The police neutralized threatened to blow up the airport of Antalya, Syrian

The airport security in the Turkish city of Antalya detained a man who threatened to blow up the terminal building. On Monday, January 2, reports The Daily Star. As it became known later, the man, whose name was not called, is a citizen of Syria. It is noted that during the examination he shouted “Allahu Akbar!”, and also said that it is an explosive device. After this, a Syrian grabbed by the guards. Currently, the man is in police custody. It is possible that the detainee’s mental disorder, the newspaper notes. Was it actually an explosive device, not specified.

The police suspected of committing a terrorist act in Istanbul is a native of Central Asia

Turkish police suspected of committing a terrorist act in Istanbul the citizen of Uzbekistan or Kyrgyzstan, is associated with a terrorist group “Islamic state” (IG, is prohibited in Russia). On Monday, January 2, reports An armed attack on a night club Reina in Istanbul was committed on Christmas night. Armed with a gun criminal dressed as Santa Claus shot and killed a police officer guarding the school and burst into the room, where over 600 people. According to recent reports, the victims were 39 people, among them 16 foreigners, including citizens of Canada, India, Syria, Israel, Tunisia, Iraq, Lebanon, the citizens of Belgium and Saudi Arabia. Another 69 people were injured, some in serious condition. The attacker is looking for. On 1 January it became known that the attack killed Russian woman, who was initially considered a citizen of Azerbaijan.

In Denmark arrested the daughter of a friend of the President of South Korea

Choi sung-SIL (center) The Danish police arrested the daughter of Choi sung-SIL, a friend of the President of South Korea Park Geun-Hye amid an unfolding corruption scandal in the Asian nation. About it reports Reuters. Jung Yu RA, athlete-rider who trained in Germany, was arrested in the Danish city of Aalborg for illegal stay. A source in spectaculator in Seoul reported that law enforcement authorities of South Korea will work with the European authorities on the issue of Jung Yu RA. They expect that the issue will be resolved within one to two weeks. Jung Yu RA in the homeland suspected of committing a series of crimes. The South Korean authorities sent a request to the German Prosecutor’s office of her whereabouts and financial assets. The reason for the political crisis in South Korea became a fortune teller Choi sung-SIL. She is accused of pressure on dozens of major firms

In the U.S. Congress promised in spite of Trump to defend the anti-Russian sanctions

Adam Schiff Attempts of Donald trump when he will take the post of President of the United States, to undo the last anti-Russian sanctions, the outgoing head of state Barack Obama will meet a harsh response from Congress, warned a member of the house of representatives from California Democrat Adam Schiff in an interview with ABC News. Schiff believes that Congress in fact is configured to further strengthening of sanctions against Moscow. He recalled that this initiative was made by the Democrats and the Republicans, calling in this context the names of the Republican senators John McCain and Lindsey Graham. According to Schiff, what was done by the current administration, not to “contain Russia”. The Congressman also criticized trump for the fact that he questioned the conclusions of the intelligence community about the Russian involvement in hacking attacks with the aim of influencing the outcome of presidential elections. “If he

In Istanbul, an attack on a night club

Continued: the Governor of Istanbul has reported 35 killed in attack on nightclub In Istanbul, an attack on a nightclub, reports Reuters. The incident occurred in the district Trakai. According to preliminary data, the attack involved two criminals. As RIA Novosti reported, citing local television, attackers dressed as Santa Claus, opened fire. Many people were injured. According to law enforcement, their number can reach three dozen. To the place of the accident reinforced police squads and ambulances to medical care.

American senators have threatened Putin with sanctions

John McCain Three U.S. senators, Republicans Lindsey Graham, John McCain and a Democrat Amy Klobuchar, said in an interview with “Radio Liberty” that the American legislators intend to early 2017 to adopt new sanctions against Russia. Restrictions, according to Graham, may affect President Vladimir Putin and his entourage. About the room except the President, the Senator said. “I think that the only way to force Russia to change — to make the Russian economy under Putin to pay a high price”, — he added. McCain, in turn, warned that the United States is able to make sanctions much more stringent. The legislator expressed confidence that Congress will approve the new measures, but noted that he did not know whether the sign corresponding document Donald trump, who will take office as US President on January 20. They are also confident that with the help of hacker attacks helped Trump to win

Among the victims of the terrorist attack in Istanbul were citizens of Arab countries

During the attack on a nightclub in Istanbul killed the citizens of Saudi Arabia, Libya, Lebanon and Morocco. The Agency Anadolu said in his Twitter. According to the latest data, the victims of the terrorist attack in new year’s eve were 39 people, including 16 foreigners. Earlier it was reported about the murdered citizens of Azerbaijan and Belgium. The attack on the club Reina happened at new year’s eve. In the building at the time were about 600 people. It was reported that the offender was dressed in a suit of Santa Claus. The Internet is a video that captures the beginning of the attack on the school. The footage shows how the attacker randomly shooting at passing cars and bursts into the club.

Erdogan described the purpose of the Istanbul terrorist attack

Recep Tayyip Erdogan The purpose of the perfect new year’s eve in Istanbul attack was to destabilize Turkey and wreak havoc, said President Recep Tayyip Erdogan. The words of the head of state leads the Anadolu news Agency. “We understand that the attacks perpetrated by different terrorist organizations are linked with the processes in the region,” he said. According to the President, Turkey is determined to destroy the threat and prevent another attack. The government will not only resist the armed attacks of the terrorists and their supporters, but the pressure in other spheres, particularly in Economics and politics, has assured Erdogan. According to recent reports, the victims of the attack on the night club Reina in Istanbul were 39 people. It is known that Russians among the dead there. 69 people were injured, including several citizens of Azerbaijan. The attacker shot people in places of entertainment, managed to escape.

Kim Jong-UN has promised a speedy completion of work on Intercontinental missiles

Kim Jong-UN Intercontinental ballistic missile in the DPRK is “in final stages of development”. About it as transfers TASS, said the leader of the Republic, Kim Jong-UN in his new year address to the nation. “North Korea will strengthen its military potential if the United States did not stop the aggressive policy,” he said. Also, the head of North Korea’s reaffirmed commitment of the government “the exchange rate on the parallel development of economy and strengthening of the nuclear deterrent.” In addition, Kim Jong-Eun in his speech called the DPRK’s “nuclear power in the East.” Previously, North Korea rejected the statement of NATO, which has demanded Pyongyang to abandon its missile and nuclear programs. 6 January 2016, the DPRK conducted another nuclear test, and on 7 February launched a carrier rocket with the artificial companion of the Earth, thus violating the resolutions of the UN security Council. In response, the

Trump questioned Russian involvement in hacking attacks

Donald Trump The US President-elect Donald trump expressed doubt that Russia was behind the hacking attacks on the resources of the Democratic party, Reuters reports. In his opinion, it is incorrect to lay the blame on Moscow, if there is not sufficient information. “I think it’s unfair if we don’t know. It could be someone else,” said trump to reporters at his estate in Florida where he spends Christmas and new year holidays. Earlier it was reported that the US authorities have detected malware in the system electric company in Vermont. Suspicion fell on the Russian hackers. Soon, however, it became clear that utility was discovered on the same laptop, which was connected to the electricity network. December 29, Washington imposed sanctions against the FSB, the GRU and other Russian organizations and six individuals in connection with the alleged earlier attacks aimed to interfere in the electoral process in the