The Iranian President called trump a novice in politics

Hassan Rouhani Iran’s President Hassan Rouhani said that trump a novice in politics and does not understand what is happening in the world. About it reports Reuters. “Trump is in politics a new man, — said Rouhani. He lived in a completely different world, and now faced with a completely unfamiliar situation. It will take some time and the US will pay the price before he realizes what is really going on in the world.” The reason for the review was signed by the President of the United States law restricting immigration from certain Islamic countries, including Iran. “Now is not the time to divide people,” said Rouhani, adding that Iran will take all necessary measures in response to the decision of the us leader. Earlier, the Minister of foreign Affairs of Iran Mohammad Javad Zarif stated that the Islamic Republic will stop issuing entry visas to Americans in response

German police announced the defeat of Salafi underground in Hesse

In a series of raids, German police smashed Salafi underground in the state of Hesse. This is with reference to the statement of the interior Minister of the region according to Reuters. According to the Minister Peter Bojt, participated in the operation of 1.1 thousand police officers, the search has been 54 home, office and mosque. Arrested 36-year-old Tunisian, who is suspected that he has recruited new recruits to the “Islamic state” (IG, is prohibited in Russia). In addition, now the police checks the connection for another 15 suspects. According to the guards, they prepared a series of terrorist attacks, but the attack was averted at an early stage. “It was not about to thwart the attack that was about to happen, explained Boyd. — Security forces in Hesse intervened ahead of time to protect citizens from possible threats.” According to the Agency, the operation in Hesse connected with the

In Indonesia, considered a sin spreading fake news

The leader of “Front of the defenders of Islam,” Habib Rizik talks to the press The Ulema Council of Indonesia is planning to soon issue a fatwa against distribution of false news. About it reports Reuters. “We will release it as soon as possible, because the situation is frightening, — explained the Chairman of the Board of maarouf street Amin. — I hope that at least the Muslims will no longer distribute fake”. The Ulema Council as a whole is on a moderate position. Its decisions are not legally binding, but, as a rule, are perceived by some Muslims as a guide to action. The reason for the publication of the fatwa was the situation around the Governor of the country’s capital of Jakarta Basuki Tjahaja Purnama, a Christian by religion. Mass protests against him continued for three months. The reason for the discontent of hundreds of thousands of Muslims,

In the U.S. Congress made a resolution to use military force against Iran

The Congress of the United States In the United States Congress introduced a resolution to permit the President to use military force against the Islamic Republic of Iran in case if she tries to get nuclear weapons. The text of the document posted on the Congress website. It States that “the United States must do whatever is necessary to ensure the impossibility of obtaining nuclear weapons by Iran”. It is noted that “this commitment will continue to destabilize the region” and “represents a threat not only to US, but also for their allies.” As a result, the American President has the right to use armed force against Iran to prevent them obtaining nuclear weapons, if deemed necessary. Resolution introduced by Democrat Alcee Hastings, one of the most consistent opponents of the nuclear deal with Iran. Trump during election campaign repeatedly criticized the deal on the Iranian atom, and promised to

Rival Merkel told the Tramp that the lifting of sanctions against Russia

Martin Schulz The candidate in German chancellors from the Social democratic party (SPD), former European Parliament President Martin Schulz criticized the policy of U.S. President Donald trump and warned him against the lifting of sanctions against Russia. About it reports Reuters. “What makes trump, is not the American way”, — the politician said, expressing the view that the United States like no other country in the world, are a symbol of democracy and freedom. Schultz urged Europe to stand up for liberal values. “If trump is now beginning to destroy those values, then I’ll tell him, being Chancellor: “It is not the policy of Germany and Europe””, — he said. The candidate in chancellors also said that sanctions against Russia can be cancelled only after the implementation by all parties of the conflict in Ukraine Minsk agreements. “Until the Minsk agreements are not implemented in full, sanctions can’t be lifted.

WikiLeaks announced the availability of thousands of documents on the candidates for the French presidency

WikiLeaks Founder Julian Assange At the disposal of WikiLeaks, there are about five thousand of documents on the candidates for the French presidency, françois Fillon and marine Le Pen. This organization announced in his Twitter. — WikiLeaks (@wikileaks) 01 Feb 2017, 02:00 — WikiLeaks (@wikileaks) 01 Feb 2017, 02:52 On content says nothing. Both policies are involved in high-profile revelations. Fillon suspected bogus registration to work his wife Penelope, with the result that she received a total of 900 thousand euros. Le Pen, in turn, must reimburse 340 thousand euros spent by the European Parliament on the content of her assistant and security guard.

CNN learned about the plans of IKEA to sell made by the Syrian refugees things

IKEA plans to 2019 to expand the range of products and start production of carpets and textiles, made living in Jordan for Syrian refugees. On Tuesday, January 31, reports CNN. Thus the well-known Swedish company intends to create jobs for approximately 200 people, primarily for women. For them, promised to create a flexible work schedule to have time for parenting. “The situation in Syria is one of the biggest tragedy of our times, and Jordan took on greater responsibility for the accommodation of Syrian refugees. We decided to think about how IKEA can make a contribution”, — quotes the channel of one of the top managers of the company Jesper Brodin. Things, for the production of which is expected to attract refugees from the Syrian Arab Republic, planned to be released in limited quantities and to sell in the middle East in the countries that have signed with Jordan free

American cruiser ran aground in the Japanese port

American missile cruiser Antietam, presumably, ran aground and damaged the propellers in the Japanese port of Yokosuka, which is one of the bases of the Seventh fleet of the US Navy. About it reports the edition Star and Stripes. The incident with the cruiser type “Ticonderoga” occurred on Tuesday, January 31. The result was leakage into the sea about four thousand liters of hydraulic oil, said the official representative of the Navy Clint Ramsden. Ship standing at the time of incident at anchor in the Bay, was successfully towed to port. Victims among crew members Antietam no. Currently, according to Ramsden, taking measures to eliminate damage to the environment. The timing of the repair of the cruiser is not yet known, the fact of the incident under investigation. The newspaper notes that it is unclear how the incident will affect relations between the US and Japan. On November 22 it

Far East acres is now available to all Russians

Photo: Serguei Fomine / Free to land area of one hectare in the far East now could any Russian citizen. As reported RIA Novosti, February 1, launched the third phase of implementation of the law. To the ground will only be possible once free from rights of third parties and are in free circulation area available for five years. If it is mastered, it can be rented or purchased. Permitted uses — single-family housing construction, selhozperepisi, tourism and a number of directions. To apply for the “far Eastern hectare” must be through the website Nadalnews.of the Russian Federation (there is a step by step guide), in the multifunctional centers (MFC) or through municipal authorities. It is planned that joined the project, citizens will be able to buy such necessary for the arrangement of items as the frame, greenhouse, small agricultural machinery and credit at a concessional rate of 8

The UN security Council demanded to observe a truce in the East of Ukraine

The Security Council of the United Nations is concerned about the deteriorating situation in the East of Ukraine and urged to immediately restore a ceasefire. As reported RIA Novosti, said in a statement issued on Tuesday, January 31, the UN security Council. “The members of the Security Council expressed serious concern at the dangerous deterioration of the situation in Eastern Ukraine and serious impact on local residents. The members of the Security Council called for an immediate return to the ceasefire”, — stated in the document submitted to the security Council delegation in Kiev. The document supports the territorial integrity of Ukraine and underlined the need to implement the Minsk agreements and resolution 2202 of the UN security Council on the peaceful settlement of the conflict. Earlier on 31 January, the official representative of the Secretary-General of the world organization Stefan Dujarric said that the parties to the conflict in