In Norway has accused Russia of attempts to influence the Nobel Committee

Russian diplomats tried to influence the interference in the work of the Nobel Committee, reports the Norwegian state broadcaster NRK. According to her, Russia tried to prevent the awarding of the Nobel peace prize for the year 2015 President of Ukraine Petro Poroshenko. This goal was allegedly organized the publication of the letter, which refers to the attempt of the U.S. Embassy in Oslo to achieve the award Poroshenko. Later, the new Director of the Nobel Institute Olav Engelstad was to interview two Russian diplomats. It later turned out that one of them supposedly still is an employee of the foreign intelligence Service. All this was seen in Norway as attempts to influence decisions on the Nobel peace prize in the context of a common threat, which is alleged to be in the West comes from Russia, exerting a “destabilizing” influence in Ukraine, the Eastern European region, the European institutions.

The Russian Embassy in London commented on the poems visit Mae in USA

Theresa May The Russian Embassy in London in his microblog on Twitter posted a poetic joke in response to the speech of the Prime Minister Theresa may, who in the US told how the West should treat Russia. — Russian Embassy, UK (@RussianEmbassy) January 27, 2017, 11:02 RIA Novosti is his version of poetic translation: “”Cooperate, but be careful,” the Prime Minister warned.As far as we know, the cold war has long been rested”. Thursday, 26 January, may, speaking before members of the Republican party in Philadelphia, said that the West should engage with Russia from a position of strength, while trying to avoid conflicts. The settlement of the situation in Syria may believes that the UK and the US can cooperate with Russia, using the rule “trust but verify”. With Russian President Vladimir Putin — “my advice is to cooperate, but to be alert,” she added.

Trump signed a decree on toughening of migration and the reorganization of the army

Mike Pence, Donald Trump, James Mattis The US President Donald trump on Friday signed a decree, which, according to him, more stringent barriers to the entry of foreign terrorists. About it reports Reuters. “I’m taking new steps to radical Islamic terrorists has remained outside of the United States of America,” said trump at a ceremony in the Pentagon. The President was accompanied by Vice-President Mike Pence and Secretary of defense James Mattis. “We want our country to accept those who will support our country and to love our people”, — the President added. In addition, trump signed a decree, which, he explained, provides for the beginning of the restructuring of the armed forces of the United States. The plan, he said, provides “new aircraft, new ships, new resources and new tools for our men and women in military uniform”. The contents of the decrees are not yet available. During his

Published regulations restricting the immigration decree trump

Donald Trump The President of the United States Donald trump stopped receiving refugees from Syria. This norm is contained in the decree on toughening of immigration policy, which the President signed on Friday, January 27, reports the Associated Press. As noted in the document, the entry of refugees — citizens of Syria is detrimental to US interests. The program of reception of refugees was suspended for 120 days. The quota for the 2017 financial year is set at 50 thousand people. Priority in considering applications for obtaining refugee status will be given to the religious minorities persecuted in their countries. The state Department is instructed to immediately cancel the program that allows citizens from some countries in some situations not be interviewed in the Consulate of the US before the visa. The Department of homeland security is mandated to accelerate the creation and commissioning of a biometric system for tracking

The media reported the opposition of the Syrian authorities with a number of points of the new Constitution

Bashar Al-Assad The Syrian authorities rejected several points in the draft Constitution prepared by Moscow. On Friday, January 27, according to Al Hayat. In particular, in Damascus did not agree with the transfer of legislative functions from the President to the Parliament and government. In addition, the Syrian authorities oppose the creation of a new authority — the Assembly of regions of Syria. As the newspaper notes, the amendments proposed by the Syrian government, has already sent to Moscow. On 24 January, the Russian delegation at the talks in Astana were handed over to representatives of the armed Syrian opposition proposals for amendments to the Constitution of Syria. Two days later, the media reported that the draft of the basic law, Russia’s draft includes a provision on establishment in Syria of a Kurdish autonomy. In addition, it is proposed to remove from the name of the country the word “Arab”,

Trump expressed hope for a “fantastic relationship” with Russia

Donald Trump The President of the United States Donald trump at a press conference with the Prime Minister of the United Kingdom Theresa may repeated that he hoped for good relations with the Russian President and the joint fight against terrorism. It is reported by RIA Novosti. “I hope that we will have a fantastic relationship,” said trump. “It’s possible. It is possible it will not. Let’s see what happens. I will be very firm, hard to imagine the American people”, — he stressed. “If we have excellent relations with Russia and other countries, if we work together to pursue the IG, which must be stopped is an evil that must be stopped is a good thing, not bad. How the relationship will develop, I can tell you later,” he added. Thus to speak about lifting sanctions against Russia yet, trump said in response to the question about willingness to

New German foreign Minister spoke about future priorities of German foreign policy,

Sigmar Gabriel Assigned on Friday, January 27, Minister of foreign Affairs Sigmar Gabriel spoke about what will be the foreign policy of the FRG. About it reports Reuters. He said that Germany will remain committed to the principle of the unity of Europe will continue to focus on the Transatlantic partnership with the US and will practice a multi-pronged approach to international problems. Thus, the Minister stressed the continuity of German foreign policy,. Gabriel also commented on the growing influence of populist parties and movements in Europe. He noted that they are exploiting the fears of the population, promising to reconsider the priorities in domestic and foreign policy, and stated that trust them would be a big mistake. According to the Minister, Germany must be met, any political change in the United States “with confidence and dignity.” Sigmar Gabriel said that looking forward to meeting with the new U.S. Secretary

The date of trump’s conversation with Putin, Merkel and Hollande

Donald Trump American President Donald trump will speak with Russian President Vladimir Putin, German Chancellor Angela Merkel and President of France Francois Hollande on January 28. This was stated press Secretary of the White house Sean Spicer in his Twitter. The Kremlin confirmed the plans of the presidents of Russia and USA to speak on January 28. Previous conversation Putin and trump was held on 14 November last year. They discussed relations between the two countries and spoke about the need to unite efforts in the fight against international terrorism and extremism. Also Putin and trump agreed to continue contacts on the phone and in the future, to hold a personal meeting. 15 Jan newspaper the Sunday Times wrote that the American President intends to meet with his Russian counterpart in Reykjavik in the coming weeks. However, on the same day, Spicer denied these reports. In the Kremlin, in turn,

Ultraprivate German policy was forbidden to visit Buchenwald

Bjorn Hecke The leadership of the Buchenwald memorial, located on the site of the former concentration camp, rebuked the head of branch of the far-right party “Alternative for Germany” (ADH) in Thuringia Hecke Bjorn (Björn Höcke) to visit him. It is reported by Spiegel. The decision of the administration was handed a policy already at the entrance to the complex one of the employees. Hecke planned to take part in the event dedicated to the memory of the victims of national socialism. As a result, he had to turn around and leave the territory, which is Buchenwald. Speaking on January 18 at a meeting with supporters of ADH in Dresden, Hecke urged citizens to stop to repent for the crimes of the Nazis. “To this day our moral condition — the state is completely defeated and crushed people. We Germans are the only people in the world, which was erected

Trump spoke by phone with Mexican President

Donald Trump The President of the United States Donald trump held on Friday, January 27, a telephone conversation with President of Mexico, Enrique peña Nieto. Reported by the Associated Press. According to the Agency, the interview lasted about an hour. As RIA Novosti reported, citing a communique of the Mexican government, the presidents agreed not to publicly discuss the subject of payment for the construction of a wall on the border between the two countries. “In respect of payment boundary wall, both presidents acknowledged their clear and loud of the divergent positions on such a sensitive topic and agreed to resolve these disagreements in the course of comprehensive discussion of all aspects of bilateral relations. The presidents also agreed not to publicly discuss this controversial subject”, — the document says. Later at a press conference with the Prime Minister of great Britain Teresa may trump promised to start new negotiations