The Russian Embassy in Damascus was again fired from mortars

The Russian Embassy in Damascus came under mortar fire on 2 and 3 February. This is stated in the comments of the Department of information and press of the Russian foreign Ministry. It is noted that the fire was aiming from the Jobar district of the Syrian capital, in which “controlled by the terrorists”. “One of the mines exploded on the territory of the Embassy complex between office and residential buildings, the other — 20 metres from the main entrance to the Embassy. There were no casualties, but caused material damage”, — is spoken in the message of the Ministry of foreign Affairs. Before the Russian Embassy in Damascus was attacked several times. In particular, 29 Dec Mina got on the territory of the diplomatic mission near the entrance to the consular section. She was released from area controlled by militants in the suburbs of Damascus. The explosion caused minor

Trump has promised not to give “playing with fire” to Iran

Donald Trump The US President Donald trump once again lashed out at representatives of the Iranian authorities in his Twitter. “Iran is playing with fire. They don’t appreciate how good it was to President Obama. I’m not!”, — the politician wrote in his microblog. — Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) 03 February 2017, 11:28 On 3 February, Reuters reported that the United States can impose against Iran new sanctions. Under the restrictions in connection with charges of supporting terrorism can get eight Iranian entities, and 17 will be under sanctions due to a recent test of Tehran’s ballistic missiles. According to the Agency, the new restrictive measures will not affect the nuclear deal with Iran. On January 29, the Iranian military has tested a ballistic missile, the launch was made in the vicinity of Semnan in 225 kilometers from Tehran. The rocket flew approximately 966 kilometers before exploding. The U.S. permanent

Turkey accused Greece of provocation in the Aegean sea

Ankara accused Greece that violates the laws of international law, carrying out military exercises in the Aegean sea. About it reports Reuters. As stated by Turkey, the landing of Greek forces on the island of KOs in the framework of the maneuvers violate the contract of 1947, which prohibits the conduct of exercises on this site. “We call on our country-neighbor Greece to refrain from unilateral actions, which can cause tensions and run counter to international law”, — has declared the official representative of the Turkish foreign Minister Hussein Muftuoglu. In turn, the Greek military said that they did not intend to stop teaching. The foreign Minister of Greece Nikos Kodzias accused Turkey of attempting to transfer domestic crisis in the country in the international and said that Athens has already warned NATO partners and the EU that Ankara “at times may act nervously, which is not conducive to improving

French police have launched a search in the building of the Senate of the country

French police began to search in the building of the Luxembourg Palace, the seat of the Senate of the country. About it reports Reuters referring to a source in the Parliament. The guards confiscating all the documents related to the children of a presidential candidate françois Fillon. As the source explained, they suspected that they received a large sum of money for bogus work. Fillon, according to police, when a Senator (2005-2007) hired his son Charles and daughter Marie. Investigators believe that any duties they did not perform, simply get the money. In total they were paid 84 thousand euros (90 thousand dollars). On Tuesday, January 31, similar raids took place in the building of the lower house of the French Parliament (National Assembly). At the time, suspicion fell on the wife of a presidential candidate — Penelope Fillon. This was the sixth search for the existence of the Fifth

Reuters reported about the possible introduction of Washington’s new sanctions against Tehran

The United States can impose against Iran new sanctions on Friday, February 3. About it reports Reuters with reference to sources. Under the restrictions in connection with charges of supporting terrorism can get eight Iranian entities, and 17 will be under sanctions due to a recent test of Tehran’s ballistic missiles. According to the Agency, the new restrictive measures will not affect the nuclear deal with Iran. On January 29, the Iranian military has tested a ballistic missile, the launch was made in the vicinity of Semnan in 225 kilometers from Tehran. The rocket flew approximately 966 kilometers before exploding. The U.S. permanent representative to the UN, Nikki Haley, on 1 February, said that Washington believes the tests “totally unacceptable.” The President of the United States Donald trump also commented on the start and called the nuclear deal with Tehran is terrible. Iran and the six international mediators (US, Russia,

In Paris soldiers wounded trying to enter the Louvre man with a knife and a suitcase

In Paris soldiers wounded the man with a knife who tried to enter the Louvre. About it reports Reuters. According to some, unknown with travel suitcase had intended to go to the store, located under the main building. He pulled out a knife and shouting “Allahu Akbar” assaulted one of the soldiers-guards, but was seriously wounded by a bullet of another soldier. The entire surrounding area evacuated and the Museum is temporarily closed and cordoned off by police. The Minister of internal Affairs of France called the situation serious. According to the head of the Paris police, Michel KADO, a separate replica of the attacker suggests that he intended to carry out a terrorist attack. “At the scene of the attack were also detained another man who was acting suspiciously, but while the connection between them could not be established”, — he said. According to KADO, explosives in the suitcase

California police arrested who planned a massacre at the school adolescents

Police in the American state of California arrested two teenagers who allegedly wanted to arrange a mass shooting in school. About it reports TV channel ABC 7. According to the detention order to the city of Fullerton, near Los Angeles, two 16-year-old high school students “were arrested for conspiracy to commit a crime”. Information about the possible plan of the massacre was received in the local police from a woman. During a football match on the evening of 31 December, she heard the teenagers (their names are not called) were discussing a massacre. In particular, they mentioned the shooting in Columbine in 1999, wanting to “surpass it”. The woman took a picture of two students and went with pictures to the police. The investigation revealed that the teenagers were surfing the net looking for information about the shootings at schools. A similar situation occurred last week in the U.S. state

The white house has questioned whether Israeli settlements in the West Bank

The administration of U.S. President Donald trump expressed concerns about the construction of Israeli settlements in the occupied territories of the West Bank of the Jordan river. About it reports Reuters. “Although we do not believe that the existence of Israeli settlements is an obstacle to the peace process, the construction of new or expansion of existing ones is unlikely to help in achieving peace,” reads the official statement of the White house. According to the Agency, the tone of this document is discordant with previous Pro-Israel statements trump. It is unclear how the White house announcement will affect the program for the construction of settlements. The permanent representative of Israel to the UN Danny Danon said: “it is too early to draw conclusions. I wouldn’t categorically say that we are dealing with a reversal of the US position 180 degrees, but the question obviously will be on the agenda

The Turkish military reported on neutralization 47 is militants

Ankara declared neutralization of 47 militants of the “Islamic state” (IG, is prohibited in Russia). About it reports Reuters. The term “neutralization” of the Turkish military, as a rule, understand the destruction of the enemy, disabling due to injuries or capture. According to Turkish data, all of these losses, the Islamists suffered in the battle near the town of al-Bab in the shootings and airstrikes by the Turkish air force, in cooperation with the US-led coalition. Was also destroyed a number of buildings, roadblocks, fortified positions, and ammunition dump. The Turkish army and the Federal part of the free Syrian army (FSA) launched an offensive on al-Bab five months ago in the framework of the operation “shield of the Euphrates”. Fighting on the outskirts of the city have been going on for two months, but the Islamists still successfully defend it, despite the heavy losses, which, as claimed by Ankara,

The us military admitted guilt for the deaths of 11 civilians in Iraq and Syria

The us military has claimed responsibility for the deaths in Syria and Iraq 11 civilians in an air strike by aircraft of the US-led coalition. About it reports Reuters. As explained by the source Agency, we are talking about four different attacks on rebel positions, which was implemented in the period from 25 October to 9 December last year. “While the coalition is taking extraordinary efforts to strike at military targets in such a way as to minimize the risk to civilians, in some cases, losses are inevitable,” said the unnamed spokesman. 20 January, the head of US national intelligence James Clapper released a report, according to which the attacks of the us drones over the years, the presidency of Barack Obama (2009-2017) in various countries died from 64 to 117 civilians. In October 2016, the human rights organization Amnesty International reported the death of over two years 300 Syrian