Opponents of trump gathered at the iconic gay club in new York

In new York, about 3 thousand people protesting against imposed by US President Donald trump measures to restrict entry into the country and policies on sexual minorities, gathered on Saturday, February 4, at the famous gay club Stonewall on the South-West of Manhattan, the correspondent of RIA Novosti. Gay bar, which opened 50 years ago, is a cult for the LGBT movement in the United States. In 1969, police raids in the institution led to massive street protests, which unofficially considered the beginning of the gay rights movement. In gay club sounded the same slogans that the last few days, when there were protests: “Everyone is welcome”, “We are all immigrants”. Some protesters came with placards of rainbow colors, calling “resist intolerance”. Others had posters with inscriptions: “I am an immigrant, I’m gay, I’m proud of it”. Many of the protesters fear the discrimination of gays on the part of

Trump has said it is ready to work to restore peace in Ukraine

Donald Trump The US President Donald trump has announced its intention to work to restore peace in Ukraine. On Sunday, February 5, reports Reuters, citing a White house statement on the telephone conversation of the American leader with his Ukrainian counterpart Petro Poroshenko. “Trump will cooperate with Ukraine, Russia and other interested parties to help restore peace near the Ukrainian border,” — said in a statement. Also, as noted, politicians discussed the possibility of a meeting in the near future. In General, the White house has described the conversation of the heads of state as “very good”, reports RIA Novosti. Earlier, the press Secretary of the Ukrainian leader Svyatoslav Tsigalko said that during the conversation, Poroshenko and trump touched on such issues as the strengthening of the strategic partnership between the two countries and the situation in the Donbass. Policy agreed on the need to establish ceasefire in the South-East

OSCE observers confirmed the death of civilians during the shelling in the Donbass

Liquidation of consequences of shelling in Donetsk Observers Special monitoring mission (SMM) of the OSCE in Ukraine confirmed the deaths of civilians during the shelling of the Town (controlled by the Armed forces of Ukraine) and Donetsk (controlled by militias). This is stated in the daily report, published on Saturday, February 4. “SMM confirms the death of several civilians and injured a number of residents of Avdiivka and Donetsk after the shelling,” — said in the report. The exact number of dead and injured is not specified. In addition, observers noted damage to several buildings in these cities. So, in the Kalinin district of Donetsk, in addition to the houses, destroyed the store. February 3, Deputy commander of the operational command of the self-proclaimed Donetsk people’s Republic (DPR) Eduard Basurin said the number of dead and wounded among the militia and the civilian population since the beginning of the escalation

The protests persuaded the Romanian Prime Minister to abandon the idea of Amnesty for corrupt officials

Sorin Grindeanu The Romanian authorities refused the initiative mitigation of criminal penalty, which caused mass protests. With a promise to cancel the resolution on introducing amendments to the criminal code and the Amnesty appeared on national television, Prime Minister Sorin Grindeanu, reports RIA Novosti. The adoption of amendments to freedom under the Amnesty can get convicted in cases of corruption, if the amount of damage caused by their unlawful actions does not exceed 200 thousand lei (about 48 thousand dollars). “In the last days we watched the position of citizens. The society is split. As Prime Minister I took after these days several solutions,” said Grindeanu. According to him, he split society does not want to. The head of government Sunday, February 5, will convene an urgent meeting for annulment of the decision. According to Grindeanu, he intends to hold consultations with all parties, and may exclude the threshold of

The media learned about the failure from the White house recovery plan CIA prisons abroad

The administration of U.S. President Donald trump may abandon the idea to recover the secret CIA prisons abroad where, in particular, previously tortured terrorism suspects. This writes the newspaper The New York Times. This follows from the draft version of the draft decree regulating the actions against the detainees. The new version of the document, which appeared in a publication, the provisions on the restoration of the CIA prisons was withdrawn. However, the draft decree refers to the need for greater use of the military prison at Guantanamo Bay on the island of Cuba. On this object, which the previous Obama administration tried to close it again is supposed to place the detainees. It is also planned to freeze plans for the transport of prisoners out in other places. Earlier it was reported that trump was instructed to explore the possibility of the resumption of secret CIA prisons outside the

Iran has promised to unleash “a rain of roaring rockets” on opponents

Archival frame The commander of the Islamic revolutionary guard Corps (IRGC) Amir-Ali Hajizadeh (Amir Ali Hajizadeh) called nonsense anti-Iran statements by us officials, and stressed that external threats against Tehran are useless. On Saturday, February 4, Tansim News Agency reports. Brigadier General noted that the Islamic Republic will not spend the time to maintain safety. “Should the enemy make a mistake, our roaring rockets will fall upon them a rain,” said Hajizade. Earlier on 4 February, the Minister of defence of the USA James Mattis called Iran one of the main sponsors of terrorism. The day before the adviser of the us leader’s national security, Michael Flynn said that Washington is no longer going to tolerate Iranian provocations that threaten the interests of the United States. He also promised that the US will continue to tighten policy towards Iran. February 3, Washington expanded economic sanctions against Tehran, targeting its list

The interior Minister of Austria commented on the detention of immigrants from Chechnya

Wolfgang Sobotka Law enforcement agencies of Austria consider that the detainees in Vienna natives of Chechnya may have been involved in a confrontation between criminal groups. This opinion was expressed to journalists by the head of the interior Ministry of the Republic of Wolfgang Sobotka, reports APA. According to him, 16 of the 22 detainees were persons entitled to asylum, asylum, four received, two were rejected. “We must do everything to the right of asylum is not abused for criminal purposes,” — said the Minister. In the Russian Embassy in Vienna said that watching the situation. As reported by RIA Novosti press-Secretary of the Russian Embassy in Austria Bulat Khaydarov, no complaints either from the authorities of Austria, no detainees were reported. On Friday evening, February 3, was arrested 22 people from Chechnya aged 25 to 50 years. Prior to this from local residents received a call about a large

Trump amused the lock of his decree to toughen immigration policy

Donald Trump The President of the United States Donald trump in his Twitter commented on the decision of a Federal judge from Seattle (Washington), temporarily blocking the action of his decree to toughen immigration policy. “The solution to this so-called judge, who overturned the rule of law in our country is ludicrous and it will be cancelled!” — wrote the head of state on Saturday, February 4. Trump also noted that when the country is “no longer able to decide who can and who cannot enter its territory or to leave it, especially for security reasons, she has a lot of trouble.” The decision by Federal judge James Robart came into force from the moment of its adoption, that is, 3 Feb. It provides for the abolition of travel restrictions to the United States citizens of seven countries, fell under the decree of the trump. On the basis of the

Avalanche has covered a group of skiers in the Italian Alps

Avalanche has covered a group of skiers on the mountain pass Sella nevea on the Italian Alps (province of Udine). On Saturday, February 4, according to ANSA. Under snow blockages there were six to seven people. It is noted that they carried out the descent outside the equipped trails that were closed due to insufficient snow. Rescuers managed to extract the two victims. One of them suffered minor foot injuries, the second is in critical condition. Later the representative of the Alpine rescue service, told RIA Novosti that the rest of the skiers are also found, they are all alive. 18 Jan avalanche covered the hotel Rigopiano in the Italian province of Pescara. At the time of the incident the building was occupied by 40 people. The cause of the collapse of the snow masses become tremors that occurred in the area of the mountain massif of Gran Sasso d’italia.

Washington has denied the rumors about the trump promise to support Ukraine

In the administration of the President of the United States has denied reports that Donald trump promised the leader of the Ukrainian party “Batkivshchyna” Yulia Tymoshenko to support Kiev and not to lift sanctions against Russia. About it reports The Washington Post. According to the newspaper, the White house confirmed that the President and former Prime Minister of Ukraine really had the “short, informal meeting” at the time of photographing at a reception before the National prayer Breakfast (National Prayer Breakfast) at the Washington Hilton. However, as pointed out in a press-service of the American leader, and no official promises have been made, as Tymoshenko “is not vis-a-vis the President.” The White house expressed concern about the violence in the South-East of Ukraine. In addition, the press service of the Council U.S. national security at the White house, he noted that there is no “20 minute meeting” trump’s and Tymoshenko’s