In Pakistan shot dead an Afghan diplomat

Archive photo In the Pakistani city of Karachi shot and killed an Afghan diplomat. About it reports Reuters. According to police, the third Secretary of the Consulate General of Afghanistan in Karachi shot and killed by the guard. The gunman arrested. The names of the victim and the assailant were not disclosed, we only know that the security guard nationality was also an Afghan. The motive of the assassination is set. Previous attack on foreign diplomats in Pakistan was carried out in April 2010. Then the militants attacked the U.S. Consulate General in Peshawar. Eight people died, including two guards. Not one American was hurt. Responsibility for the attack was claimed by the Pakistani Taliban. In may 2015, in the North of Pakistan crashed helicopter with foreign diplomats. Killed the ambassadors of the Philippines and Norway, and also wives of the ambassadors of Malaysia and Indonesia.

The CPS opposed the discount on alcohol

The CPS has proposed to refuse discounts on alcoholic beverages. About it RIA Novosti said the head of the Department Anna Popova. “Promotion should be treated like any other advertising campaign and should be banned,” she said. 3 Feb RT reported that the state Duma is preparing a bill banning distribute promotional prices on alcohol. According to the authors, the document is aimed at reducing the level of alcoholization of the population. “When a customer sees the stores products with significant discounts, it will stimulate him to buy. And one thing when it’s a discount on the yogurt, not alcohol,” — said the author of the initiative Deputy Vladimir Sysoev. In January, the CPS said that in comparison with 2009, the Russians began to drink less than one third: currently, per capita consumption of alcohol in Russia is more than 10 liters per person per year, whereas six years ago

WSJ reported that Washington’s plans to “drive a wedge” between Moscow and Tehran

The administration of the President of the United States Donald trump is looking for opportunities in order to prevent a diplomatic and military cooperation of Russia and Iran. According to The Wall Street Journal, citing sources in European and Arab countries. Thus, as notes the edition, Washington hopes to end the Syrian conflict and to intensify the fight against the terrorist group “Islamic state” (IG, is prohibited in Russia). “There is a wedge that could be hammered between Russia and Iran, and we are ready to consider this option,” — leads edition of the words of the interlocutor in the White house. According to him, in the administration of trump at the moment do not consider Russia as a threat to the very existence of the United States, reports TASS. “Between Russia and Iran there are differences (…) However, it is not clear that it may require the Russian leadership

Found the explanation of the transit anomaly

Physicist Louis Bathrooms from the Polytechnic University of Valencia (Spain) analyzed the main anomaly is the deviation from the estimated increase of energy during a gravity assist spacecraft in earth orbit. Research scientist published in the journal Astrophysics and Space Science. The author, using the available data for the span of the anomaly, and tried to quantitatively describe the observed phenomenon. For this, he used a multivariate multifactorial analysis, which, according to the scientist, to assess the manifestations of the span of the anomaly. This phenomenon, in the opinion of the Bathrooms due to some unknown “fifth force”, the range is approximately 300 kilometers and is determined by the latitude at which the spacecraft is a gravitational maneuver. To date, at least six cases, the span of the anomaly, when the speed of vehicles has grown by about 13 millimeters per second. The nature of the phenomenon still unknown to

The media learned about the large-scale structural reform of the Ministry of emergency situations

EMERCOM of Russia in the framework of the structural reform abolishes regional centres and goes on a three-tier system of management and financing, the newspaper “Izvestia”. According to the document, available edition, a three-tier system of management and financing of the Agency involves the vertical management of the Federal (Ministry), regional (subject) and local (fire and rescue garrison) levels. At the same time of the new scheme eliminates one management — regional centres. As noted, such a system has already been implemented by a number of agencies and proved its efficiency, especially in the present socio-economic conditions. The plan will last until 2020 and approved by the President of Russia Vladimir Putin. Due to freed places will increase the state fire and rescue. Last week, Putin’s decree, the heads of the far Eastern, North Caucasian, Privolzhsky and Ural regional centres was dismissed in the framework of the consolidation of the

In Honduras, in the collision of bus and tanks killed 16 people

Dozens of people were killed and injured in an accident in Honduras. On Sunday, February 5, reports Reuters with reference to local authorities. According to him, on the road 10 kilometers from the capital of Tegucigalpa has faced passenger bus and a tanker truck. From the wreckage was retrieved the bodies of at least 16 fatalities, another 34 people were injured Rescue work at the scene continues. The circumstances and causes of the incident to the news Agency reported. According to The Washington Post, the truck driver lost control and crashed into a bus, then fled. The representative of the Metropolitan fire Department Oscar Triminio reported that the victims were taken to hospital, the local University, the number of victims can increase. January 21 in Verona on the North-East of Italy, the Hungarian bus, which was traveling 55 people, crashed into a pole. Killing 16 people. Two days before this,

The media learned about the plans to test pilots for alcohol and drugs before and after the flight

Russian airlines and air traffic control can be charged with the duty to check the members of the crews of passenger aircraft and air traffic controllers are the signs of alcoholic, narcotic and other intoxication. As written on Monday, February 6, “Izvestia”, with such intentions by the Ministry of transport. According to the publication, the Department has prepared the relevant amendments to the Air code of the Russian Federation. In the spring they can be sent to the government for subsequent consideration by the state Duma. The goal of innovation — increase of safety. The medical examinations of pilots is proposed to conduct not only the flight but also after it, and managers — both before and after the work shift. Currently checking the crews of civil aircraft and the ground staff of the air is regulated by the adopted in 2002 the Federal aviation regulations medical examination (PLL-50). In

The police of Vienna released most of the detainees from Chechnya

The police of Vienna has released 20 of the 22 people from Chechnya detained on Friday, February 3. This is the Agency APA. All 22 people, ranging in age from 25 to 50 years, are suspected of membership in a criminal organization, against them criminal case under section 278 of the Austrian Criminal code. Two can be expelled from the country. The natives of Chechnya detained on the island on the river Danube. From local residents received a call about a large crowd of people in the district of Floridsdorf. The detainees seized a machine gun and ammunition which they were trying to hide in the snow. The suspects said that “just walking”, some have argued that is a wedding celebration. As stated by the interior Minister of Austria, Wolfgang Sobotka, the detainees could be involved in a confrontation between criminal groups. According to him, 16 of the 22 were

Trump will take part in the meeting of NATO leaders in may

Donald Trump The US President Donald trump will take part in the meeting of NATO leaders, which will take place in Europe during the second half of may. It is reported TASS citing a statement issued by the press service of the White house after a telephone conversation with trump’s Secretary General of the Alliance Jens Stoltenberg “The leaders discussed how to persuade all NATO members to meet their funding commitments to the Alliance”, — said the press service. The parties agreed on the need to continue to coordinate the actions of the US and NATO “to respond to the entire spectrum of security challenges facing the Alliance”. Also the subject of conversation was the situation in Ukraine. “The parties discussed the possibility of a peaceful resolution of the conflict along the Ukrainian border”, — said in a statement. January 15, trump said he considers NATO an outdated organization. “First,

Half a million people of Romania came out to demand the resignation of the government

In Romania the streets are about 500 thousand opponents of the government, including 300 thousand in Bucharest, reports RIA Novosti. People in the capital continue to come to the square in front of the Cabinet. The protesters staged a kind of flash mob and lit simultaneously, the screens of mobile phones and lanterns. The action was supported in other cities of the country. Every hour the protesters sing the national anthem of Romania. In the hands of the protesters placards with slogans against the government and the ruling Social democratic party, headed by Liviu Dragnea. People demand the resignation of the government, but Prime Minister Sorin Grindeanu declared that will not leave the post. This is the biggest rally since December 1989, when it was overthrown by the power of the Communist party led by Nicolae Ceausescu. Earlier, the Cabinet of Ministers refused the amendments that could result in the