In India when a train crash killed dozens of people

In a train crash in India has killed at least 23 people, about 100 were injured. About this newspaper The Times of India. The incident occurred late on Saturday evening, January 21, near the station of the Kuner in the state of Andhra Pradesh. From the derailed locomotive and seven carriages of the train Jagdalpur — Bhubaneswar. To the place of accident sent to the emergency services. Experts have begun to clarify the causes of the incident. Many people get caught deformed designs of the cars. The death toll is not final, the work of rescue continues. In India train crash to happen often. In the night of Sunday, November 20, 14 cars of a passenger train, EN route Indore — Patna, derailed in the North of the country. Killed more than 140 people.

The United States refused to send a delegation to the Syrian talks in Astana

The United States decided not to send a delegation for talks on Syria in Astana. On Saturday, January 21, reports Reuters with reference to the state Department. The U.S. state Department spokesman mark Toner said that the country will be the us Ambassador to Kazakhstan, George Krol. “Because held on the inauguration of the President and transfer of power delegation from Washington will not be present at the conference in Astana”, — said the speaker. Meanwhile, in Astana with representatives of Russia, Turkey and Iran, reports “Interfax”. The arrival of the UN envoy to Syria Staffan de Mistura is expected in the night of January 22. Representatives of the government of Syria will arrive on Sunday. The beginning of negotiations scheduled for 23 January.

Trump gave a speech before employees of the CIA

Donald Trump The US President Donald trump on his first full day arrived at the headquarters of the CIA in Virginia, reports the Associated Press. Trump addressed a speech to the 400 employees of the Department. The President called them “truly valuable and amazing professionals.” A priority for the CIA trump has described the fight against Islamic terrorism, reports Reuters. The head of state gave intelligence officers the respect and denied that he is feuding with the intelligence community. According to trump, this feud was invented by the media. Earlier, trump criticized the intelligence services, accusing Russia of trying to help him in the elections and prevent leaks about the report, which stated that Russia has the trump dirt. January 6 was published declassified version of the report prepared by the CIA, FBI and NSA, in which he argued that Putin personally ordered to organize a campaign to influence the

The mayor of London joined the women’s March against trump

Sadiq Khan The mayor of London, Sadiq Khan, joined a mass protest March against trump, which takes place in the English capital. On Saturday, January 21, reports TASS. The demonstrators marched from the U.S. Embassy in London to Trafalgar square, chanting: “Build bridges, not walls”. Some of them carried placards with inscriptions, “Stop trump, No racism, no Trump”. Also, the action was attended by British actress Rebecca Hall, deputies from the labour party, Yvette Cooper and Harriet Harman. According to the organizers, the March joined by about 80 thousand people. Protests against trump were held across the UK and in other countries. In Helsinki and Stockholm, protesters gathered for a rally. According to Reuters, women’s marches were held worldwide, in particular in Berlin, Paris, Rome, Vienna, Geneva, Amsterdam, Nairobi, Sydney, Melbourne and Tokyo. A protest March was held in Washington, and in Canada took place thousands rally in support of

The American media became aware of the investigation communications team trump with Russia

Donald Trump U.S. intelligence agencies are investigating possible ties between members of the team of Donald trump with Russia. It is reported by The New York Times. All investigative actions led by the FBI, they are also attracted by the NSA, CIA and Department to investigate financial crimes of the U.S. Treasury. According to the publication, in the hands of investigators, there is evidence of intercepted conversations and financial transactions. As one of the suspects called the former campaign Manager of trump Paul Manafort (which is no secret that conducts economic activity in Russia and Ukraine). Other former and current advisers of the elected President, including a former aide to the foreign policy of the Carter Paige and Roger stone. It is unclear whether the intercepted data relation to campaign trump or to the President-elect, and hacking servers of the Democratic party. In recent weeks, the investigation was accelerated, but

US intelligence has estimated the victims of the drone strikes during the years of the Obama presidency

Over the years, the presidency of Barack Obama in the attacks of us drones (UAVs) outside the areas of fighting killed between 64 and 117 civilians in different countries. About it reports Associated Press with reference to the report of the Director of national intelligence James Clapper. According to the Agency, the document does not say where it came under attack, but the Ministry of defence and the CIA have conducted operations in Pakistan, Yemen, Somalia and Libya. The data do not include statistics on strikes in Iraq, Syria and Afghanistan — countries that the USA consider areas of active hostilities. In the raids with the use of drones were destroyed from 2803 3022 to militants. 3 January it was reported that the ongoing US-led coalition bombing in Iraq and Syria led to the deaths of at least 188 civilians. At the end of October last year, Amnesty International published

In Hamburg discovered a 1,000-pound bomb during the Second world war

In the waters of the river port of Hamburg discovered a 1,000-pound bomb during the Second world war. It is reported by the Hamburger Abendblatt. The projectile was at a depth of seven meters. After extracting it to the surface, rescuers began to neutralize the triggers. The area of the operation cordoned off and temporarily stopped the traffic. All inhabitants of nearby houses were evacuated. In the works attended by about 50 professionals. According to representatives of the emergency services, the operation will be completed in the next few hours. On December 25 last year in the German city of Augsburg was evacuated 54 thousand inhabitants due to the discovery of an aircraft bomb weighing 1.8 tons. The discovery was made during construction works in the historical part of the city. The explosive device which allegedly belongs to the Armed forces of great Britain, is the biggest bomb ever found

Zakharova spoke about the lack of Kerry Russophobia

Maria Zakharova Official representative of Russian foreign Ministry Maria Zakharova, the radio station “Echo of Moscow” said that Secretary of state John Kerry was part of “Russophobic team” of President Barack Obama. “Absolutely not, she said, answering a question of the presenter.— I am absolutely sure — so far as it allows me to talk about this position. As far as I can tell this is not stiffly and formally, but also their feelings and emotions.” According to the diplomat, Sergei Lavrov maintains good relations with John Kerry. “When it comes to friends, it does not depend on the position, — said Zakharov. — Sergey Viktorovich maintains a very good relationship with many former foreign Ministers. I do not see this problem.” Kerry held the post of U.S. Secretary of state since 2013. In retirement, he will leave after the inauguration of the elected President of the USA of Donald

A dozen people were killed in a road accident in Italy

Photo: Danish Siddiqui / Reuters A major accident in Verona, in the North-East of Italy, claimed the lives of 16 people. On Saturday, January 21, according to RaiNews. According to the Agency, the Hungarian bus crashed into a pole, then caught fire. In the vehicle there were 55 people, 39 of whom were injured. Among the passengers was a group of teenagers 14-18 years, returning to Budapest. On 19 January in the Indian state of Uttar Pradesh head-on collision occurred a school bus with a truck, killing 24 teenagers. The cause of the accident could become a heavy fog. All were on the bus the children were from 3 to 12 years.

Trump was sworn in as the 45th President of the USA

Donald Tramploline: trump in his inaugural speech promised to return power to the people In Washington near the Capitol, the inauguration of the 45th President of the USA of Donald trump. Before him were sworn, Vice-President Mike Pence. Live webcast of the event leads the TV channel “Russia 24”. Trump took the oath on two Bibles. The first was given to his mother in 1955 in honor of the Sunday school, and the second belonged to the 16th US President Abraham Lincoln. The ceremony is attended by over 800 thousand people. After the inauguration, the President will take part in a celebratory lunch with senators and congressmen, and then will take a ceremonial parade and together with the first lady Melania trump will attend a few balls. Since mid-January in different U.S. cities held protests against trump. For example, on January 19 in new York city near owned by billionaire