McCain has accused trump of the contradictions yourself

John McCain The US President Donald trump “contradicts itself”. According to Reuters, this opinion on Friday, February 17, stated the head of the Senate Committee on armed forces John McCain at the security conference in Munich. “First, the President makes some statements, and then in other occasions contradict himself. So we have learned to perceive that made by the President contrary to what was said to them,” said McCain. He also expressed confidence that the resignation of Michael Flynn as assistant to the President for national security led the administration to trump confusion. “I think the fact Flynn clearly shows that in many respects the administration (trump) confused. And it is going to work thoroughly,” says McCain. In early February in the United States, a scandal erupted around Flynn. The WP, citing unnamed sources reported that in December 2016 he discussed with Russian Ambassador in Washington Sergei Kislyak anti-Russian sanctions.

Trump called CNN, NBC and The New York Times enemies of the American people

Donald Trump The US President Donald trump called NBC TV, ABC, CBS, CNN and The New York Times enemies of the American people. On Friday, February 17, he wrote in his microblog on Twitter. “The media fake news (The New York Times, NBC, ABC, CBS, CNN) — not my enemies, and the enemies of the American people!” — says the publication. — Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) 17 February 2017, 21:48 16 February at the press-conference, answering a reporter’s question about the resignation of his assistant for homeland security Michael Flynn, trump has criticized CNN in the dissemination of false news. He also accused the media of trying to silence the good work of his administration. “I turn on the TV, open the newspaper and see that our work is describe as chaos. And in fact, just the opposite,” — said the American leader. February 13 Michael Flynn has submitted his

In the South-East of Turkey, an explosion occurred

The explosion occurred in the town of Viranşehir in the şanlıurfa region in the Southeast of Turkey. On Friday, February 17, Reuters reported, citing provincial Governor Azim Tuna Gongor (Azim Tuna) . He said that near the residential complex for the employees of courts and Prosecutor’s office and members of their families exploded a car bomb. Killing at least one person — a child of three, another 15 were injured. RIA Novosti, citing a source in law enforcement bodies reported about three victims. Other details are not yet available. The evening of 10 December 2016 in Besiktas district in Istanbul, near the stadium Vodafone Arena, after the football match between teams “Besiktas” and “Bursaspor” the explosion occurred. The aim of the attack was the bus with the police. In the result, 44 people were killed and more than 150 were injured. The morning of December 17 in the explosion of

The NATO Secretary General said about the need for dialogue with Russia

Jens Stoltenberg NATO believes in the necessity of dialogue with Russia. As reported on Friday, February 17, RIA Novosti, the Secretary General of the Alliance Jens Stoltenberg said at a meeting with the Minister of foreign Affairs of Russia Sergey Lavrov in the framework of the security conference in Munich. Stoltenberg, in particular, stressed that “firmly on the need for dialogue with Russia.” “I know from a position of strength”, — quotes news Agency the answer of the foreign Minister of the Russian Federation. The Secretary General, in turn, added: “With a predictable position.” Sergey Lavrov also welcomed the fact that NATO remains engaged in a dialogue with Moscow. “I expect to discuss some practical issues”, — he said. According to TASS, at a press briefing on the sidelines of the Munich forum Stoltenberg said that NATO is working to improve relations with Russia. However, he noted that the decision

The Syrian army has destroyed one of leaders “al-Nusra Dzhebhat”

Archive photo Syrian government forces in the South of the country destroyed one of leaders of grouping “Dzhebhat EN-Nusra”, reports RIA Novosti with reference to the Lebanese TV channel “al Jadid”. It is reported that one of the terrorist leaders known as Khaled, Sahadi al-Alul nicknamed “Abu Munzer Jordan”, was eliminated in the city of Deraa. Other details about the operations yet. Last week in the vicinity of Deraa at the Jordanian border, renewed clashes between the Syrian army and terrorists “dzhebhat an-Nusra.” The militants made several attempts to carry out the attack, but government troops repulsed all their attacks. Dozens of extremists eliminated. “Dzhebhat an-Nusra” in Russia included in the list of terrorist organizations, for participation in activities which provide for criminal liability.

In Benin fighters voodoo put on trial for the murder of his followers

In Benin, four priests-fighting voodoo put on trial for premeditated murder. About it reports Reuters. They all belong to the sect “the Holy Church of Jesus Christ of Baname”, fighting actively with local religious cults. As has established a consequence, they ordered the neophytes to be locked in their cells, setting fire to coals, and incense and wait for the end of the world, which according to their calculations, was to come 30 Jan 2017. As a result, five people suffocated, the other doctors barely managed to save. The leader of the sect of Vicentia, Convoking (Vicentia Chanvoukini), which its followers consider to be the incarnation of the Lord, said in an interview with local radio that the dead were not true members of the Church they were supposedly sent to test the strength of faith wavering. “The Holy Church of Jesus Christ of Baname” has thousands of followers, they

The Chinese foreign Minister has described relations with Russia as a pillar of global stability

Wang And Foreign Minister Wang Yi said that relations of China and Russia are the pillars of global stability, RIA Novosti reported. “It is a pillar of global stability. These relations are developing dynamically”, he noted, speaking at the Munich security conference. Wang promised that China will continue to strive to strengthen these relations. Speaking about the North Korean nuclear issue, the Minister said that the US and the DPRK must take political decisions to overcome the situations around her. You need to break the vicious circle of sanctions against Pyongyang and a nuclear test in the DPRK, he added. He also touched upon the relations of his country with the United States. “Bilateral relations between China and the United States — one of the most important in the world,” he said. “We are ready to work with the United States on the principles of confrontational and non-contentious,” — said

The terrorist attack in the Sinai Peninsula killed five people

With the explosion of a land mine in the North of the Sinai Peninsula killed five Egyptian soldiers. About it reports Reuters. Two more soldiers were injured. The explosive device was buried on the side of the road. It detonated when passing by a military APC. Responsibility for the attack itself, no one has claimed, but law enforcers suspect in the conduct of the local branch of the banned in Russia grouping “Islamic state” (IG). The rebellion at Sinai in 2011. After the summer of 2014, the numerous groups operating in this region, and swore allegiance to ISIS and have joined forces, the situation there has deteriorated. Over the last three years the victims of the war against Sinai Islamists were hundreds of soldiers, police and civilians. October 31, 2015, in the Sinai Peninsula crashed Airbus A321 for Russian airline “Kogalymavia” carrying out flight on a route Sharm El-Sheikh- Saint

The Finnish Parliament legalized same-sex marriage

MPs rejected by a majority of votes a citizen’s initiative to repeal the law about equal marriage. It is reported “Parliament has confirmed that gay marriage will be 100 percent resolved now and forever. Happy weddings!” — said in this regard, the leader of the party “Green Alliance” Ville Niinistö, quoted in the Russian service “bi-Bi-si”. Opponents of gay marriage gathered on a petition demanding its abolition, more than 50 thousand signatures. The civil initiative was supported by MPs from the party “True Finns” and “Christian Democrats”. A law allowing persons of the same sex to enter into a formal marriage, was adopted in Finland in 2014. Since March 1 of this year it takes effect. Now the country’s same-sex couples are allowed to join the so-called “registered partnership”, which is not considered renocannon official marriage. After the law came into force Finland will become the 21st country in

At the Munich conference found it difficult to identify the President of Estonia

Kirsty Kaljulaid At the Munich security conference, leading a panel discussion failed to identify the President of Estonia. About it the correspondent “” from the event. The incident occurred during the first panel discussion, which was led by journalist Philip Stephens. Seeing the raised hand of the President of Estonia Kersti Kaljulaid, he asked who she was and someone is. Was a pause, then Kaljulaid introduced himself and announced that represents my country — Estonia. Speaking at the same discussion, the Lithuanian President Dalia Grybauskaite Stevens identified accurately. The Munich security conference began in the Bavarian capital on Friday, February 17. It will last three days. Planned nine panel discussions, two night meetings and numerous meetings on the sidelines of the event.