In Benin fighters voodoo put on trial for the murder of his followers

In Benin, four priests-fighting voodoo put on trial for premeditated murder. About it reports Reuters.

They all belong to the sect “the Holy Church of Jesus Christ of Baname”, fighting actively with local religious cults. As has established a consequence, they ordered the neophytes to be locked in their cells, setting fire to coals, and incense and wait for the end of the world, which according to their calculations, was to come 30 Jan 2017. As a result, five people suffocated, the other doctors barely managed to save.

The leader of the sect of Vicentia, Convoking (Vicentia Chanvoukini), which its followers consider to be the incarnation of the Lord, said in an interview with local radio that the dead were not true members of the Church they were supposedly sent to test the strength of faith wavering.

“The Holy Church of Jesus Christ of Baname” has thousands of followers, they are identified by red ribbons and armbands. One of the main objectives hierarchy of the sect proclaimed the cleansing of Benin from representatives of other religions — first and foremost of voodoo, worshiping the Royal snakes in the Temple of Pythons in Ouidah. Despite all the attempts of Christian missionaries during colonial times to eradicate the ancient cult, now the voodoo is practiced by around 40 per cent of baninzi.

