Rutte urged dissatisfied workers to leave the Netherlands

Mark Rutte The Prime Minister of the Netherlands mark Rutte urged to leave the country those who do not share the values of Dutch society. Reported Dutch News. “If you live in the country, the way of life which annoys you, you should leave,” — said the politician. According to him, the indigenous population is experiencing a growing discontent because of the behavior of visitors who do not want to adapt, attack gays, insulting women in short skirts or simple call the Dutch racists. It clarifies, in turn, “Russian service Bi-bi-si”, analysts believe that due to such a sharp attack against migrants and refugees Rutte hoped before the election to strengthen the position of his people’s party for freedom and democracy, which, according to opinion polls, running neck and neck with dramatically scored in recent months the popularity of the anti-immigrant freedom Party under the leadership of Geert Wilders. The

Italian rescuers ignored the first reports of avalanches in the hotel

Managers Italian emergency services ignored the first reports of avalanches in the hotel “Rugapiana” in the Italian province of Pescara. It is reported by Rai News. As explained in regional administration, at the time of snow melt controllers had to take hundreds of calls from people from different areas asking for help, as shortly before this, the country has witnessed a series of earthquakes. The Manager of the hotel a few hours before the tragedy sent an email in which he wrote about the threat environment. In particular, the Manager pointed out that the building no one can get out from behind the two-meter drifts, the fuel for the diesel generator remains only for a day, the phone connection is broken. He said that on their own — with the help of shovels and small snow blower was able to clear a small area in front of the building, however

Trump has signed a decree on the withdrawal of the U.S. from the TRANS-Pacific partnership

Donald Trump The US President Donald trump has signed a decree on the country’s withdrawal from the TRANS-Pacific economic partnership (TPP). It is reported Associated Press Monday, January 23. This step is a formality, since the agreement was never ratified by the U.S. Senate. As indicated earlier, it is unlikely it would be approved, as this could lead to job losses in the United States. On November 21 last year, the trump called the TPP a “potential disaster” for the United States. “Instead, we will negotiate a fair bilateral trade deals that will bring jobs and manufacturing back to the U.S.,” he said. In mid-November, the administration of former head of state Barack Obama decided not to discuss the TPP in Congress by passing this issue to the team trump. TTP statutes provide that the Treaty will enter into force only if it will involve US. The agreement on free

Liberal human rights activists have accused trump of bribery

Donald Trump American liberal advocacy group Citizens for Responsibility and Ethics in Washington (CREW) announced the intention to file a lawsuit against President Donald trump on suspicion of corruption. It is reported by The New York Times. According to human rights activists, trump, violates the U.S. Constitution by taking money from foreign governments. In particular, they indicate that he owned the hotel foreign officials, they are trained on a Golf course, and trump enterprises doing business with foreign public companies. The thus-obtained funds, says CREW are trick that could force the U.S. President to take a decision contrary to the interests of the country. The organization intends to achieve from the Federal court in new York official prohibition Trump to accept funds from foreign governments. In particular, the CREW hopes to deprive of the President of the income from the network of hotels and Golf clubs, and also not allow

The closest ally of Sarkozy received a prison sentence

Claude Gean The closest ally of Nicolas Sarkozy and former interior Minister of France Claude Gean has received two years of imprisonment, one of which will be spent in prison. It is reported BFMTV. A ruling made by the court of appeal of Paris, which also ruled with Geena 75 thousand Euro fine and banned him for five years to occupy posts in system of public administration. The case against the former official was opened in 2013. Then it became known that in 2002-2004 Gean, who held the post of chief of staff of the interior Ministry, received a monthly budget of special Fund of the office of 10 thousand euros. Half of the money he kept the second part was distributed between the three participants in this scheme. A total of Gean convicted of financial violations for the sum of 210 thousand euros. During the hearings, former Minister denied

Greek farmers began to block roads with tractors for higher taxes

Archive photo Greek farmers started to block the road with tractors and other machinery in protest against taxes. It is reported by the Athens News Agency (ANA). The first event was attended by farmers from Veria, located in the province of Central Macedonia in Northern Greece. “We start the rallies, mobilise supporters, as farmers are coming rainy days. We can not deal with the tax burden and rising costs of production, it is a question of survival,”— said the President of the Association of farmers taxis Halkidis. The protesters intend to block the road and a number of buildings in which are located the bodies of local government. As expected, the peak of the protests should be on 24 January, when the stock will be joined by farmers from many regions of the country. On December 8 last year in Greece there was a national strike declared against the labor

Chinese official sentenced to life in prison for taking bribes

Former Deputy Chairman of the main Advisory body of China all — China Committee of National political consultative Council of China su Rong (Su Rong) was sentenced to life in prison for taking bribes in 116 million yuan (16.8 million dollars). On Monday, January 23, reports “Xinhua”. The sentence passed by the court of Jinan city in Shandong province. Su guna also deprived of political rights, his property shall be confiscated. According to the investigation, su Rong abused official position, holding various management positions from 2002 to 2014, took bribes personally or through proxies. According to the Agency, the former official is not going to appeal the verdict. After the election of the President of China in March 2013, XI Jinping, urged to struggle with corruption, striking “and the tiger and the fly”, that is, sparing neither small, nor the most senior officials. Since then, the time dozens of officials

Protesters seized the point of entry on the border of Mexico and USA

Protesters took control of one of the busiest points of entry Otay Mesa, connecting Mexican Tijuana and the us city of San Diego. As reported on Monday, January 23, the Associated Press, there are about 50 demonstrators protesting against rising petrol prices in the country. Participants of the action hold in hand posters with claims against the government of Mexican leader Enrique peña Nieto. It is noted that because of the demonstrators for a few hours had hampered the movement of vehicles in the district of San Isidro. According to the Agency, these protests are irrelevant to the election of the President of the United States Donald trump and his taking office. Protests against the increase in gasoline prices in Mexico have repeatedly escalated into riots. Rising prices caused by the depreciation of the national currency, the peso.

In Astana has begun talks on Syria

In the capital of Kazakhstan Astana has begun talks on Syria. The meeting is being held in the Rixos hotel. On Monday, January 23, reports TASS. It is noted that the delegations of the Syrian government and the armed opposition for the first time sat down at the negotiating table. In addition, the meeting was attended by representatives of Kazakhstan, Iran, the UN, the US, Turkey and Russia. The main theme of the meeting — confirmation of the armistice agreements of December 29, and advance the political negotiation process for consultations in Geneva on 8 February. As noted by RIA Novosti, the organizers of the meeting in order to unify the positions of the negotiating parties deliberately did not put on the table signs for the opposition and Damascus, marking the two delegations as the “Syrian Arab Republic”. 29 December 2016, Russian President Vladimir Putin announced that they had reached

China has banned unregistered virtual private networks

Chinese authorities have banned the use of unregistered virtual private networks (VPN). About it reports The South China Morning Post. The Ministry of industry and information technology of China issued a decree according to which all cable operators and all VPN services should be required to obtain a permit to conduct activities with the government. “The Chinese market for Internet services develops chaotically, which requires immediate intervention in order to resolve the situation”, — stated in the message text. Beijing believes that this is necessary to ensure the security of the country. According to the publication, this is due to the desire of the Chinese authorities to eliminate the numerous online services that allow you to circumvent the system of control over the Internet — the so-called “Great Chinese firewall”. It is aimed at curbing the organization of the protest movement, and criticism of the Communist party. Within its framework