Trump complained that Obama inherited a mess in the US and abroad

Donald Trump The President of the United States Donald trump believes that his predecessor, Barack Obama left a mess in his country and in the world. He stated this at a press conference, reports CNN. “Our administration inherited a lot of problems, including economic. Honestly, I inherited a mess, both in the country and abroad,” said trump. Among the difficulties in the US, he called the leakage of jobs and low wages. Abroad, according to him, the unstable situation in the middle East and in North Korea. In addition, the Republican mentioned the banned international terrorist organization “Islamic state”, comparing it with a cancerous tumor. “But we will take care of all this,” he said. According to Republicans, his administration from the first day of work has begun to address inherited problems. While trump accused the media of trying to hold back the positive results of the activities of the

The Americans asked trump to drive the Soros

George Soros The Americans appealed to US President Donald Trump with the requirement to expel from the country billionaire George Soros. A petition posted on the website “President trump, ( … ), we ask you to deny Soros his family members to do business in our country (…) We ask you to issue a warrant for his arrest because he hires people for organizing riots and protests that harm our people and values”, — stated in the text of the document. At the time of writing the petition has gained more than nine thousand signatures. On 20 January, Soros said that politics trump will fail, and he has dictatorial. “I would describe him [trump] as a liar, cheater and a potential dictator. But it is only a potential dictator, as I believe that the Constitution and the political institutions of the United States is strong enough (…) He would

On the fence between Mexico and the United States found the catapult to transport marijuana

The customs and border guard in Arizona found on a fence on the us-Mexican border device used for transporting drugs into the United States. It is reported by CNN. Homemade catapult was discovered near the checkpoint Douglas last week. The device appears to be constructed of square tubing and heavy-duty springs connected by welding. Some parts of the catapult is wound a rope. Officers also noticed a few people near the fence separating the two States, but unknown managed to escape. When inspecting the area were found two bags of marijuana weighing more than 21 kilograms. Customs and border protection was notified about the incident the competent authorities in Mexico. The catapult was removed and then dismantled American guards. CNN also writes about other ways to smuggle drugs from Mexico into the United States. In particular, in January of this year, police in Texas seized a large consignment of marijuana

The FT learned of the unwillingness of Harvard to take the position of resigned Flynn

Robert Harvard Vice-Admiral Robert Harvard, which is considered on a post of the adviser of the President of the United States national security instead of the past with this post, Michael Flynn, according to two sources, the Financial Times, agrees to work in the White house. As noted by one of the interlocutors of the newspaper, “Harvard has the conflict between sense of duty and a sense of ineffectiveness”. A second source said that President Donald trump has asked Harvard to meet again in the White house so that by that time changed his mind. Robert Harvard had held the positions of Deputy commander of the Joint special operations command, U.S. and inter-service command of the Armed forces, Deputy commander of Central command. February 13, trump made the statement Flynn’s resignation. In the document he pointed out that not fully informed Vice-President Mike Pence and other White house officials about

Journalists kicked out of the hall during the welcoming speech Tillerson

Rex Tillerson During the first meeting of the new Secretary of state Rex Tillerson with the foreign Minister of Russia Sergey Lavrov in Bonn journalists kicked out of the room after the first phrase of an American official. On Thursday, February 16, the correspondent “reports” from the event. Tillerson managed to say: “Hello. Thank you, Mr. Lavrov, I am also pleased to see you,” as members of the U.S. delegation ordered the press to leave immediately. Their actions are not explained. U.S. Secretary of state Rex Tillerson for the first time spoke with his Russian counterpart Sergei Lavrov on the sidelines of the meeting of foreign Ministers of G20 countries. On the eve of talks, February 12, Lavrov expressed hope for closer contacts with the new US administration. “I am convinced that our dialogue with the administration of Donald trump, which has already begun, will continue, will be more

In Poland expressed the desire for NATO to investigate the plane crash of Kaczynski

NATO is ready to join the investigation into the plane crash in 2010 near Smolensk, which killed Polish President Lech Kaczynski. On Thursday, February 16, reported the country’s defense Minister Anthony Macierewicz, the Agency PAP. According to him, that the Alliance is going to join the Commission on investigation of air incident civil aviation, said the commander of NATO forces in Europe, us General Curtis Scaparrotti and British defense Secretary Michael Fallon. “Warsaw expects full cooperation, particularly in the area of transfer of all the information available to both NATO and individual States, as well as technical assistance in research that may not hold Poland” — said Macierewicz. On 1 February the Minister of foreign Affairs of Poland Witold Waszczykowski said Warsaw will be sent to the international criminal court (ICC) in the Hague against Russia. According to him, Warsaw about a year unsuccessfully sought to obtain from Moscow the

The Seoul court approved the arrest of the Deputy head of Samsung

Lee Jae Yong In South Korea, the court has given out the sanction on arrest of the Deputy head of Samsung Lee Jae Yong, who is under investigation of corruption scandal in which he was involved President Park Geun-Hye. About it reports Reuters. The Central district court of Seoul rejected the request to arrest the President of Samsung Electronics San Jin Pak, who also heads the Korean Federation of equestrian sports. To request the arrest of two top managers of the special Prosecutor’s office asked on Tuesday, February 14, after a previous attempt to arrest Lee Jae Yong was blocked by the court last month. Lee Jae Yong and San Jin Park accused of bribery and other crimes. As assumes a consequence, in 2015, Lee Jae Yong has authorized the transfer to the accounts of the company, registered in Germany and owned by Choi sung-SIL, a friend of the President,

Trump has promised to sign another “aimed at protecting the people” decree

Donald Trump The US President Donald trump said that he will sign next week, another decree aimed at “securing the American people.” As reported by Reuters, he said at a press conference. According to him, the need for this step arose because the validity of the previously signed decree temporarily prohibiting entry into the United States from seven countries with a predominantly Muslim population, is suspended in a Federal court. “We will release a new, extremely comprehensive decree to protect our people,” said trump. The President of the United States on January 27 signed a decree “On the protection of the country from the entry of foreign terrorists.” It is 90 days had banned the entry of citizens of Iran, Iraq, Yemen, Libya, Syria, Somalia and the Sudan. In addition, he was suspended for 120 days of the entry of refugees from any of the States, and the admission of

Immigrants to the US left work in protest against the policy of trump

Immigrants living in the largest American cities, Thursday, February 16, went to work and went on a demonstration in protest against the tightening of U.S. President Donald trump. About it the newspaper USA Today. “From doctors to dishwashers, immigrants are an integral part of life in the United States,” – wrote on his Twitter page, the head of the organization National Council of La Raza fighting for the rights of immigrants from Latin American countries, Janet Murgia (Janet Murguia). It has thus supported the owner of a chain of restaurants in DC, Jose Andre, said that his institution will be closed on Thursday. In social networks began to appear photos of closed cafes and user stories about their relatives who arrived in the United States in search of a better life. Such messages are marked by the hashtag #ADayWithoutImmigrants (#Demibasement). — Lauren Talarico (@KHOULauren) 16 February 2017, 14:50 — Emily

Lavrov described the meeting with Tillerson

Sergei Lavrov and Rex Tillerson The Minister of foreign Affairs of Russia Sergey Lavrov called the talks with the new U.S. Secretary of state Rex Tillerson productive and pragmatic. About it the correspondent “” from the event. “The meeting was pragmatic and business — said the Minister. — I would even call it productive: the Secretary and I compared our vision of problems in principle, agreed on how we will move in directions that we had discussed our presidents over the phone.” As explained Lavrov, Tillerson reassured him that the US is ready to restore relations with Russia, but said that all differences cannot be resolved immediately. U.S. Secretary of state Rex Tillerson for the first time spoke with his Russian counterpart Lavrov on the sidelines of the meeting of foreign Ministers of G20 countries. Before the meeting an incident occurred: the American organizers of the event without explanation removed