The white house told about the trump conversation with Putin

Donald Trump The President of the United States Donald trump discussed during a telephone conversation with Russian counterpart Vladimir Putin the issues of cooperation in the fight against the terrorist group “Islamic state” (IG banned in Russia), the resolution of conflicts in the world and the establishment of bilateral relations. About it reports Reuters with reference to the press service of the White house. “The conversation…. devoted to various topics, ranging from cooperation in the fight against ISIS and ending with joint work to achieve peace in the world, including Syria,”  — stated in the message. As noted in the White house, “a positive conversation” trump Putin was “an important beginning of the development of relations between Russia and the United States who are in need of restoration.” “As President trump and President Putin is hoping that after today’s conversation, both parties can quickly proceed to the fight against

The media learned about the possible failure of trump’s visit to Britain over Prince Charles

Prince Charles The visit of the President of the United States Donald trump to the UK in June 2017 may fall because of his disagreement with the Prince of Wales Charles on the issue of climate change. About it reports on Sunday, January 29, the newspaper The Sunday Times. According to the assistant to the President, from the British Prince will be counterproductive to try to “lecture” on this subject the head of state. However, they point out that trump “may explode” if he will press. The newspaper notes that the President of the United States because of radically different views do not want to meet the son of the Queen of great Britain Elizabeth II during a trip. According to the publication, the American side suggested that trump was welcomed by the sons of Charles, princes William and Harry. At the same time in London declare that under the

Ally of Merkel called for the lifting of sanctions against Russia

Horst Seehofer The Prime Minister of Bavaria, Horst Seehofer, an ally of German Chancellor Angela Merkel’s ruling coalition CDU/CSU, called for the lifting of anti-Russian sanctions in 2017 and returning of Russia in “group of eight”. He stated this in an interview with Bild am Sonntag published on Sunday, January 29. “Sanctions against Russia should be lifted this year. Russia also must return to the G8. We need to abandon the bloc mentality of the twentieth century. It is about sharing the answers to the problems of terrorism, migration and climate change,” said Seehofer. The Bavarian Prime Minister said that he was against the policy of “sabre-rattling”. According to him, it is necessary to remember about different views on the Crimean question, but at the same time strive for a “sound economic relationship”. January 28, the new foreign Minister of Germany, Sigmar Gabriel at a meeting in Paris with his

Mexico condemned Netanyahu for supporting the idea of trump on the wall construction

Benjamin Netanyahu Mexico’s foreign Ministry expressed disappointment with the statement by the Prime Minister of Israel Benjamin Netanyahu on supporting the construction of the U.S. wall at the border. A statement published on Saturday, January 28, on the Agency’s website. “The Ministry of foreign Affairs of Mexico has expressed to the Israeli government via its Ambassador in Mexico my deep surprise, rejection and frustration with a message of Prime Minister Netanyahu on Twitter about the construction of a border wall. Mexico is a friend of Israel, and his Prime Minister should treat it properly,” — said in a statement. The Mexican foreign Ministry reminded that share Israel’s position regarding the rejection of racism and xenophobia, expressing willingness to cooperate with Israel in combating all forms of discrimination. Earlier on January 28, Netanyahu endorsed in a Twitter initiative of the U.S. President Donald trump about building a wall on the border

Clinton supported the protests against the decree trump on immigrants

Hillary Clinton Former U.S. Secretary of state Hillary Clinton expressed support for the people that came to protest against toughening immigration policies. She wrote about this on his Twitter page. “I’m with the people who have gathered tonight, across the country to protect our values and our Constitution. This is not who we are”, — stated in the records of the former candidate for the presidency. January 28 one of the protests was held near John F. Kennedy airport in new York. It was attended by about 300 people. They held in hand posters with inscriptions “We are all immigrants” and “Refugees welcome”. Earlier in the day the US President Donald trump said that a decree to toughen the country’s immigration policy is not directed against Muslims. The head of the White house expressed confidence that the measures taken have been effective. The decree trump to toughen immigration policy, signed

The court allowed arrivals from Muslim countries to temporarily stay in the U.S.

The Federal court in the United States have given foreigners with a valid us visa which has already arrived in the United States and came under the decree on toughening of immigration policy, permission for temporary stay in the country despite the ban. About it reports on Sunday, January 29, Reuters. The corresponding decision was made by the judge, Ann Donnelly of the Federal district court for the Eastern district of new York. According to the American civil liberties Union (American Civil Liberties Union), permit for temporary stay in the U.S. will get from 100 to 200 people detained in American airports. 28 Jan near John F. Kennedy airport in new York was held to protest against toughening immigration policies, which was attended by about 300 people. They held in hand posters with inscriptions “We are all immigrants” and “Refugees welcome”. Earlier in the day Donald trump said that a

In new York, protesters have gathered against the ban on the entry of immigrants

Continued: the Court allowed arrivals from Muslim countries to temporarily stay in the U.S. Protesting against the tightening of the immigration policy of the United States gathered at the international airports, JFK in new York and DULLES in Washington. About it reports on Saturday, January 28, CBS News. In the John F. Kennedy airport, according to NBC New York, was attended by about 300 people demanding the release of refugees who are denied entry into the United States. They held in hand posters with inscriptions “We are all immigrants” and “Refugees welcome”. To protest, as reported by WABC, has joined the Alliance of taxi workers in new York, called on all drivers within the hour to serve passengers arriving at the airport or leaving it. The decree of the President of Donald trump has already led to the detention at the airport, Kennedy 12 people. Among them were who had

Former White house employees are forbidden to lobby for the interests of other countries

The US President Donald trump has signed a decree banning former officials of the administration to promote the interests of other States and imposes a five year limit on the rest of the lobbying. Reported by the Associated Press. The decree replaces the decree of the former President Barack Obama, which prohibits former officials from lobbying for two years. By trump, commenting on the document, said that those who want to work in his team must focus on the interests of the American people, not for their own benefit at the expense of influence in the government. He recalled that he had repeatedly spoken about the need to ban lobbying during the election campaign, and is now fulfilling its promise. About trump’s plans to impose a ban on lobbying, it became known earlier on January 28. Along with the decree the President of the United States also approved a document

Madagascar in an accident with a wedding procession killing 45 people

At least 45 people were killed in a traffic accident involving a wedding procession. On Saturday, January 28, reports the news Agency “Xinhua”. The accident occurred in the city Anjozorobe, located 90 kilometres North-East of the Madagascar capital of Antananarivo. The truck with about 70 relatives of the newlyweds fell from the bridge into the river Mananara. As told the mayor of the Fishing Randriamanantsoa, it killed 27 women, 9 men and nine children, including both newlyweds. Most of them drowned in the water. Injured another 24 people. According to the mayor, the cause of the incident is not yet established, since the driver was also killed. On January 27 in Israel due to strong winds EN route from Jerusalem to Ariel, a passenger bus skidded and he fell off a cliff with a height of 70 meters into the gorge on the West Bank of the Jordan river. Two

The Pentagon instructed to find new allies to fight ISIS

The President of the United States Donald trump tasked his administration to find new foreign partners to the coalition, leading the fight against the terrorist group “Islamic state” (IG, is prohibited in Russia). As reports on Sunday, January 29, TASS, this is stated in a signed Memorandum the day before. The document States that the White house should immediately begin to create a plan to defeat ISIS. Within 30 days the Minister of defence James Mattis obliged to submit to the Trump project, in which, in particular, must provide for “the identification of new partners of the coalition in the fight against ISIS and policies to support coalition partners in the fight against ISIS and its supporters”. In addition, the US government is entrusted to modernize mechanisms to suppress financial support of the IG, including the illegal trade in oil and antiquities, as well as stronger measures to combat the