Kremlin responds to reports of talks to return Morgenstern to Russia

Peskov denied reports about Kremlin talks on the return of rapper Morgenstern to Russia to Russia are not true. This was stated by the presidential press secretary Dmitry Peskov, RIA Novosti reports. He called the corresponding publications in the media a duck. Earlier,, citing sources in the presidential administration, reported that the musician's producers are negotiating his return to the country. It was noted that two options are being considered – return and cooperation with the authorities, or refusal to cooperate and the possible materialization of threats from the Investigative Committee (IC). There is no information on the results of the negotiations. Earlier, the representative of the IC, Alexander Bastrykin, accused Morgenstern of drug trafficking on the Internet. “Blogger Morgenstern sells drugs, in fact, on social networks. And we are sitting here, discussing abstractly what the highest value means, and human rights cannot be violated, “Bastrykin said. After that,

Germany opposed the US over Nord Stream 2

The German Foreign Minister said that Germany rejects US sanctions against Nord Stream 2 Nord Stream 2, regarding them as rivalry with allies. Its head Christopher Burger spoke on behalf of the department, RIA Novosti reports. Related materials 00:01 – 17 November Gazprom and the European Union cannot agree on gas supplies and prices. What will this threaten Russia in a few years? 00: 02 – July 30 Merged into a pipe .How will the US-Germany deal on Nord Stream 2 force Ukraine to change its attitude towards Russia? The German Foreign Minister noted that Berlin is in close contact with Washington on all issues related to Nord Stream 2, a joint statement by US President Joe Biden and German Chancellor Angela Merkel. At the same time, he noted that the United States is aware of the position of Germany on sanctions. “We fundamentally reject the use of sanctions against

Turkey wanted to mediate relations between Russia and Ukraine

President Erdogan: Turkey is ready to become a mediator between Russia and Ukraine conflict in the region. Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan announced his desire to act as a third party in the negotiations, NTV reports. “We will develop these negotiations both with Ukraine and with Mr. [Russian President Vladimir] Putin. We want us to participate in resolving this issue, “Erdogan said. According to the Turkish President, Turkey is in favor of establishing peace in the region. Erdogan stressed the importance of this fact for Turkey because of concern for the fate of the “Crimean Turks” – the Crimean Tatar people. Erdogan's statements were made against the backdrop of accusations by NATO and some Ukrainian politicians that Russia was allegedly preparing a military operation against Ukraine. Reports of the accumulation of Russian armed forces on the Russian-Ukrainian border appeared in the American press at the end of October, and later

WHO chief urges to fight unequal access to vaccines

The head of WHO called on states to support the vaccination of 70 percent of citizens in each country No country in the world can defeat the coronavirus pandemic by focusing on vaccination exclusively for its citizens. The head of the World Health Organization (WHO) Tedros Adanom Ghebreyesus called on states to fight unequal access to vaccines, the broadcast of his speech is available on the WHO YouTube channel. According to Ghebreyesus, the longer this inequality exists, the more opportunities there are the virus will spread and evolve in a way that cannot be predicted or prevented. “We have warned that the poorest and most vulnerable countries will be trampled under the global crush for vaccines. This is what happened. More than 80 percent of vaccines are found in 20 countries, ”he said.

Peskov declined to comment on the publication of Erdogan's proposal for Donbass

Dmitry Peskov did not comment on the data on Turkey's proposal for a summit on the Donbass Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan allegedly proposed to convene a summit of Russia, Turkey and Ukraine to resolve the situation in Donbass. This is reported by RIA Novosti. “The fact is that Russia is not a party to the conflict over Donbass, and at such a summit it will be impossible to find solutions to the problem. The side of the conflict is, on the one hand, Kiev, and on the other hand, representatives of the self-proclaimed republics, ”the Kremlin spokesman said, noting the impossibility of a trilateral summit of Moscow, Kiev and Ankara in Turkey to discuss problems in eastern Ukraine. Earlier, Turkey proposed to create a system for the sale of weapons to Ukraine – in the format of a special department that could deal with the verification of contracts in

Russian epidemiologist announced the ability of the omicron strain to bypass antibodies

Epidemiologist Vygonaylov: the omicron strain can bypass the antibodies of those who have recovered from COVID-19 … This was stated by the epidemiologist, candidate of medical sciences Alexander Vygonaylov, his words are quoted by URA.RU. This ability of the strain is given by a large number of mutations in the Spike-protein (S-protein), the specialist explained. “Omicron has 32 mutations in the S-protein and can escape antibodies in a new disease. According to official data, 2-3 percent of those who recovered with the delta strain re-infected, with the South African mutation, the percentage may be slightly higher, “the expert said. He added that the most reliable protection against the new strain is a high titer of antibodies, which must be maintained by repeated vaccination every six months. Earlier, a virologist, Corresponding Member of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Pyotr Chumakov, associated mutations of the omicron strain with AIDS. He stated that

Prilepin regretted Buzova and Morgenstern who faced bullying

Zakhar Prilepin called Buzova and Morgenstern a reflection of modern society persecuting singer Olga Buzova and rapper Morgenstern. This is reported by Starhit. Prilepin called these stars a reflection of modern society, and recalled that they grew up in a country that “watched humorous programs from morning till night, earned money, despised the history of the last century.” p> The writer admitted that he did not like the public image of Buzova. At the same time, he condemned the fact that the performance with her participation “The Wonderful Georgian” was excluded from the repertoire of the Moscow Art Academic Theater (MKHAT) named after Gorky. “But suddenly it is loudly announced that this citizen should not be in the theater. Maybe put a stamp on her chest, that she is “obscene”, that she is out of decent society? If we are going to work with young people in this way, declaring

Revealed the details of the grenade mining the door of an apartment near Moscow

Shot: the grant, which was used to mine the door of an apartment in Kolomna, turned out to be a fake … The details of the incident on Monday, November 29, were revealed by the Telegram channel Shot. According to the channel, the grenade, which was attached to the handle of the apartment's front door, turned out to be a fake. Inside was a note with the name of one of the girls living in the room. According to the text, the “gift” was left by a client who had contracted a genital infection. The girls rented a room to provide services of an intimate nature. Earlier on November 29, it was reported that in the Moscow region unknown attackers mined the door of an apartment in a multi-storey residential building with a grenade. At about ten in the morning, she was found tied to the door handle by a

Russian committed suicide in pre-trial detention center after being sentenced for murdering a baby

FSIN: a man convicted of murdering a child committed suicide in the Chelyabinsk SIZO A 30-year-old prisoner was found dead in the Chelyabinsk SIZO whose court the day before passed a sentence of nine years and 11 months in prison for the murder of a seven-month-old child. This was reported to in the regional department of the Federal Penitentiary Service. The incident occurred in pre-trial detention center-1 on Saturday, November 27th. The man committed suicide. A doctor went to the scene and carried out resuscitation measures, but the convict's life could not be saved. On the fact of the prisoner's suicide, officers of the Investigative Committee of Russia are conducting an investigation. In October 2020, a local resident and her the roommate inflicted fatal injuries on the seven-month-old child, and the body was drowned in the Miass River. After the murder, the couple reported the baby's abduction to the