Syrian troops liberated from the rebels of Eastern Aleppo

Syrian government troops advanced deep into the Eastern part of the city of Aleppo, for the last two days releasing five blocks. On Sunday, November 27, TASS reported the Russian Centre of reconciliation of the warring parties in Syria. “In the Eastern part of Aleppo from terrorists “dzhebhat an-Nusra” (now the armed group “Dzhebhat Fatah al-sham”) and joined them gangs released five neighborhoods and more than 2,000 buildings,” — said in a statement. The organization said that the day of the liberated areas came 903 civilians, including 119 children. “Stopped resisting and left the Eastern districts of the city provided by the Russian Centre of reconciliation and the Syrian authorities, corridors eight militants”, — stated in the message. On 26 November, the Syrian military supported militias took control of the quarter Masakin-Khan — the largest and most important stronghold of the militants in the East of Aleppo. The shelling of

ISIS used chemical weapons against the opposition in Northern Syria

Militants “Islamic state” has used chemical weapons against the Syrian opposition in the province of Galilee in the North of the country. These data were provided by the Turkish General staff, reports Anadolu news Agency. It is noted that 22 fighters of the opposition parties identified the evidence on the use of IG shells with poisonous gases. It is also reported that as a result of the air raids conducted by the Turkish air force as part of operation “shield of the Euphrates” in the area Anifah in the North of Syria, dismantled four terrorist targets. In mid-November about the use of ISIS chemical weapons in Aleppo said in the Russian Ministry of defense. The attack injured 30 the Syrian military. In the beginning of the month it was reported that the militants shelled the liberated area “1070” in Aleppo shells with toxic substances. Two people died and dozens were

In Australia, six people have died because of a “thunderstorm asthma”

In Melbourne, Australia, six people died because a storm caused by asthma attacks. On Sunday, November 27, reports Reuters, citing the state government of Victoria. November 21 in the region began heavy rains, accompanied by strong winds. Their impulses spread through the state of ryegrass pollen Allergy which is called lightning, provoked thousands of cases of asthma. In hospitals in southern Australia, there are 12 people with respiratory and other related diseases, the condition of three of them doctors evaluate critical, another five patients treated in intensive care units and receive specialized medical care. According to the Department of health in Victoria, only 21 and 22 November to hospitals with complaints of breathing problems turned 8.5 thousand people. Spring in the state of Victoria pollen of ryegrass soaked with moisture, then breaks and shatters into smaller particles over a large area, as a result of its concentration in the air

Ortega announced Nicaragua’s nine-day mourning in connection with the death of Castro

Daniel Ortega and Fidel Castro The President of Nicaragua, Daniel Ortega announced his country’s nine-day mourning in connection with the death of the leader of the Cuban revolution Fidel Castro. This was reported on Saturday, November 26, on the website of the President. In the decree signed by Ortega, noted that the government and people of Nicaragua expressed “solidarity and unity” with the Chairman of the Council of State and Council of Ministers Raul Castro, the wife of Comandante Dalia Soto del Valle, their children, grandchildren, and family and all the Cuban people. In addition, an eight-day mourning in connection with the death of Castro declared the President of Algeria Abdel Aziz Bouteflika, the Agency Algeria Press Service. The head of state from myself and behalf of the citizens of Algeria condolences to the Cuban people and to the family of commander. “With his death I lost a friend and

The media learned about the recognition of Clinton’s defeat after the call, Obama

Barack Obama and Hillary Clinton The Democratic candidate Hillary Clinton conceded defeat in the elections of the head of state at the request of the incumbent President Barack Obama. On Saturday, November 26, writes the Hill, referring to materials prepared for publication a book about the presidential election of 2016 in the United States. The authors — a leading reporter in the White house Amy Parns and Jonathan Allen — argue that this information they have confirmed three people familiar with the source. According to them, the night after the election, Obama called Clinton and said: “You have to admit defeat.” The conversation took place when the former Secretary of state together with his family and closest supporters watched the results of the counting of votes in the key States of Michigan, Wisconsin and Pennsylvania. Former Secretary of state told Trump that he recognizes his defeat in the election early

Trump called Fidel Castro a brutal dictator

Donald Trump The US President-elect Donald trump called Fidel Castro a brutal dictator, according to CNN. So trump reacted to the news of the death of the leader of the Cuban revolution. Trump noted that his administration will do everything possible to make the Cuban people began to move towards prosperity and freedom. The President of the United States only verified death of 90-year-old Castro, writing about it on Twitter, then some users have laughed at trump. On the death of former Cuban leader responded to almost all the world leaders, including current President Barack Obama and Russian leader Vladimir Putin. Castro died on November 25 at 22:29 local time (06:29 MSK). The body of the leader of the national revolution will be cremated. The funeral will take place on 4 December.

France accused of alleged terrorists having links with ISIS

The investigators believe that suspected terrorists detained in France, received instructions from the leaders of the terrorist group “Islamic state” (IG, is prohibited in Russia). This was announced by the Prosecutor of Paris Francois Molins, his words on Friday, November 25, leads Reuters. “The Strasbourg percussion group, and was arrested in Marseilles a man was ordered to get weapons. It gave the leader of the Syrian-Iraqi region with the help of an encrypted communication app,” — said the official. On 21 November this year the Minister of internal Affairs of France Bernard Cazeneuve announced the arrest in Marseilles and Strasbourg seven people suspected of preparing terrorist attacks. Among their goals was Disneyland Paris, the police of the French capital, the headquarters of the General Directorate of internal security (counterintelligence) of France, metro station, restaurants, and places of worship. The attack was planned on December 1 this year. Two weeks before

Gift Medvedev sparked a diplomatic row between Spain and Israel

Dmitry Medvedev The Spanish foreign Ministry protested and demanded that the Israeli Embassy in Madrid to explain why during the visit of Russian Prime Minister Dmitry Medvedev in tel Aviv, he gave the drone Sniper Spanish production. On Friday, 25 November, reports El País. The apparatus of the Prime Minister presented the Minister of agriculture of Israel, URI Ariel. On 10 November during a visit to agricultural research Center Volcani located in the suburbs of tel Aviv, Medvedev was shown the products of the Israeli plant breeders and agronomists. In addition to vegetables and fruits, the head of the Cabinet of Ministers demonstrated the drone of Spanish production. The Prime Minister is so interested in them that the Israeli Minister through an interpreter handed, which gives him the drone. The next day he was taken to the Russian Embassy. According to the publication, in Madrid, said that the Israeli authorities

The White house announced according to the results of presidential elections the will of the people

The administration of U.S. President Barack Obama said Friday, November 25 that despite Russia’s efforts to harm the election process, the election results of the President “accurately reflect the will of the American people.” About this newspaper The New York Times. “The Kremlin probably expected that publicity surrounding the revelations that followed, as implemented by the Russian government illegal the publication of the letters of American figures and institutions, including political organizations in the US, would raise questions about the integrity of the electoral process, which would undermine the legitimacy of the elected President”, — is spoken in the message. “Nevertheless, we defend our election results that accurately reflect the will of the American people,” — said in the administration. The White house believe in the “total transparency of the electoral infrastructure.” “We believe that our elections were free and fair from the point of view of cybersecurity,” — said

Trump has appointed an employee of Fox News Deputy national security Advisor

Kathleen Mcfarland The US President-elect Donald trump announced on Friday, November 25, suggested that Fox News analyst Kathleen Mcfarland to become its Deputy national security adviser. This is stated in the message channel. Mcfarland previously worked in the administrations of presidents Richard Nixon, Gerald Ford and Ronald Reagan. She has already confirmed that it agreed to the proposal. According to trump, Mcfarland “has a wealth of experience and innate talent.” In turn, Mcfarland said that trump “has the courage, brightness and power to make America great again”. According to her, it is a great honour to belong to his team. In 1970-1976 Mcfarland worked as an assistant to Henry Kissinger at the national security Council. In the White house during Reagan’s administration, she worked as the first Deputy assistant Secretary of defense. In 2006, she ran for the Senate in new York, but failed. On 17 November it was reported