The man asked his wife to give up her name and angered people

A woman named Michael refused to change her nickname for her husband My husband got tired of his wife's nickname, which she received as a child, and he asked for her give up the nickname. He shared his story in a post on the Reddit website. Thus, he angered netizens. Related materials00: 01 – May 31 “The operation changed my life.” Juneau ”Elliot Page changed gender and became a man. What did he go through? 00:03 – December 11, 2020 “I wouldn't touch someone like you at all.” Russian girls stopped shaving, and the guys put on dresses. How it helped them find and accept themselves According to the author of the post, the parents of his wife thought that they would have a boy, and chose the name Michael for him. After the girl appeared, she was officially named Loni, but in the family circle they continued to call

Belief in astrology linked to low intelligence

Psychologists at Lund University have linked belief in astrology with narcissism and low IQ Psychologists at Lund University in Sweden have often demonstrated with narcissism and low intelligence quotient (IQ). The results of the study are published in the journal Personality and Individual Differences. The authors of the work note that during the years of the coronavirus pandemic, belief in astrology has increased significantly, which may be a kind of response to stress. The aim of their new study was to find traits common to those who believe in pseudoscientific concepts that have no evidence. For this, experts conducted an online survey among 264 volunteers to determine their personal qualities and the degree of belief in astrological forecasts and horoscopes. It turned out that those people who believed in astrology performed worse on tests to measure the coefficient intelligence. In addition, they were more likely to show signs of narcissism.

US accused Russia of continuing to build up troops near Ukraine's borders

Pentagon spokesman Kirby: Russia continues to build up troops near Ukraine's borders Pentagon spokesman John Kirby accused Russia of the fact that it continues to increase the number of its troops near the border of Ukraine. This is reported by TASS. “We continue to see movements, we continue to see an increase in their forces,” said a spokesman for the US Department of Defense. He clarified that it is allegedly about “combined units” that “continue to assemble on, or not on, but near the Ukrainian border,” which Washington “continues to watch with great concern.” A Pentagon spokesman added that the United States “continues to urge Russia to be more transparent about what it is doing, what its intentions are.” nothing happened, the “redeployments and maneuvers” of Russian troops were carried out on Russian territory. Kremlin spokesman Dmitry Peskov also said that Russia has not prepared, is not preparing and will

The bear went into a large Russian city and attacked a woman

Artyom's authorities advised residents not to leave their homes after a brown bear attack after the brown bear went into the city and attacked the woman. This is stated on the website of the administration of the Artyomovsky district. The animal was noticed in the area of ​​Sireneva, Mechanizatorov and Solnechnaya streets. Residents were urged to be careful and were assured that police and staff at the Tiger Center were taking steps to capture the predator. Everyone who saw the bear was asked by the administration to inform the Unified Dispatch Service by phone 112. The injured woman was hospitalized with lacerated wounds and is under the supervision of doctors in the trauma department. It was previously reported that in the Krasnoyarsk Territory, a bear wounded in the taiga survived a bear attack, crawled eight kilometers through the taiga and escaped thanks to a note. The 58-year-old Russian was setting

Rospotrebnadzor disclosed the proportion of Russians vaccinated against influenza

Rospotrebnadzor: more than 54.9 million Russians received a flu shot this season More than 54.9 million Russians, or 37, 6 percent of the country's population have received a flu shot this season. This was reported on the Rospotrebnadzor website. Epidemic thresholds for the incidence of influenza and ARVI have been exceeded in 46 constituent entities of Russia. This number has slightly decreased compared to last week. It is noted that the share of influenza viruses in the total structure of detected respiratory viruses was 3.5 percent. Previously, Associate Professor of the Department of Infectious Diseases in Children Pirogov Russian National Research Medical University, infectious disease doctor Ivan Konovalov assessed the effect of influenza vaccination on antibodies to COVID-19 in people who have been ill. He said that getting the flu vaccine would have no effect on antibody count.

US missile destroyer resumes operations in the Black Sea

Missile destroyer Arleigh Burke left the port of Varna and resumed operations in the Black Sea Missile destroyer Arleigh Burke military (DD- 51) US Naval Forces (Navy) left the Bulgarian port of Varna to resume operations in the Black Sea. This was announced by the US Sixth Fleet, TASS reports. As noted in the text of the statement of the fleet, the visit of the destroyer to the port of Varna “confirmed the commitment of the US Navy to NATO and such extremely important allies as Bulgaria. < p> Prior to this, the US Navy missile destroyer Arleigh Burke entered the Black Sea on November 25 to begin work with NATO allies and partners in the region. The Russian Armed Forces began tracking the ship. Earlier, the Russian Defense Ministry announced that the Pavel Derzhavin ship was connected to the Black Sea Fleet flagship, the Moskva missile cruiser and the

Nutritionist named the healthiest way to cook eggs

Nutritionist Dianova: eggs are best absorbed in the form of an omelet method of cooking eggs. The specialist called eggs a most valuable nutritious product. “This is the best protein in the ranking of proteins, it is ideally easy to digest and has an ideal amino acid composition, even better than meat. The yolk also contains lecithin, which affects vision, and vitamin A in ideal form, and many trace elements, “she said. The nutritionist stressed that depending on the method of preparation, eggs are assimilated by the body in different ways … So, the omelet is the easiest to digest, a little more difficult is the poached egg and the Benedict egg, followed by a boiled egg, fried eggs, and a raw egg closes the list. Dianov noted that an omelet is a universal dish that can be eaten not only for breakfast, but also for dinner. To make the

Rosgvardia generals suspected of embezzling hundreds of millions of rubles

“Kommersant”: seven senior officers of the Rosgvardia were suspected of fraud for 192 million rubles for almost two hundred million rubles associated with the introduction of the information system (IS) “Real Estate” in the structure of the internal troops (VV) of the Ministry of Internal Affairs and the National Guard. Kommersant writes about this with reference to sources in law enforcement agencies. We are talking about an information system, which was supposed to unite in a single register all objects of the National Guard and the internal troops of the Ministry of Internal Affairs. Within the framework of the project, five government contracts were concluded, according to which the IP was supposed to earn by 2016, however, despite the 192 million rubles spent on it, this did not happen. 192 million rubles was spent on the creation of the IS “Real Estate”, which remained only on paper Materials for initiating

The Pentagon wanted to strengthen the containment of Russia in Europe

And about. Assistant US Deputy Secretary of Defense Karlin: Strengthening the containment of Russia in Europe This was stated by the acting. Assistant US Undersecretary of Defense for Political Affairs Mara Karlin during a briefing, quoted by TASS. According to her, the department completed a review of the alignment of forces, which strengthens “reliable means of military deterrence of Russian aggression” in Europe, and also allows NATO forces to operate more efficiently. “After months of analysis and close inter-agency coordination, President Biden approved the conclusions and recommendations of Secretary Austin from the balance of power review,” Karlin said, adding that the US has 2014 made the right changes in the alignment of their forces in Europe to contain Russia. Earlier, the Pentagon spoke about the exercises of Russia and Belarus on the Belarusian-Ukrainian border. The ministry noted that they would not like “destabilizing actions” in the tense situation on the

Zakharova assessed US plans to expand military infrastructure in Australia

Zakharova criticized US plans to expand military infrastructure in Australia Pentagon plans to expand military infrastructure in Australia and the Pacific Islands. She wrote about this in her Telegram channel. “The environmental agenda is in action, so to speak. It is especially good to believe in it after the information about the plans of the Anglo-Saxons to launch nuclear submarines and increase offensive weapons not on electric motors off the coast of Australia, “Zakharova said. Earlier it was reported that the United States would expand its military presence and strengthen the corresponding infrastructure in Australia as part of the strategy to contain the PRC. It is also planned to expand infrastructure in the Pacific Islands and base aviation in Australia on a rotational basis.