Zhirinovsky announced the problem with Rashkin

LDPR Chairman Zhirinovsky: We have a problem with Rashkin He wrote about this on Twitter. “There is such a concept – a person who interferes with society (CHMO), but there are the same parties. We will call them PMO, ”the politician noted. He explained that the communists have been interfering with Russia for more than 100 years, starting with the Russian-Japanese war. Earlier in November, Zhirinovsky “put on his last journey” Rashkin, who confessed I had killed an elk. He stressed that he would remember for a long time “cases related to the violation of order in our country, with unkind thoughts,” which, according to the leader of the Liberal Democratic Party of Russia, the deputy was guided by all his life. In October, the car of State Duma deputy Rashkin was stopped in Saratov region policeman and employee of the local hunting committee. A dead elk was found in

Russian doctor dispels myths about allergies

Doctor Prodeus: if you suspect an allergy, you cannot take antihistamines yourself on Channel One, Andrey Prodeus denied popular misconceptions associated with allergies. The specialist dispelled myths in a post published on Instagram. According to the TV presenter, allergy is one of the most common chronic diseases today. Prodeus said that the disease occurs when the human body begins to give out an atypical reaction to an irritant to which it had not previously responded in any way, for example, to oranges, house dust or birch pollen. “This reaction can be of different intensity – from insignificant to deadly, as in the case of anaphylactic reaction to bee or wasp stings,” he said. Prodeus noted that the symptoms that arise with allergies are varied – they can easily be confused with poisoning or mistaken for SARS. “Therefore, it is important to know about the possibility of an allergic reaction and

Infectious disease specialist explained discrepancies in the number of waves of COVID-19

Infectionist Malyshev: there are no waves of COVID-19, because there is no official definition .ru “, why in the professional environment there are discrepancies regarding the number of waves of COVID-19. Russia has come to an end. “I believe that there are no waves, because there is no official definition of a wave. Some believe that the fifth has already passed, and there will be discrepancies in opinions, because initially they did not agree on the terminology, “Malyshev said. According to the infectious disease specialist, there are concepts of” growth “and” decline “, the latter says only that there is a decrease in statistics, and does not guarantee that after some time there will be no increase. “The incidence is increasing, as it began two years ago, and continues. Only what was at the beginning, when there were no vaccines, went naturally, and now it is already associated with vaccination,

Psychiatrist appreciated the idea to change the rules for obtaining medical certificates for motorists

Psychiatrist Kazantsev: the introduction of new rules for obtaining medical certificates for motorists is justified innovations in obtaining certificates for motorists are justified. So the idea of ​​the Ministry of Health of Russia was appreciated by the psychiatrist-narcologist Alexey Kazantsev, his words are quoted by REN TV. The doctor noted that the level of medical examinations in drug dispensaries is low, due to the large number of people wishing to undergo tests. At the same time, doctors are financially interested in quickly conducting an examination, since their salary depends on the number of patients. At the same time, Kazantsev noted that narcotic drugs lead to lethargy and drowsiness, or vice versa, to excessive activity. This can harm the person driving. The doctor also noted that many people learn about their health problems during the medical examination.

Information about Rosenbaum's letter to Putin turned out to be fake

The message about Rosenbaum's request to tell the truth about the coronavirus turned out to be unreliable actions of the authorities to stir up panic around the coronavirus and appealed to Russian President Vladimir Putin with a demand to tell the truth about the disease. However, the message turned out to be fake. Initially, the letter appeared on the Proza.ru website, but at the moment the message has been removed from the website. Nevertheless, the text of the letter was widely disseminated on social networks, and not only on behalf of Rosenbaum, but also academician Rinat Akchurin, actor Yuri Solomin, surgeon Leonid Roshal. The media did not publish this information, but only disseminated its refutation. Rosenbaum himself refuted his authorship of the letter. “An open letter from Rosenbaum to V.V. Putin is circulating on the Internet. Let me tell you briefly. Not mine. I have something to do, ”the bard

Peskov appreciated the words of Lukashenka about the terms of negotiations with Tikhanovskaya

Peskov: Lukashenko very colorfully declared the impossibility of talking with Tikhanovskaya … Thus, the phrase of the head of the republic in an interview with the BBC was assessed by the official representative of the Kremlin, Dmitry Peskov, reports TASS. The press secretary of the Russian leader explained that Lukashenka was probably trying to state that any topic at all for a conversation with the former candidate for the post of head of state, Svetlana Tikhanovskaya. “Of course, there can be no question of any pressure. The President of Belarus, a sovereign country, himself decides with whom to conduct a dialogue and for what purpose, “concluded Peskov. On November 22, Lukashenko announced that he would begin negotiations with Tikhanovskaya as soon as Russian President Vladimir Putin with the founder Of the Anti-Corruption Fund ( FBK, included by the Ministry of Justice in the register of organizations performing the functions of

Germany wanted to improve relations with Russia

German Foreign Minister Heiko Maas announced a desire to improve relations with Russia The German authorities wanted to improve relations with Russia, subject to the settlement of the conflict in Donbass … This was stated at a foreign policy forum in Berlin by the country's foreign minister, Heiko Maas, reports TASS. “Of course, we want better relations with Russia. They can only get better, ”the head of the German Foreign Ministry stressed. According to him, this requires progress in resolving the crisis in eastern Ukraine on the basis of the Minsk agreements. On November 15, the former head of the European Parliament and candidate for chancellor of the Federal Republic of Germany from the Social Democratic Party of Germany Martin Schultz suggested that under the new government Germany and Russia will maintain a special relationship, the further development of which could make a positive contribution to improving relations between the

Klitschko accused the Ukrainian authorities of “shamming”

Kyiv Mayor Klitschko: Ukrainian authorities must mobilize and thwart Russian invasion The mayor of Kiev, Vitali Klitschko, wrote about this in his Telegram channel. According to him, the world community has been observing the “increased presence” of Russian troops near the borders of Ukraine for three weeks, while the authorities of the republic are skeptical to the likelihood of an armed invasion of its territory. Related materials 00:01 – April 16 “We have nowhere to retreat” DNR Head Denis Pushilin – about the threat of a big war in Donbass and the protection of Russians in Ukraine 00:03 – 4 September “Ukraine will remain an outpost of the West” Biden will change Ukrainian policy and how it threatens Russia Klitschko accused the country's leadership of “shady moods” and urged him to “mobilize all resources” in order to “thwart the aggressor's plans” without wasting funds on “dubious projects.” “Once again, the

FSB came with searches to the Crimean traffic police

FSB officers conduct searches in the Crimean State Traffic Safety Inspectorate; a criminal case has been initiated The Crimean State Traffic Safety Inspectorate is conducting operational measures within the framework of the criminal case. A well-informed source told Interfax about this. According to him, the deputy head of the unit is a witness in the case. Operational search activities in the traffic police are carried out by FSB officers, a law enforcement source confirmed to Lente.ru. He explained that the seizure of documents is underway as part of financing activities under state programs. The witness is the deputy head of the traffic police department of the Ministry of Internal Affairs in the Republic of Crimea Yuri Mazhar, he was not arrested, says Kryminform. He has been in office since 2014. Prior to that, he headed the traffic police department of the Bakhchisaray region for seven years.