Immigrants in Bangladesh decided to evict flooded island

The government of Bangladesh has decided to evict the refugees-Rohingya people from Myanmar on a desert island which floods at high tides. About it reports Reuters. “We fear that a regular influx of Muslim Rohingya will lead to deterioration of a criminogenic situation in the country and will help spread diseases and create other social and financial problems”, — reads the statement of the government. To avoid the mixing of Rohingya with the local population is planned until their deportation to Myanmar to host migrants on the island Dengar, Char in the Bay of Bengal. This piece of land was formed 11 years ago from the sediments of the river Meghna. It completely disappears under water during high tide and is not even marked on many maps. This decision caused indignation of human rights activists and Rohingya themselves. Bangladesh interior Ministry said in response that it will send a special

The United States denied the transfer of weapons to the Philippines

US Ambassador to Manila sang Kim said the United States is not stockpiling weapons in the Philippines. About it reports Reuters. “We are not building any weapons on any point of the Philippines,” said Kim. According to him, all construction work at U.S. bases agreed upon by Manila and none of the constructed buildings not designed for storage of weapons. Thus the head of the U.S. Embassy reacted to the allegation by the President of the Republic Rodrigo Duterte, who said that the U.S. military erected arsenals and boxes for equipment, including tanks, across five bases in the Philippines. Duterte noted that it might provoke a reaction from China and harm the interests of the country. Once the Philippine military has denied the statements of its President, he has indicated that he has his own sources of information which he trusts. In January 2016, the Pentagon has approved a number

Experts have confirmed sekatskii past Walesa

Lech Walesa The head of the Commission for the investigation of crimes against the Polish nation Andrzej Pozerski confirmed that the former President of Poland and leader of the opposition Solidarity trade Union, Lech Walesa for many years he was a secret informant of state security. It is reported by Rzeczpospolita. According to Pozharskogo, handwriting examination found that the agreement to cooperate with state security pnrm., dated December 21, 1970, and 17 receipts of money and several denunciations written by Lech Walesa, who was quoted in the documents of the secret police under the name Bolek. The study of archival documents held in connection with the statement of Walesa, who argued that these documents are forged. As explained Pozorski, experts have not found in the submissions of the signs of forgery or other interference. Former Polish leader repeatedly accused of collaborating with the secret services. The first suspect appeared in

The Senator from California called to show immigration documents Melania trump

Melania Trump Member of the California state Senate, Nancy Skinner (Nancy Skinner) demanded that the White house unveiled immigration papers US first lady Melania trump. On Tuesday, January 31, writes The Independent. The policy statement was a protest against the tough immigration policies of the new President of Donald trump, notes Politico. “No one from the environment trump did not provide any documents, clarifying the circumstances, and that it [the President’s wife] legal status,” she said. Skinner also said that in August last year, trump promised his wife before the presidential election will hold a press conference on this issue, however, the event did not take place. The White house statement by the Senator refused to comment. January 27, trump signed a decree to toughen immigration policy. It applies to citizens of seven countries with a predominantly Muslim population. The official list were not disclosed, but it is likely about

Under the nose fairing of the American liner found 14 kilos of cocaine

Under the nose fairing American liner, arrived from Colombia, accidentally discovered 14 kilograms of cocaine. About it reports Reuters. The Boeing 757, which drugs were found, is owned by American Airlines. He flew out of Colombia and landed safely in Miami, but due to the workload of mechanics airport it has been forwarded for inspection at the airport of the city of Tulsa, Oklahoma. When liner service one of the technicians noticed that some of the insulation panels inside the fairing look quite new. He took one of them and found a hiding place from which removed seven packages of cocaine. Their retail price, according to the American police, could reach 200 thousand dollars. Colombia is the main source of supply of cocaine in the United States. It is imported into the country by aircraft, ships, yachts and even submarines. As a rule, Colombian drug lords buy up the Coca

Iran has said it is preparing a response to the anti-immigrant decree trump

Bahram Ghasemi Foreign Ministry spokesman of Iran Bahram ghasemi announced the formation of the interdepartmental Commission, which will deal with the production of responses related to the position of Washington on the limitation of entry into the U.S. citizens of some Muslim countries. It is reported Mehr. The diplomat said that the first step of the Commission was the preparation of a special circular to the ambassadors of the Islamic Republic in all countries of the world. “These instructions are to respect the honor and dignity of the Iranians living abroad, especially those who are likely to face difficulties in the U.S.,” said ghasemi. Earlier, on January 30, the Iraqi Parliament approved a resolution calling for the imposition of retaliatory measures in connection with the signing by US President Donald trump of the decree for the restriction of entry into the country of Muslims. While the specific steps envisaged in

New German foreign Minister has cancelled a visit to Brussels because of a virus

Sigmar Gabriel The new foreign Minister of Germany, Sigmar Gabriel, has cancelled a visit to Brussels due to a virus. It is reported by Bild. According to the publication, the Minister is seriously ill — he caught the virus from her daughter. The visit was canceled two hours before departure. It was planned that in Brussels, Gabriel will meet with NATO Secretary General Jens Stoltenberg, European Commission President Jean-Claude Juncker and high representative of the Union for foreign Affairs and security policy Federica Mogherini. This visit was supposed to be the second for Gabriel, as the head of the foreign Ministry: on Saturday, January 28, he had already visited Paris. Sigmar Gabriel was appointed head of the German diplomatic corps on Friday, January 27. He said he intends to maintain the continuity of foreign policy: Germany will remain committed to the principle of the unity of Europe will continue to

The Ministry of Finance proposed to devalue the ruble by 10 percent

The Finance Ministry considers the current exchange rate is overvalued and offers to devalue it by 10 percent. On Tuesday, January 31, the newspaper “Kommersant”. The Agency has made calculations of the expected exchange rate of the ruble after the budget rule, which involves the conversion of sovereign wealth funds in the oil and gas revenues depending on the price of raw materials. At an oil price of 40 dollars per barrel average annual exchange rate should be 69,42 rubles per dollar, the Federal budget deficit 3.1% of GDP, from the reserve funds will be seized 1.8 trillion rubles. At the current cost of raw materials in 55 dollars for barrel the budget deficit will be without the use of fiscal rules 1.5 percent of GDP, spending of reserve funds to 464 billion rubles. “When applying the chosen mode of constant purchase of reserves for Treasury account deficit of 0.7

A suspect in the attack on a mosque in Quebec was accused of murder

The attack in Quebec Canadian Bissonet Alexander, the main suspect in the attack on the Islamic center in Quebec, is accused of six murders and five attempted murders. About it reports CBC News. By words a press-the Secretary of the Royal Canadian mounted police of Camille Habela, depending on the outcome of the preliminary investigation Bissonette can be charged other charges, including terrorist activities. According to Le Journal de Quebec, after the attack on the mosque, the police called one of the friends of the suspect and said that he professed ultra-right views, as well as propagating the idea of superiority of the white race. An armed attack on the Islamic cultural center, which is known as the Great mosque of Quebec, occurred during evening prayers on January 29. Bursting into the room, the assailant opened fire from automatic weapons. At this point in the building were from 40 to

Trump has appointed a temporary head immigration and customs enforcement

Donald Trump The US President Donald trump has appointed a temporary head immigration and customs enforcement (ICE). About it reports Reuters. They became Thomas Homan, more than 30 years served in the ranks of the Department. He previously held the position of Executive Director specializing in operations involving the arrest and deportation of illegal migrants. The former head of service Daniel Ragsdale moves to the position of his Deputy. The reasons for trump to replace the head of service, are not specified. John Kelly, the head of the Ministry of national security, which includes ICE, expressed the hope that Homan “would continue to demonstrate as a strong and effective leader.” The fight against illegal immigrants was one of the key points of the electoral program of the trump. Soon after inauguration, January 27, he signed a decree according to which on the territory of the United States prohibited the entry