of

Actor Matthew McConaughey's chances of becoming Governor of Texas assessed

Americans believe that Matthew McConaughey may win the governor's elections in 2022 Matthew McConaughey's chances in the Texas governor's elections in 2022 are assessed … Americans believe that the actor can win, writes the New York Post. According to a poll conducted by Dallas Morning News and Tyler University of Texas, the state wants to see the governor of McConaughey. In a heads-up race, he defeats both incumbent Governor Greg Abbott and Democratic candidate Beto O'Rourke. However, when the respondents were asked to choose one of three candidates, Abbott was ahead of the rest. Earlier, Matthew McConaughey, during the podcast The Balanced Voice, said that he would consider becoming Governor of Texas and running for this post. p> In the United States in 2003, the actor Arnold Schwarzenegger was elected 38th Governor of California. According to a public opinion poll, 71 percent of the state's population considered him underperforming, and