The Federation Council spoke about responsibility for failure to comply with laws on QR codes

Andrey Klishas: they will not introduce responsibility for non-compliance with QR codes No additional responsibility for failure to comply with QR codes laws will be, since the necessary standards are already enshrined in legislation. This is how the chairman of the Federation Council committee on constitutional legislation Andrei Klishas spoke about the bills, he is quoted by RIA Novosti.

207-kilogram man lost 100 kilograms in ten months

A resident of India lost 100 kilograms in ten months thanks to special training kilograms in ten months thanks to daily special training. This and other secrets of his success were highlighted by the Times of India. Junaid Jamadar, 26, weighed 207 kilograms. Excess weight negatively affected the health of a man. His father gave him an ultimatum to lose weight. Jamadar himself wanted this: those around him looked at him like a giant and mocked him because of his appearance. The Indian took his father's demand seriously and decided to change his lifestyle once and for all. He set himself the goal of losing weight in ten months. Related materials00: 00 – April 13, 2018 “No drinking, no smoking, no watching porn” Indians quit ghee and became obsessed with bodybuilding00:05 – 10 March 2017 “You ready to die to lose weight? “How do those who weighed 500 kilograms live,

In Ukraine, the Russian army was predicted to “flee” in case of war

Officer of the Armed Forces of Ukraine Nedzelsky stated about Ukraine's ability to turn the Russian army to flight Reserve Colonel of the Armed Forces of the Russian Army “Flight” at the first sign of collision. He stated this on the air of the Apostrof TV channel, RIA Novosti reports. According to him, if the Russian military receives a response from the Armed Forces of Ukraine, they will “run away”. He also noted that Russia is allegedly waging a “war of conquest,” while Ukraine “defends its home.” “/wp-content/uploads/2021/11/1ff5862e8c5ee7b4a890b6dfe52101cb.jpg” /> Pyotr Nedzelsky Reserve Colonel of the Armed Forces of Ukraine Controversial statement On November 26, the American magazine Forbes named the reason for Kiev's loss in a potential conflict with Moscow. The publication claims that most of the Ukrainian artillery is outdated and in need of repair. According to the publication, “on paper, the 145-thousandth army of Ukraine, consisting of volunteers

Wilfand spoke about the winter weather in Central Russia

The head of the Wilfand Hydrometeorological Center: thaws and frosts are expected in Central Russia in winter Frosts and thaws are forecast in Central Russia in winter. The scientific director of the Hydrometeorological Center Roman Vilfand told about such weather, he is quoted by RIA Novosti. “The variability of weather conditions, according to forecasts, will be large this winter in the European part of Russia. This means that there will be heterogeneity – significant frosts and significant warming, ”said the head of the Wilfand Hydrometeorological Center. He added that, according to a long-term forecast, a global temperature rise is expected. The short-term forecast speaks of real frosts, he stressed. The forecaster noted that temperature fluctuations in Central Russia are associated with climate warming. Invasions of the Arctic air are possible, but most often the air masses will come from the south and cause thaws, Vilfand explained. Earlier, Meteorologist Alexander Shuvalov

The Russians talked about their plans for the New Year

RIA Novosti: about 70 percent of Russians are going to celebrate New Year at home Most Russians – about 70 percent – are going to celebrate New Year at home. This is evidenced by a study by Otkrytie Bank, RIA Novosti reports. It is noted that the number of respondents wishing to celebrate the holiday at home has grown by 10 percent compared to last year. Another 10 percent of respondents said that they intend to celebrate the New Year visiting friends or relatives, and only 1 percent – in a cafe or restaurant. In addition, about 2 percent of citizens plan to leave during the holidays to another region , and less than 1 percent of Russians will go abroad. 3 percent of respondents will work on New Year's Eve, and the remaining 12 percent have not yet decided on their plans. The survey was conducted on November 18-24

A drunk Russian woman killed her five-month-old daughter in a dream

A drunken resident of Kamchatka crushed her five-month-old daughter to death in her sleep Now a resident of Kamchatka faces up to two years in prison, REN TV reports. According to the TV channel, the tragedy happened in September. The drunk woman went to bed next to her daughter. In the dream, she rolled over directly onto the child and cut off her breathing. The girl suffocated. The woman's actions were qualified under the article “Causing death by negligence.” She was also deprived of parental rights in relation to her sons 9 and 11 years old. The court reported that the family lived in unsanitary conditions, and the mother, who was diagnosed with chronic alcoholism, beat the children. Earlier, in the Ust-Abakan region of the Republic of Khakassia, a boy accidentally shot a three-year-old child in the head while playing. The children ran into the barn where the elder father's

The Russians talked about the increase in wages during the pandemic

SuperJob: 39% of Russians applied for a salary increase during the COVID-19 pandemic The SuperJob job search service summed up the survey and named the share of Russians who turned to the management for a raise in salary during the coronavirus pandemic. Excerpts from the study are cited by RBC. It turned out that 39 percent of citizens made such requests to the authorities. Of those who applied for a raise, 45 percent of the respondents began to receive more. Most often, we are talking about an increase of 10 percent – 15 percent of respondents managed to achieve this. Another 10 percent of the survey participants said that their salaries were raised by 5 percent, and 7 percent received a 30 percent increase. Moreover, men applied for a wage increase more often than women: 43 percent against 35. The poll was conducted from November 3 to 25, 2.5 thousand

Mandatory vaccination for the elderly has been introduced in the Russian region

Primorye authorities introduced mandatory vaccination for citizens aged 60 and over Mandatory coronavirus vaccination for the elderly was introduced in Primorye. This is reported by RIA Novosti with reference to the regional government. According to the decree signed by the chief sanitary doctor of the region, Tatyana Detkovskaya, citizens aged 60 and over will be required to be vaccinated against COVID-19. They need to deliver the first component of the vaccine by December 25, and the second by January 25. Otherwise, they may be suspended from work or transferred to a remote format. Detkovskaya also noted that it is among this population group that the highest rates of morbidity and mortality from coronavirus are recorded. So, according to her, in the region, 23.5 percent of all cases are citizens aged 60 years and older. At the same time, 74 percent of all deaths also occur in this age category, and

56-year-old Brooke Shields showed a figure in a swimsuit and delighted fans

Model Brooke Shields showed a video in which she was captured in the pool in a swimsuit American model and actress Brooke Shields showed and a figure in a swimsuit delighted the fans. The corresponding publication appeared on her Instagram page. The 56-year-old celebrity shared a video in which she was captured in the pool on the territory of the house in a one-piece red bathing suit. Shields' hair is gathered in a bun, and her look was complemented by sunglasses, a chain around her neck and a watch. “A new tradition in honor of Thanksgiving,” she signed the post, which received more than 56 thousand likes. Fans appreciated the slender physique of the model and began to write compliments in the comments. “This body, Brooke!”, “Still stunning”, “The Kardashian sisters are far from you. You look amazing, Brooke! “,” Fair Lady “,” My Endless Love “, – said the

Japan to close borders to foreigners due to omicron strain COVID-19

Premier Kishida: Japan has closed entry to foreigners from 30 November due to the omicron strain Japanese Prime Minister Fumio Kishida said that the country is closing its borders to foreigners due to the spread of the omicron strain of COVID-19 in the world. This is reported by Reuters. Kishida announced that the entry ban will begin on November 30 and will affect all foreign citizens. It is noted that the emergency measure is being introduced until the moment when it is possible to find out all the information about the new variant of the virus. Since November 8, some concessions have been introduced in Japan for foreign businessmen, students and specialists with certified vaccines. So, if there was a host and full vaccination, it was allowed to stay in quarantine for three days instead of 10 or 14, and then visit places necessary for carrying out activities and use