The Ministry of justice will conduct an internal investigation into the actions of the FBI during the election campaign

James Komi The inspector General of the US Department of justice Michael Horowitz announced that his office will begin an investigation of the actions taken in anticipation of elections in November 2016, the Ministry and within its framework the FBI. About it reports TV channel ABC News. In particular, we have to determine whether violated the principles of the actions of FBI Director James Comey, who informed the public and Congress about the progress of the investigation against the former Secretary of state, candidate for President from the Democrats Hillary Clinton. According to Horowitz, having begun an investigation, the Agency thus responded to the numerous requests of Congress, various organizations and the public. On 12 November, shortly after the election, which Clinton lost to Republican candidate Donald Trump, she is accused of Komi in his defeat. A few days before the vote, the FBI Director raised the issue of her

Le Pen visited the residence of the trump in new York

Marine Le Pen The leader of the extreme right French party “national front” marine Le Pen visited the residence of the elected President of the USA of Donald trump in new York. About it reports Reuters. Inside the building, she met with three unidentified people and did not answer questions about the purpose of his visit. According to the Agency, one of the producers of CNN in his Twitter said that the politician will not meet with either trump himself or members of his transition team. On 9 November 2016, before the announcement of the official results of the vote, Le Pen congratulated Republicans on their election victory. “I congratulate the new US President Donald trump and the free American people!” — she wrote. Earlier the politician spoke positively about his views.

McCain has ruled out U.S. cooperation with Russia

John McCain Us Senator John McCain has ruled out U.S. cooperation with Russia on any issues, including in the fight against the terrorists banned in Russia grouping “Islamic state”. He said this in his opening remarks during the approval process a potential defense Secretary James Mattis, video stream available on the website Politico. According to the Senator, the interest of President Vladimir Putin is strengthening Russia and weakening of the United States, and therefore cooperation with Moscow excluded. McCain said that three previous US President, Barack Obama, George Bush and bill Clinton — tried to restore relations with Russia, but failed through the fault of Moscow. The US President-elect Donald trump on 11 January during a press conference said that no plans to restart relations with Moscow. He added that, if the relationship between the two leaders deteriorated, it will be much harder to treat Putin than Democrat Hillary Clinton,

In Belgium arrested likely part of the terrorist attacks in Paris and Brussels

In the Belgian town of Laeken, to the North-East of Brussels, police arrested two suspects in the terrorist attacks in Paris and Brussels. It is reported by Le Soir, citing data from the Prosecutor’s office of the Kingdom. Farid K. and Meiram E. B. , as the investigators suggest, manufactured and passed fake documents to Khalid El-Batrawi, which is considered one of the organizers of the terrorist attack in Paris in November 2015. Fake ID the attacker rented an apartment that ispolzovali by terrorists in preparing attacks in the French capital. TV channel BFMTV said that the same documents were removed housing, which is used Salah abdessalam, the main suspect in the case of the terrorist attacks in Paris. Later Khalid El-Batrawi together with his brother Ibrahim joined the group, committed on 22 March 2016 a terrorist attack in Brussels. The attack killed 35 people, more than 300 were injured.

The Russian foreign Ministry commented on the deployment of American troops in Europe

Alexei Meshkov The deployment of American forces in Europe destabilizie the situation in the region. This was stated by Deputy foreign Minister of Russia Alexei Meshkov, reports “Interfax” on Thursday, January 12. “Attempts to hide behind the so-called rotation principle is not that other, as a large-scale military training of NATO countries on the Eastern borders of the Alliance, and simply put, in the immediate vicinity to our borders”, — said the diplomat. On 8 January it was reported that in Poland, arrived the first group of soldiers of the armored brigade of the United States. 250 soldiers were deployed as part of operation Atlantic Resolve to strengthen the Eastern flank of NATO. The deployment of an armoured brigade of the USA in Poland should be completed before the end of the month. Russian authorities have repeatedly stated that they consider the approach of the troops of the North Atlantic

The intelligence community, the U.S. distanced themselves from the scandal with the “collect compromising information on trump”

James Clapper Director of national intelligence James Clapper said that the document, which referred to allegedly conducted by Russian security services collect compromising information on President Donald trump is not a product of us intelligence. About it reports Reuters. As explained by the Clapper, he does not believe that the leak of such a document could occur from the bowels of the U.S. intelligence community. Also, the DCS reported that on Wednesday evening, January 11, he discussed with trump this issue. Previously, BuzzFeed published alleged secret report of former agent of British intelligence on the “deep ties” with trump Russia. It was allegedly claimed that Russian intelligence has collected dirt on himself and his main rival in the fight for the presidency of Democrat Hillary Clinton. It is also said that the FSB was blackmailing trump dirt collected on him during a visit to Moscow in 2013. The trump rejected

The court declared void the decision of the Parliament declaring Maduro to resign

Nicolas Maduro The Supreme court of Venezuela declared void the last action controlled by the opposition in the National Assembly, including President Nicolas Maduro absent at his post. The corresponding decision was published on Wednesday, January 11, reports RIA Novosti. The judges said that all the decisions of the recent meeting have no power, as the Parliament continues to disrespect of the Executive authority and violates the statutory regulations of your activities. The court also in connection with the situation allowed Maduro to give his annual report on the work of the government this Sunday, January 15, not before Parliament, and the members of the Supreme court itself. Monday, January 9, the Parliament declared Maduro to leave his post. For the resolution voted 106 deputies out of the 163 empowered. The paper argues that Maduro failed to fulfill their duties. The Supreme court immediately declared that the national Assembly has

The President of Mexico, commented on the trump plans begin to build a wall on the border

Enrique Peña Nieto Mexican President Enrique peña Nieto commented on the plans elected President of the USA of Donald trump to begin to build a wall on the border at the expense of Latin American countries. On Wednesday, January 11, reports Reuters The head of state said that Mexico will seek to improve relations with Washington, particularly in matters of trade, security and migrant, however, will not pay for the construction of the fence. Earlier, on 11 January, trump has promised to begin the construction of the wall on the border with Mexico before the end of the negotiations. He suggested that the discussion may take about one and a half years. The US President-elect said that Vice-President Mike Pence “will lead efforts to obtain final confirmation of various agencies and Congress” after joining the Republican position. Trump also announced that Mexico will cover the cost of the walls in

USA imposed new sanctions against the DPRK

The United States expanded sanctions list against North Korea, according to the website of the U.S. Treasury. In the list of persons who are constrained, enabled the Ministry of labor and the State planning Committee. Also on the list of seven officials Is the Minister of state security Kim Won Hong, the head of the camp for political prisoners in the province of hamkyong Kim Il Us assistant Director of the Department of agitation and propaganda of the workers ‘ party of Korea and the younger sister of leader Kim Jong-UN — Kim Jong E, another Deputy Director of the Department Choi Hwi, Deputy Director of organizational-methodical Department of the Central Committee of the WPK, Jo Yong Won, responsible for the “political check and cleaning” employee of this Department Bong Min Chul and Director of the General political Department of the Ministry of people’s security, Kang pil Hoon. The Finance

Trump rejected the idea of reboot of relations with Russia

Donald Trump The US President-elect Donald trump rejected the idea of reboot of relations with Moscow. He stated this during the press conference stream is available on YouTube. “For Russia there will be no reset button, or we will come to understanding, or not,” said the Republican. However, he was not at the request of the journalist to say that neither he nor members of his team had no contact with Moscow during the election campaign. In addition, during the conversation with journalists he also said that good relations with Russian leader Vladimir Putin may benefit the two countries ‘ relations. “If Putin likes Donald trump, I think it’s an asset, not a negative factor,” he said. Trump said the two countries can, for example, to fight together with the terrorists, not the group “Islamic state” (IG). He added that, if the relationship between the two leaders deteriorated, it will