The explosion occurred in the suburbs of Paris

A strong explosion occurred in the commune of noisy-Le-Grand, in the suburbs of Paris. This was in the night of Friday, 3 February, reports the newspaper Le Parisien. According to him, the incident occurred at about 22:30 local time (00:30 GMT). First, the pavilion exploded one gas bottle, then a few more were nearby. Then the fire started, the building was completely destroyed. Rescuers found inside the pavilion and a 45-year-old man, he was badly burned and was taken to the hospital. The Mirror writes that five people were injured, one of them is in serious condition. The captain of the fire Department of the city Press Guillaume (Guillaume Fresse) told me that after a double explosion in a house the fire started. According to preliminary data, four people were killed. To extinguish were attracted about thirty firemen. The cause of the incident is not yet established. 30 Jan at

The newspaper learned about the failure of the team trump from Obama’s plan to liberate Raqqa

Advisers to the President of the United States Donald trump criticized and rejected the plan of the previous administration in the White house Barack Obama’s offensive against the Syrian city of raqqa and the liberation from the militants group “Islamic state” (IG, is prohibited in Russia). On Thursday, February 2, writes The Washington Post. According to the newspaper, 17 January, three days before the resignation of the head of state, Obama has asked his national security adviser to send a document to the team trump. Hard work on the preparation of the plan took seven months, in the end, it continues the publication, had no decent options, but Obama’s advisers on foreign policy were convinced that they have developed an approach that works, is to arm the Kurds in Northern Syria. The document also contained the abstracts of the talks on the issue with Ankara that this idea could lead

At the University of California at Berkeley beat a supporter of trump

The campus of the University of California at Berkeley, a supporter of U.S. President Donald trump was beaten, reports the Associated Press. The incident occurred on Thursday, February 2. 21-year-old student Jack Palkovic, which was a cap with the motto trump “let’s Make America great again”, heading to classes when the next slowed the SUV, jumped out two attackers and beat Palkovich. The police arrived on the scene, she managed to detain the attackers. It turned out that they are also students. It is noted that many students, who witnessed the incident, disapproved of the incident. “Berkeley has always stood for the possibility of self-expression,” said 20-year-old Russell Ude. “These things discrediting peaceful protest,” he added. To this school were the protests against the policy of trump. They began peacefully, but soon escalated into riots. When darkness fell, the crowd of protesters grew to 1,500 people, among them stood out

The U.S. Treasury said the reasons for the lifting of some restrictions on interaction with FSB

The United States decided to remove a number of restrictions on interaction with the FSB because of the “direct complaint” for American businesses that these measures prevented to export to Russia products, “such as mobile phones or tablets,” and “consumer secret not software with low level encryption”. About it as transfers TASS, said at a briefing high-ranking employee of the U.S. Treasury. According to her, a step made possible the payment of U.S. companies of certain charges, without which you cannot export to Russia this tehniceskoi products. To pay such charges in Russia put the FSB and in relation to it 29 Dec 2016 imposed sanctions outgoing President Barack Obama. “Literally the next day, December 30, we began to receive complaints from American companies and other business-exporters — said the employee of the Ministry of Finance. It turned out that for deliveries to Russia of products such as mobile phones

Churkin said an American colleague a quote from the US Constitution

Vitaly Churkin Permanent representative of Russia to the UN Vitaly Churkin, commenting on the statement of his American colleague, Nikki Haley about the abolition of anti-Russian sanctions, he quoted the American Constitution. On Friday, 3 February, reports RIA Novosti. “It is impossible not to recall that the Constitution of the United States has made such remarkable historic words: “We the people”. The people of Crimea quite clearly expressed their will in the referendum,” — said the Russian diplomat. 2 February, speaking at a meeting of the UN security Council for the first time in the status of a permanent representative of the United States at the world organization, Haley said that restrictive measures against Russia could be lifted only if the return Crimea to Ukraine. On 3 February the first meeting Churkin and Haley, about it journalists were reported by Russia’s permanent representative to the UN. He added that he

Churkin accused Kiev in the desire to abandon the Minsk agreement

Vitaly Churkin Use the Kiev authorities instigated by their clashes in the town as a reason for complete rejection of the implementation of the Minsk agreements. About it as transfers TASS, said Russia’s permanent representative to the UN Vitaly Churkin at the security Council meeting of the world organization. Churkin drew attention to the data from the cameras, which indicate that the clashes were preceded by the shots fired from positions of Ukrainian law enforcers. He also cited the statements of the Ukrainian military commanders, who boasted the movement of troops, and the conclusions of the OSCE that the escalation of the conflict was provoked by Kiev’s security forces. The diplomat called it is natural that any serious aggravation of the situation in the Donbass coincides with the travel abroad of the Ukrainian leadership, which is trying to extract money from the EU, USA and international institutions. According to Churkin,

US Ambassador to the UN declared a condition of lifting sanctions against Russia

Nikki Haley Anti-Russian sanctions will remain in place as long as the Crimea will not return to the Ukraine. According to TASS, on Thursday, February 2, the U.S. permanent representative to the UN, Nikki Haley said during his first in office speech at a meeting of the Security Council of the world organization. “Crimea is part of Ukraine. We entered sanctions concerning the Crimea will remain in force until Russia will not return to Ukraine control over the Peninsula”, — quotes Haley news. However, she stressed that Washington wishes to improve relations with Moscow. On 31 January President of the European Commission Jean-Claude Juncker said that the time for the abolition of anti-Russian sanctions has not come yet. A number of countries, including the USA and member States of the European Union imposed anti-Russian sanctions in 2014, linking them with the annexation of Crimea to Russia, and then the conflict

Trump denied the mitigation of anti-Russian sanctions

Donald Trump The US President Donald trump said that it had not taken measures to mitigate the anti-Russian sanctions. On Thursday, February 2, announced at the White house. “I didn’t soften”, — he answered a reporter’s question. Earlier, the press Secretary of the White house Sean Spicer explained that Washington does not weaken the restrictive measures against Moscow, but only clarified them. “This is a normal procedure the Ministry of Finance, which quite often clarifies specific questions after the imposition of sanctions, he stressed. Earlier Thursday it was reported that the United States eased sanctions against the Federal security service (FSB) of Russia, allowing to “solicit, receive, use and pay for licenses and permits” issued by the Department on “information technology products”, provided that the total payment does not exceed 5 thousand dollars per year. However, the export, re-export, or supply of any goods and technologies to Crimea are prohibited.

Merkel urged Erdogan to respect democratic norms

Angela Merkel and Recep Tayyip Erdogan German Chancellor Angela Merkel called on Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan to abide by democratic norms. She stated this during a press conference during a visit to Ankara, according to Reuters. “In times of deep political turmoil have to do anything to protect the principle of separation of powers, freedom of speech and political diversity,” — stated Merkel. “The opposition is part of democracy,” she added. Thus, a German politician responded to a question about concerns regarding the attempts to suppress dissent in Turkey. July 15, 2016, in Turkey there was an attempt to military rebellion, which was suppressed. The clashes killed more than 230 people, more than 2.1 thousand were injured. After that the country began mass purges in government, public administration, courts, education, the army and the security services. Was closed more than 130 media, over 81 thousand people were suspended from

McCain called on trump to give Kiev lethal weapons

John McCain The Chairman of the Senate armed services Committee John McCain called on US President Donald trump to give Kiev lethal weapons. As reported on Thursday, February 2, Reuters, stated in a letter he sent to the White house. “I urge you to use the powers given to you by the appropriations act for military purposes in the 2017 financial year, to provide the defensive lethal military assistance to Ukraine to protect its territory”, — stated in the message. Earlier the President of Russia Vladimir Putin said that the cause of the escalation of the conflict in the Donbas was the need of Kiev in the money and the desire of the Ukrainian authorities to present itself as a victim in the eyes of European partners. “The Ukrainian leadership today need the money. And money it is best to blow from the European Union, and individual European countries, from