The white house explained the decision on sanctions against FSB

Changes to documents on US sanctions against Russia’s FSB has not alleviated them, the aim is to clarify the application of restrictive measures. As reported by RIA Novosti, said White house spokesman Sean Spicer on a regular press briefing. “We are not weakened by sanctions. It is, as I understand it, the usual practice of the Ministry of Finance, which quite often clarifies specific questions after the imposition of sanctions,” he said. The President of the United States Donald trump also denied the fact of easing of sanctions. “I didn’t weaken”, — he told reporters. Earlier it was reported that it is now permitted “to request, receive, use and pay for licenses and permits” issued by FSB of Russia on “information technology products”. The total cost of payment should not exceed 5 thousand dollars per year. What kind of technology we have in mind is not specified. Export, re-export, or

The British government has published a plan for Brexit

David Davis The British government published the “White book”, which contains a plan for the country’s exit from the EU (Brexit). It is reported by Reuters on Thursday, 2 February. A document of 77 pages, contains 12 main points made by the Prime Minister of the United Kingdom Theresa may on 17 January. It was presented in Parliament by the Minister for Brexit David Davis. In the White paper, in particular, refers to the preservation of a free trade zone with the EU, continuing cooperation in the military sphere and in the fight against crime and terrorism. While the British economy leaving the European single market, which implies free movement of the population and recognition of the jurisdiction of the European court, which is incompatible with Brexit. In November 2016 may has announced its intention to begin formal negotiations with the European Union on Brexit at the end of March

Trump threatened to deprive the University of the state funding after protests

The protest at the University of California The President of the United States Donald trump threatened to deprive of public funding the University of California at Berkeley after the riots. He wrote about this in his microblog on Twitter. “If the University of California at Berkeley does not allow to freely Express views and encourages the use of violence against people whose only fault is that they have a different point of view, as [may], by DEPRIVING IT of FEDERAL FUNDING?” — reads the entry in the account of the President. — Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) 02 February 2017, 11:13 The grounds were massive protests at the University of California, faculty and students which is known for its liberal views. Ahead of the speech, blogger and editor of the far-right website Breitbart Milo giannopoulos of the members of the student Union February 1, hundreds of demonstrators tried to break into

The US eased sanctions against Russia’s FSB

The FSB The American government eased restrictive measures taken against the Federal security service (FSB) of Russia due to accusations of involvement in hacking attacks on American servers. It is reported by RIA Novosti. Now permitted “to request, receive, use and pay for licenses and permits” issued by FSB of Russia on “information technology products”. The total payment must not exceed 5 thousand dollars per year. What kind of technology we have in mind is not specified. You may not export, re-export, or supply of any goods and technologies to Crimea. Restrictions were introduced on 29 December last year by the previous administration of President Barack Obama. Under them also got the leadership of the Chief intelligence Directorate of the General staff of the Russian Armed forces: head of the GRU Igor Korobov and other high-ranking employees of special services — Igor Kostyukov, Vladimir Alekseev, Sergey Lizunov. The U.S. has

Political adviser to trump remembered the forecast of a war with China

Stephen Bannon The British media recalled the political adviser to the President of the United States Donald trump Stephen Bannon his predictions about war with China. The Guardian tracked down his speech on the radio where’bannon predicts conflict in the South China sea. Speaking at the radio show, which he wrote for his website Breitbart in March 2016, the future, the official said: “We are waiting for the war in the South China sea, it starts in five or 10 years, but not later. There’s no doubt about it. They (the Chinese — approx. “Of the”) poured island of sand and turn them into unsinkable aircraft carriers, and also placed their missiles. Then they come to us and say straight in the face — and you know how important it is to keep a straight face — that the sea belonged to them since time immemorial”. As it turned

In Turkey, arrested the nephew of Gulen

Fethullah Gulen The nephew of the opposition Islamic preacher Fethullah Gulen are arrested in Turkey. On Thursday, February 2, according to Hürriyet. Together with three other suspects, the man (known only by his initials — M. A. S.) was arrested on 6 January in Manisa province located in Western Turkey. Subsequently, all four of the court’s decision, it was decided to arrest and send to jail. On October 2 last year, Turkish authorities detained in Izmir brother of a religious leader. The week before, police arrested a niece of Gulen. Turkish authorities believe a preacher living in the United States since 1999, the organizer of the coup attempt, which occurred July 15, 2016. Then the rebels took to the streets of Ankara and Istanbul military equipment and tried to take over key installations. However, the majority of the security forces remained loyal to the government, and the coup was suppressed.

Political strategists in the Indian Punjab was accused of narcological

On the eve of elections in the Indian state of Punjab, the spin doctors opposing parties actively attract voters with the help of drugs. This is with reference to the officials of the local electoral Commission reports the South China Morning Post. According to sources, while in other States of India of trying to bribe voters with household appliances, alcohol, or cash, in Punjab, the political consultants hired by the parties and independent candidates, offer drugs. As a rule, politicians during the election campaign promised to relentlessly fight illicit drugs. “In the last election, in 2012, we banned the use of drugs at the time of the vote — said one of the former policemen. Only this month we seized about 55 pounds of heroin, about 430 kilograms of poppy straw, and found that the state is literally Packed with a variety of drugs”. Since then the situation has only

Duterte will leave the army to fight drug traffickers

Rodrigo Duterte The President of the Philippines Rodrigo Duterte said he intends to use the country’s armed forces to combat drug traffickers. About it reports Reuters. The corresponding decree will be signed in the near future. According to the Philippine leader, this is because drugs have become a threat to national security. In this Duterte stressed that he did not intend to declare martial law, although it has repeatedly threatened to do. The Agency connects this decision with the crisis in the Philippine police, which is at least a month was forced to suspend operations against the drug mafia. The occasion was the murder of a South Korean businessman Chi IK Chu, who was kidnapped by fighters of a special squad to combat drugs. After that, the chief of police of the Philippines Ronald dela Rosa warned about the beginning of the “war against scoundrels” in law enforcement. Duterte in

Turkey reported the neutralization of 51 militants of the IG in Syria

Turkish armed forces over the past day liquidated, injured and took prisoner 51 militants of terrorist grouping “Islamic state” (IG, is prohibited in Russia). On Thursday, February 2, reports the Turkish General staff, reports the Hürriyet Daily News. Where exactly undergoing surgery, is not specified. However, as the newspaper notes, citing the statement of representatives of the Free Syrian army, the last time the Turkish military focused on oust militants from the town of al-Bab and its surroundings. It is also reported that the Turkish air force bombed 85 targets IG. “Destroyed 83 buildings, which the militants of the “Islamic state” was used as a shelter, 10 booby-trapped cars, two weapons, two guns”, — stated in the message of staff at the disposal of the Agency TASS. The fighting on the outskirts of al-Bab began five months ago. Turkish troops and their allies of the free Syrian army still failed

The white house has denied the rumors about the threats trump the Mexican President

Donald Trump The white house officially denied the rumors about the threats to the American leader Donald trump addressed to the Mexican President. On Thursday, February 2, reports The Hill. “Reports that the President threatened invasion of Mexico, are false, the statement reads. Even the Mexican government denies these data.” It is alleged that the conversation was friendly, constructive and friendly nature. Previously, a number of American and Mexican media released a piece of text, which, they claim, was the transcript of the conversation with trump and his fellow Mexican Enrique peña Nieto, held on Friday, January 27. Trump Nieto allegedly threatened to send troops to Mexico to deal with the “bad guys” (bad hombes), if the authorities themselves are unable to cope with them, and the Mexican army is afraid to intervene. Media have speculated that we are talking about drug cartels. January 25, the American leader has signed