Trump promised to get Mexico to pay for the wall on the border

Donald Trump US President, Donald trump signed two decree — on the protection of the state border envisages construction of the wall on the border with Mexico, and immigration. In his first interview as head of state, which he gave to the TV channel on Wednesday, January 25, at the White house, trump assured that the wall would pay in Mexico city. According to the President, the construction will begin in the coming months and will first use the money from the budget of the United States, however Mexico reimburses 100 percent of costs. “It will come at the expense of Mexico… and we will reimburse it at the expense of Mexico, as I always say” — promised the head of the White house. According to him, the money will get a quite complex scheme of remittances from the U.S. to Mexico. As Reuters reports citing White House spokesman Sean

The Russians were put on trial in Turkey for the preparation of terrorist attacks using airplanes

Police in Istanbul Turkey began the trial of nine alleged members of the “Islamic state”, including seven Russians and two Turks. They are suspected of preparing terrorist attacks using RC aircraft, Hurriyet Daily News reported. According to the indictment, the militants were engaged in collecting data to determine where to attack. Attacks on behalf of ISIS was planned to perform in Istanbul in June 2016. All nine people were detained in the operation against the members of this banned terrorist groups in June and July. One of them was Zelimkhan Zaiceva (Zelimkhan Tsaysaev) is found associated with the “Islamic state” documents, and items needed to create a belt of the suicide bomber. Other detainees in phones found photos taken in a combat zone, as well as songs praising ISIS. Home Curie Gazaeva (Kyuri Khatsaev) and Orstkho Hassan (Hassan Orstho) seized two remote controlled aircraft, capable of carrying from 17 to

A defector from North Korea spoke about the growing public discontent, Kim Jong-UN

Kim Jong-UN A former North Korean diplomat Tae Yong Ho, who defected to South Korea, spoke about the growing public discontent against the country’s leader Kim Jong-UN. His words are reports Reuters. “Grassroots criticism of the regime, previously considered unthinkable, sounds more and more. We need to pour gasoline on North Korea and allow the country’s people to bring the match,” explained the former diabetic. He said that he fled the country because of disagreement with the political leadership. According to Tae Yong Ho, in modern Korea from communism have not disappeared, and the elites observe with concern as Cambodia, Vietnam and ex-USSR countries carry out economic and social reforms. Tae Yong Ho was reported missing in August of 2016 from the Embassy in London shortly before returning home. Later it became known that he, along with his wife and children fled to South Korea. His family was taken under

In Lisbon, a passenger ferry crashed into a pier

Video from the scene As a result of collision passenger ferry with pier in Lisbon wounds of various severity level have received 34. It is reported Diario de Noticias. The ship on Board of which there were 561 people arrived in the Portuguese capital from the city of Barreiro. The accident occurred at a time when the ferry tried to dock. According to preliminary data, the reason of the incident was heavy fog near the port of destination as well as an error of the captain, who did not observe speed limits. For investigation of accident set up a special Commission. On 8 January last year, the Japanese Beetle passenger ship collided with a whale off the coast of South Korea. Four people were injured due to falls and bumps. The ship itself received no damage, but returned to the port of Busan. There the victims were hospitalized.

In Kuwait executed Prince killer

In Kuwait executed seven people, including the Prince. About it reports Reuters. Prince Faisal al-Abdullah al-Sabah in October 2011 was sentenced to death for the murder of his nephew, Prince Basil Salem Sabah al-Salem al-Sabah. Faisal, a former captain of the army of Kuwait, shot and killed Basilio, arrived on a visit to his Palace. About his motives the killer was never told. The remaining six executed, including one woman, were convicted of murder, attempted murder, kidnapping and rape. Only two of them, including Prince Faisal, had Kuwaiti citizenship. In 2007, another member of the ruling al Sabah family, Sheikh Talal, was sentenced to death and fined in the amount of 35 thousand dollars for drug trafficking 10 kilograms of cocaine and 120 pounds of hashish. His assistants received life sentences.

German police conducted a special operation against the “Citizens of the Reich”

In Germany, the police conducted a special operation against neo-Nazis. About it reports Reuters. It was attended by a total of about 200 guards: at dawn they conducted simultaneous raids in six regions, including Berlin. Detained seven people. The six are suspected of establishing right-wing extremist group “Reichsburger” (“citizens of the Reich”) and planning armed attacks on the police, migrants and Jews, seventh — that he assisted them. The detainees met through the social network, confirmed in a statement to the police. The rise of far-right extremism in Germany is associated with the migration crisis, in which arrived in the country more than a million refugees. According to police and intelligence services, in 2015 in Germany, there were about 11.8 thousand right-wing radicals, by the end of 2016, the number had risen to 12.1 thousand.

Islamists attacked a hotel in Somalia

Continued: In the network appeared video of attack on hotel in Somalia In Mogadishu (Somalia) the Islamists attacked the hotel. About it reports Reuters. According to police, militants in a car bomb rammed the gates of the hotel. After the explosion was a hole. It stormed by Islamists opened fire on those inside. Some time later the second explosion occurred. As told by police Colonel Abdikadir Hussein (Abdiqadir Hussein), hotel security managed to repel the attack. “We have ensured the safety of people and after that started to sweep, he explained. Now our units are inside the building, we cannot reveal all the information.” The guards reported 13 dead in the attack. Among the victims, police officers and civilians. Dozens of people were injured, according to doctors, many of them are in critical condition. Responsibility for attack was assumed by Islamic group “Al-Shabab” — ally prohibited in Russia, “al-Qaeda”. Somali

Panama has suspended the investigation into the offshore

The Prosecutor General’s office of Panama suspended the investigation of the so-called “Panama dossier” in which it was reported that a number of world leaders and their people have used offshore schemes. On Wednesday, January 25, according to Al-Manar TV, citing representatives of the Prosecutor General. Grounds for suspension of the investigation was the question on the legality of these actions. Now the Supreme court will decide whether the case reopened. In April 2016, the German newspaper Süddeutsche Zeitung published documents of Panamanian law firm Mossack Fonseca, which indicates that a number of world politicians and public figures are widely used offshore schemes for tax evasion. Part of the materials devoted to the “inner circle” of Russian President Vladimir Putin. In total, the investigation involves 12 families of Russian officials and 12 world leaders — they are the owners of a Panamanian offshore. The scandals involved the President of Ukraine

In Brussels detained the suspected militants

Employees of the Belgian security services have arrested in Brussels a few suspected militants of the terrorist group “Islamic state” (IG, is prohibited in Russia). It is reported by Raids and searches were carried out early in the morning, January 25, at eight locations in various districts of the Kingdom — Molenbeek, Saerbeck, Anderlecht and Laeken. According to the publication, people who find themselves in the hands of the security services, could return from Syria, where he participated in the fighting on the side of the IG. The detainees were taken to the police station for questioning. The decision on their arrest in the near future will take the court. On 14 November last year the Minister of internal Affairs of Belgium Jan Jambon said about a possible return to Europe from three to five thousand militants. According to the head of the Ministry of interior, 117 known to

Sberbank responded to the lawsuit filed against him in the United States

Sberbank commented about the lawsuit in a U.S. court, defendants in which, in particular, is itself a credit institution and Chairman of the Board German Gref. Think there is a trial attempt of the former client “to evade responsibility”. About this video News Service Wednesday, January 25, the press service of the Bank. “The Bank has information that [Sergey] Poimanov (former principal owner of the company for production of crushed stone “Pavlovskgranit” — approx. “Of the”) does not leave attempts to evade responsibility, including criminal. The Bank’s lawyers must at all times act in accordance with the current legislation”, — said Sberbank. Earlier on 25 January, the newspaper “Vedomosti” wrote that the PPF Management, registered in the us state of Delaware, has applied to the court for the southern district of new York with a demand to pay $ 500 million for material and $ 250 million for moral