The German foreign Minister spoke positively about the possible détente in relations between Russia and the United States

Sigmar Gabriel A possible rapprochement between the US and Russia could contribute to resolving international crises. Such opinion as transfers RIA Novosti, stated the Minister of foreign Affairs of Germany, Sigmar Gabriel on the TV channel ARD. “If between these two world powers will be a discharge, it will be good for the development of the situation in Syria, the situation in Ukraine, the process of disarmament in Europe,” said Gabriel. He added that future arrangements “should not be achieved at the expense of Ukraine and Europe.” Gabriel also spoke about the exchange of views during the meeting in Washington with U.S. Secretary of state Rex Tillerson and Vice-President Mike Pence. According to him, the American colleagues “made it clear during negotiations that they have great interest in a United Europe that they support the transatlantic partnership in NATO.” Earlier at a meeting in Paris with his French counterpart Jean-Marc

Senator Graham will propose new sanctions against Russia for “interference in the election”

Lindsey Graham Representative in the Senate of the U.S. Congress from South Carolina Republican Lindsey Graham said he will submit a draft law on anti-Russian sanctions. As reports on Sunday, February 5, RIA Novosti, he said this on air of TV channel Fox News. “I intend to propose a bill on sanctions against Russia for its invasion of our elections. We must punish them for what they have done on our own backyard,” said Graham. On 10 January it was reported that Republicans John McCain, Lindsey Graham and Robert Portman along with Democrats Ben Cardin and Bob Menendez introduced the Senate bill concerning restrictive measures against Russia over alleged interference in the election campaign of the President of the United States. 29 Dec 2016 Barack Obama, who was then the occupant of the White house and the Ministry of Finance of the United States have imposed sanctions against Russia in

In the case of the death of the girl from dog bites detained the owners of animals

In the Sverdlovsk region on suspicion of involvement in the case of the death of seven girls from dog bites detained the owners of animals. On Sunday, February 5, “the” reported in regional Department of the Investigative Committee of Russia (TFR). Investigators identified and questioned witnesses of the incident — four teenagers saw lying near the Playground behind the House of culture, the child’s body. Near it were two large mongrel dogs without leashes and muzzles. Employees RCDS found two families, containing these animals and determined that their hosts — the locals 1963 and 1975 years of birth. Under the control of the investigators they killed their dogs and then was arrested. The consequence intends to petition before court for the conclusion of suspects under guards, soon they will charge you. Also reported traces of the substance, like blood, on the bodies of dogs. Samples were taken for comparative

Vice-President of the United States was blamed for the lifting of sanctions on Moscow

Mike Pence The question of changing the sanctions regime against Moscow will be decided in the coming months. The answer will depend on whether to change Russia’s behaviour and will be able to interact. This was stated by Vice-President Michael Pence circulated in an interview with broadcaster ABC. “It depends on whether we will see the kind of change in Russia’s position, and the opportunity, maybe, to establish cooperation based on common interests,” — said the politician. He stressed that if Russia and USA will get along, it will benefit the entire world. Pence recalled that both countries are interested in the fight against radical Islamic terrorism, particularly “Islamic state” (IG, the organization banned in Russia). If possible, work together the President of the United States Donald trump, in his opinion, “would find the opportunity to start a relationship again.” In the same interview, Pence said that concerned about the

The former head of the Italian government called for a return to the G8 format

Romano Prodi The task of the Italian presidency of the G7 is to do everything possible to revive the format of “eight” with the participation of Russia. This opinion was expressed by former Prime Minister Romano Prodi in an article published in Il Mesaggero. Excerpts from the text publishes TASS. “The main reason is that it is absolutely necessary to take a position against Russia before it will make Donald trump” — said the politician. Prodi noted that it is unknown whether Russian leader Vladimir Putin the offer without requiring the exchange to remove anti-Russian sanctions. “Importantly, can take into account the political changes in Germany and France, which fear the growing popularity of anti-system parties in the electoral climate, retain extreme caution,” he wrote. The European initiative, according to Prodi, was not only very necessary and very beneficial. The summit “the seven” will take place in may in Taormina

Turkish police detained 400 suspected of collaborating with ISIS

In the course of the antiterrorist operation in Turkey, the police has identified about 400 suspects in connection with the group “Islamic state” (IG, is prohibited in Russia). On Sunday, February 5, reports Daily newspaper Sabah. According to the publication, the raids took place in several regions of the country. About 150 people were detained in the province of Sanliurfa, which borders Syria, 46 in Bursa. It is reported that among the suspects are a lot of foreigners. New year’s eve was attacked by the visitors of the Istanbul night club Reina. Victims of the attack were 39 people (among them a Russian citizen Nurana Hasanova). Responsibility for the attack took on itself the “Islamic state”. January 16, the executor of the attack, a citizen of Uzbekistan Abdulqadir Masharipov was caught. A day later he admitted his guilt. Also in this case was arrested 40 people, including Russians. Units of

Attacked a military patrol near the Louvre the man refused to testify

Attacked a military patrol near the Louvre Museum in Paris a man refused to give testimony during the first interrogation, which took place on Sunday morning, February 5. About it reports the edition of 20 minutes with reference to sources in law enforcement bodies. As noted on the website of the French edition of the online publication Huffington Post, the detainee will be questioned again later on Sunday. The attack near the Louvre was made the morning of 3 February. Armed with machetes a man shouting “Allah Akbar” attacked a military patrol guarding the order near the Museum. In response, soldiers opened fire on him. He was wounded in the stomach and was taken to hospital where he was operated on. Minor injuries also received one military. He was attacked by 29-year-old native of Egypt. After the threat to his life had passed, the man was formally transferred to the

Named the approximate power of the explosion in the car chief of the militia LC

Special monitoring mission (SMM) of the OSCE estimated the power of the explosion that occurred in the car of the head of Department of the people’s militia self-proclaimed LNR Oleg Anashchenko, four to five kilograms of TNT. On Sunday, February 5, RIA Novosti reported with reference to the report of the mission. The report also suggests that the explosion occurred during the movement. A Toyota SUV, owned by Anashchenko, exploded in the center of Lugansk on the morning of 4 February. Initially reported two dead, but later it became known that the man was in the car alone. The Prosecutor’s office of the Luhansk national Republic declared that the incident involved the Ukrainian subversive group. In fact the incident a criminal case under paragraph “b” of part 3 of article 239 of the criminal code LC (“an act of terrorism; explosion, intimidating the population in order to destabilize the activities

The defense Ministry called fake reports of the deaths of five Russian military in Syria

Igor Konashenkov The official representative of the Ministry of defense of Russia Igor Konashenkov refuted some media reports about the deaths of five Russian military in Syria. On Sunday, February 5, reports “Interfax”. Major-General called this information is bogus and the “next information spreading”. “All Russian military personnel in the Syrian Arab Republic, alive, healthy and continue to perform their tasks”, — said the major-General. Earlier, several media outlets, including the portal Orient News, reported the death of five Russian soldiers. It was noted that the military car was blown up in 25 kilometers South of Latakia. The incident allegedly occurred last night. Russia strikes on terrorist groups in Syria from 30 September 2015, expanding on the basis Hamim the brigade special purpose (currently has 44 aircraft and 16 helicopters). With the request for military assistance to counter the militants, including the “Islamic state” and banned in Russia “dzhebhat an-Nusra”,

Unknown pasted posters with criticism of the Pope

Posters with criticism of the Pope in Rome Posters of Pope Francis and the criticism appeared on the streets of Rome. About it reports The Telegraph. The inscriptions on the posters read: “Francis, you took control of the congregation, abolished, priests beheaded by the order of Malta and monastic order of the Franciscans, ignore the cardinals… And where’s your vaunted compassion?”. The authors maintain anonymity, but there are suggestions that the initiative belongs to the supporters of the conservatives who are unhappy with the reforms of Pope. Posters appeared a few hours before Pope Francis was appointed chief of the Vatican Archbishop Giovanni Angelo Beccu (Angelo Becciu) as its official representative in the Affairs of the order of Malta at the time of the election of a new Grand master. The publication notes that the critic of the Pontiff of the conservative cardinal Raymond Leo Burke (Leo Raymond Burke), who