Chinese woman swims to the border to work in Russia

A resident of China swam across the Russian border on the Amur River to get a job to the border in order to get a job in Russia. This was reported on the website of the Prosecutor's Office of the Amur Region. As it became known, in the summer of this year, the Chinese woman made a pleasure cruise on a motor ship, during which she looked at the place of the closest approach to the Russian coast. On the same day, but in the evening, she again purchased a ticket for the ship. At the moment of passing the place, the 23-year-old girl jumped into the river, after which she crossed the Russian border by swimming, passing along the main channel of the Amur River. Later, the Chinese citizen was found by officers of the border department of the FSB of Russia in the Amur Region. The Chinese woman

The gynecologist found an alternative way to treat the disease and offered the patient sex

A gynecologist suggested that a woman cure her of HPV with healing sex found an alternative way of treating diseases and offered healing sex to patients. The Daily Mail reports. Miniello became the target of a covert investigation after one of his patients went to a television program to complain that a doctor had suggested sex curing her of the human papillomavirus (HPV). She asked for help to expose the pervert. She said that for a long time she could not get pregnant and came to see a gynecologist. According to her, the doctor behaved strangely: he touched the woman's chest and spoke directly that he liked a small bust. Miniello examined, took tests and soon reported that the patient was diagnosed with HPV. Related materials 00:02 – September 12 “The dress was around the neck, and the tights were pulled down to the knees” The story of a doctor

Gunzburg named the Russians the best vaccine for revaccination

Gunzburg: after using “Sputnik V” it is better to vaccinate with “Sputnik Light” the best vaccine for revaccination. This is reported by TASS. According to him, after using Sputnik V, you can revaccinate with any vaccine, but the best protection is given by a combination with Sputnik Light. The head of the center also said that after using mRNA vaccines such as Moderna or Pfizer, it is better to have an additional vaccine with Sputnik V. Earlier, Gunzburg explained the importance of vaccinating children against COVID-19. He noted that the delta strain does not distinguish between adults and children and is equally dangerous for everyone – with the appearance of this strain, children began to account for 10 to 20 percent of the total mass of patients with coronavirus infection, depending on the country. “If they (parents – approx.” “) love their child, then they are simply committing a

Obstacle to increasing incomes of Russians named

RBC: Incomes of Russians in the unincorporated sector fell by almost 20% with the pre-pandemic year 2019. RBC writes about this with reference to the monitoring of the Higher School of Economics. This unincorporated segment accounts for at least 30 percent of all working Russians. “Consequently, it is the drop in labor income in the unincorporated segment that pulls down the real money income of the population,” analysts said. At the same time, it is noted that, in general, incomes nevertheless began to increase thanks to an increase in salaries and social benefits. Earlier it became known that about 54 percent of Russians rated their financial situation as average, as good – 19 percent, and as bad – 25 percent. At the same time, 23 percent of respondents expect an improvement in their financial situation in the coming year, another 18 percent believe that it will worsen. About 63 percent

Trump fired Defense Secretary sues Pentagon

Former US Secretary of Defense Esper filed a lawsuit against the Pentagon over a ban on publishing memoirs Former US Secretary of Defense Mark Esper sued the Pentagon. The reason for the lawsuit was the ban on the publication of part of his memoirs, which tells about his work with President Donald Trump, reports The New York Times. oath “in May next year. There he told “a complete and unvarnished history of the nation, especially in its difficult periods.” The lawsuit, filed with the federal court for the Metropolitan District of Columbia, says that they want to remove a significant fragment of the text from the memoirs: “The withdrawn text is necessary to present important stories touched on in the manuscript.” The politician also accused the current presidential administration in infringement of constitutional rights and called the appeal to the court the only available way to convey its story to

A flare in the sun called the harbinger of the “Internet apocalypse”

Dagens Nyheter: a powerful solar flare could cause an “Internet apocalypse” apocalypse “. This was warned by an information technology specialist from the University of California Sangeetu Abdu Jyoti, writes Dagens Nyheter. According to him, the outbreak could hit the network cables laid along the bottom of the Atlantic Ocean. In them, the weak link is the amplifiers of the light signal, and in an unfavorable scenario, the wires will fail without the possibility of prompt repair. The expert pointed out that powerful emissions on the Sun occur on average once every hundred years. At the same time, the consequences of the storm that reached the Earth have not been for more than a century, so the living earthlings have the likelihood of encountering it. In 2020, the German Deutsche Bank named mortal threats to the world economy for the next decade. In particular, experts put a powerful solar flare

The ex-trainer of the Israel rhythmic gymnastics team went to the Russian national team

Former Israel Rhythmic Gymnastics Team Coach Vigdorchik will work in Russia will go to work in the Russian team. This is reported by Israel HaYom. According to the source, the specialist is already in Moscow and has practically signed a contract. It is planned that next spring, Vigdorchik, together with the Russian national team, will arrive at the European Championship in Israel. The ex-mentor of the Israeli women, who trained Israelis in group exercises, left the team after the 2020 Olympics in Tokyo. Her players took sixth place at the Games. At the Olympic Games in Japan, Israeli gymnast Lina Ashram won the gold medal in individual all-around. Russian woman Dina Averina won the silver medal.

In St. Petersburg, a man fell on a passer-by from the 16th floor

In St. Petersburg, a man went to the balcony of the 16th floor and fell on a passerby In St. Petersburg, on Korablestroiteley Street, a man fell from a balcony 16 floors to another man, REN TV reports. According to the TV channel, the young man went out to breathe air on the balcony and fell on a passerby. An ambulance arrived at the scene. The state of the participants in the incident is still unknown. Earlier in the Moscow region, a schoolgirl tried to take a selfie in an unfinished building on the Northern Highway, turned unsuccessfully and fell from the fifth floor. The doctors who arrived at the scene were unable to save the girl.

Ukrainian Ambassador demanded from Germany to support the country's accession to the EU and reparations

Ambassador Melnyk: Kiev has the right to reparations from Germany for lost cultural property reparations for cultural property lost during World War II, and the archive of the scores of the composer Johann Sebastian Bach, transferred to Berlin during the presidency of Leonid Kuchma. He wrote about this in a letter to the chairman of the Berlin Singing Academy Foundation, RIA Novosti reports. According to him, Kiev has every right to expect compensation from the German government for its huge losses. The diplomat also noted that Berlin should support Kiev on its way to membership in the European Union (EU). At the same time, the ambassador complained that the German authorities ignore Kiev's proposals to create a “Compensation Fund for War Losses” for the purchase of valuable world-class art objects for Ukrainian museums. On the issue of transferring the Bach archives, Berlin also does not respond to proposals on the

In the USA, the Ukrainian “Oplot” was appreciated

19FortyFive: Ukrainian tank “Oplot” will not be able to influence the course of the battle The capabilities of the Ukrainian tank forces were assessed in the USA. The most modern Ukrainian tank “Oplot” will not be able to influence the course of the battle. This is the conclusion reached by 19FortyFive columnist Brent Eastwood. The publication notes that Ukraine needs a tank to maintain its defenses. The T-84U “Oplot” could become such a machine, but its small number will not allow revealing the positive aspects of the tank. The author notes that several Oplots are at the disposal of the Ukrainian military. Eastwood emphasizes that the T-84U is based on the Soviet T-80 tank. The Ukrainian modification received a welded turret, new ERA and a 1200 horsepower 6TD-2 diesel engine. The main gun of the Oplot was the KBA-3 smoothbore cannon, which is an unlicensed copy of the Soviet 2A46