The Gambia Treasury was empty after the expulsion of the former President

ECOWAS troops in Gambia The public Treasury had been empty after the resignation of President Yahya Jammeh, expelled from the country. This was stated Sunday, January 22, the new head of state Adam barrow, reports Reuters. “According to information we received, the money in the Treasury not. That’s what we were told. Tomorrow after my actual joining in the post we will clarify all of this,” said barrow. Earlier on 22 January, troops of the Economic community of West African countries (ECOWAS) under the greetings of local residents came to the capital of the Gambia, Banjul and occupied the presidential compound. January 21, Jammeh left Gambia and went into exile in Equatorial Guinea. Before that he was under pressure from the international community resigned and ceded power to the winner of the presidential election Adam barrow. Jammeh, who lost in the December presidential elections, barrow, was to transfer power barrow

Trump read he left Obama a note

Donald Trump The US President Donald trump has read a note left for him by his predecessor Barack Obama in office Desk drawer of the Oval office in the White house. As reports on Sunday, January 22, TASS, the 45th President said, speaking before the swearing-in of senior staff of the national security Council (NSC) of the White house. “I went into the Oval office and found this beautiful letter from President Obama. It was great to write it,” said trump, noting that the contents of the note to disclose will not. To leave in your Desk drawer in the oval office address on behalf of the outgoing US President to his successor — a long tradition. The text of the letter is known only to the author and the addressee. Donald trump officially took office as US President on 20 January, the ceremony was held in Washington, DC near

The FSB told about the shelling of the Russian drilling platform with vessel of the Ukrainian Navy

Of naval forces of Ukraine engaged in provocations in the Black sea and threaten the security of economic activities of Russia. This was stated in interview to “Rossiyskaya Gazeta”, the Deputy head of the FSB border service of Russia Admiral Gennady Medvedev. “It requires serious attention and that there are still real threats to the safety of Maritime economic activities in the Black sea. So, last year on March 31, one of the ships of naval forces of Ukraine made a provocative action, opened fire with automatic weapons on a Jack-up drilling rig “Tavrida” located in the Black sea”, — he said. The incident, according to Medvedev, was resolved through the involvement of intelligence agencies and the black sea fleet. The Ukrainian Navy frigate “Hetman Sahaidachny” and the diving ship “Pochaiv”, on Board of which was conducted bombardment, was expelled from the area, which houses the drilling rig “Chernomorneftegaz”. In

Victims of tornadoes in the two States were 15 people

The city of Hattiesburg, Mississippi At least 15 people died in tornadoes in the last 48 hours in the United States. On Sunday, January 22, reports channel ABC. In the state of Georgia the victims of the disaster that struck on the morning of 22 January, there have been at least 11 people, injured 23. The storm became a cause of death on the morning of 21 January, four people in Hattiesburg, Mississippi, many more were injured. In addition, powerful winds destroyed homes, knocked down trees and power line posts. The national weather service has predicted a new wave of bad weather: tornadoes, strong wind speeds of up to 70 kilometers per hour, a downpour of large hailstones are expected in the evening Sunday in southern Mississippi, Northern Florida and Southeast Alabama. In mid-October of 2016 from the storm “Matthew” in the five most affected States — Virginia, Georgia, Florida,

The diplomat spoke about the Syrian talks in Astana

A soldier of the guard of honor in Astana The negotiations in Astana are hard, said the Minister Counsellor of Russia to Kazakhstan Alexander Musienko. His words on Sunday, January 22, RIA Novosti reported. “The negotiations are difficult, viscous, but time should be given to our negotiators that they have accomplished their mission,” — said the diplomat. He stressed that “for one day such issues are not solved”. “I can only for the Russian delegation to say that the attitude of most militant, resolute, we are trying to negotiate with everyone, and we will strive towards this”, he said. According to Musienko, the delegations of Russia, Iran and Turkey are working on the final document, and “now all this busy”. In Astana held a trilateral consultations on the issues of the Syrian settlement in the run-up to international meetings on this issue, which is expected to begin on 23 January

The White house accused the American media in an attempt to deprive trump of legitimacy

Donald Trump The head of the White house Raines, Primos accused the American media of the desire to delegitimize the President of the United States Donald trump. An opinion he expressed in an interview with Fox News channel Sunday, January 22, writes The Hill. “It’s not the size of the audience [who was present at the inauguration of the trump]. The case in the attacks and attempted to delegitimize this President in one day. And we are not going to sit idly by and tolerate this (…) every day We will fight for life and death”, — said Pribis. Earlier on January 21, the press Secretary of trump Sean Spicer in a briefing criticized the media for spreading false information about the number of people present at the ceremony of inauguration of the new head of state. “It was the largest audience ever watching the inauguration, as at present personally

American truck with shells for the tanks rolled in Poland

Carrying shells for tanks truck Armed forces of the United States turned over in the Lubuskie Voivodeship of Poland. On Sunday, January 22, reported on the website of the Ministry of national defense of the country. According to authorities, the incident occurred yesterday evening on the national road No. 27 near the settlement Peski. It is noted that “the driver of the truck was driving at a speed not corresponding to road conditions”, from-for what the car brought and he drove off the highway. As a result, two American soldiers (driver and passenger) sustained minor injuries and the road was blocked due to scattered projectiles. At the accident scene arrived sappers, military police, firefighters and us soldiers. The consequences of the accident have been eliminated by Sunday, the victims received medical treatment.

The Ministry supported the idea to restrict cash payments

Maxim Topilin The Minister of labour and social protection Maxim Topilin endorsed the idea of limiting expensive purchases for cash. It is reported by TASS on Sunday, January 22. The labor Minister stressed that, in his opinion, is “very right decision”. “Where are you abroad buy something expensive with cash? There is 500 euros anywhere to change it is impossible”, — said Topilin. Yesterday, 21 January, Finance Minister Anton Siluanov has proposed to limit the cash payments to make the Russian economy more transparent. “Through this tool could collect more taxes,” explained the Minister of Finance its position. In the beginning of the year cash payments for amounts over 1.8 thousand dollars was prohibited in the Ukraine. The national Bank explained the decision necessity of development of cashless payments. In Russia, the idea of limiting expensive purchases for cash were discussed in 2012 with the participation of the Central Bank

Daily Mail predicted a Russian victory over the British army in one day

British Prime Minister Theresa may on a military base Reducing the military budget robs the army of Britain to remain an effective fighting force. To such conclusion experts of the Center for historical analysis and conflict research (CHACR), writes Daily Mail Sunday, January 22. “Cuts in defense spending leads to the fact that the only remaining combat unit in the British army can be completely destroyed in one day by a “competent enemy” such as Russia”, — quotes the edition of the abstracts from the report. According to experts, the decrease of funding leads to the depletion of army capabilities, especially in terms of confrontation serious threats. “Although the report acknowledges that the UK does not threaten the immediate direct assault, it is also noted that the country could be dragged into the conflict”, — the newspaper writes. It is specified, that involvement in conflicts is possible in the case

The Pope refused to assess the achievements of the trump

Assessment of the new US President Donald trump to give up early, you must wait for his actions. On Sunday, January 22, said Pope Francis in an interview with Spanish newspaper El Pais. “Let’s see what he’ll do,” said the Pontiff and stressed that the judge’s policy is premature. However, he warned about the growing level of populism in the world. “The crisis provokes fear and anxiety. I think the obvious example of European populism can serve Germany in 1933,” said the Pope. He recalled that at that time Germany was broken, she had to get to his feet, needed a leader. “And then a young man named Adolf Hitler came and said, “I can, I can.” The Germans voted for Hitler. He stole the power. Voted for by the people, and the same people was destroyed,” commented Francis. Republican Donald trump has entered a post of the US President