Published regulations restricting the immigration decree trump

Donald Trump

The President of the United States Donald trump stopped receiving refugees from Syria. This norm is contained in the decree on toughening of immigration policy, which the President signed on Friday, January 27, reports the Associated Press.

As noted in the document, the entry of refugees — citizens of Syria is detrimental to US interests.

The program of reception of refugees was suspended for 120 days. The quota for the 2017 financial year is set at 50 thousand people.

Priority in considering applications for obtaining refugee status will be given to the religious minorities persecuted in their countries.

The state Department is instructed to immediately cancel the program that allows citizens from some countries in some situations not be interviewed in the Consulate of the US before the visa.

The Department of homeland security is mandated to accelerate the creation and commissioning of a biometric system for tracking the movement of all persons crossing the U.S. border.

As noted by RIA Novosti, the decree there is no mention that trump has banned entry to U.S. citizens of seven countries with a predominantly Muslim population, as the media reported, citing the administration. Trump also does not mention “safe zones” in Syria.

Previously, trump said that he intends to create in Syria a security zone to protect people who are fleeing from violence.

