The United States warned of the risk of incidents in the skies over Syria due to ISIS defeat

Success in the fight against the terrorist group “Islamic state” (IG banned in Russia) in Syria increases the risk of incidents between the air forces of different countries, including Russia and the United States. As reported TASS, said the head of air combat command U.S. air force Herbert Carlisle. “I definitely think that it [the situation] to deteriorate,” said the General. He explained that the reduction in the territory controlled by terrorists, leads to the fact that the combat aircraft of Russia, Syria and the United States now operates “at a close distance from each other.” “When we deprive ISIS of space combat, is, by definition, creates greater potential for conflict between the us and other players in this theatre [of military action], including Turks, which in this region too fly,” said Carlisle. This situation forces the command of the international coalition to talk about the intensification of dialogue with

The white house called a non-existent history information on the relationship of the tramp with Russia

Sean Spicer The Bush administration considers “non-existent history of” allegations of links Donald trump with Russia. As reported TASS, said on Friday, February 24, press Secretary of the White house Sean Spicer. “It is impossible to prove that something does not exist. He [trump] has already talked about how many times he spoke to [Russian President Vladimir] Putin, and that he has no interests in Russia,” — said the spokesman. Spicer noticed that trump “may not indefinitely deny what is not”. “The meaning is not that no story really exists?” he added. A spicey statement made during a briefing that was not allowed correspondents of the TV channel CNN, as well as leading Newspapers The New York Times, Los Angeles Times and Politico. Edition of CNN and The New York Times condemned the decision of the White house, expressing protest. On Friday at the Conference of the conservative political action

In Cuba, two trains collided

Six people were killed and about 50 injured in a railway accident in Cuba. About it reports on Friday, February 24 local newspaper Escambray. The incident occurred at about 12:00 local time (20:00 GMT) on the outskirts of Sancti Spiritus. Passenger railcar collided with EN route in the opposite direction freight train, which was carrying sugar cane. The cause of the accident, according to sources, was that the driver of the cargo composition does not give way to a passenger train. In a railway accident killed five men and one woman. The victims sent to the hospital of the University of Matanzas Camilo Cienfuegos. The condition of two of them is estimated as critical. This is the second major traffic accident in Cuba for the last time. Last week, in the Central part of the country overturned a passenger bus, injuring 48 people. In February 2009 the collision of two

The Federation Council was alarmed on the word trump on the building up of nuclear potential

Konstantin Kosachev The statements of the President of the United States Donald trump about a possible termination of the Contract on reduction of strategic offensive arms (start-3) and the potential increase in nuclear Arsenal has caused concern to the head of the international Committee of the Federation Council Konstantin Kosachev. About this he wrote on his page in Facebook on Friday, February 24. According to the parliamentarian, trump’s words on the start Treaty — “the most disturbing” of all on the subject of relations between Russia and the United States. Kosachev noted that in the agreements are based on the absolute equality of the nuclear arsenals of Russia and the USA. “Its meaning, like all previous agreements in this sphere, precisely to avoid “superiority in the nuclear field” any party”, — said the Senator. The head of the Committee also noted that the current contract expires in 2021 and does

At the conference, with the participation of trump staged a provocation with the flags of Russia

At the Conference of the conservative political action (CPAC), which was made by the President of the United States Donald trump, there was a provocation with Russian flags. About it reports on Friday, February 24 edition of the Washington Examiner. Unknown, is said to have got the Russian flags with written on them the name of the President of the United States and began to distribute them to the audience. As reported by BuzzFeed, many participants were confused by the words “tramp” and began waving his flags. Organizers, in turn, began to withdraw them, warning the audience that they withdraw from the hall if they continue to wave flags. The action took on two members of the movement Take Action Americans (“Americans are beginning to act”). One of them, Ryan Clayton, told BuzzFeed that when handing out the boxes depicted a Russian accent and asked the participants the question: “trump

French investigators launched an investigation on the case of the employment of the wife of Fillon

Francois Fillon Financial news launched an investigation into cases of fictitious employment of the spouse of the candidate in presidents of the country, former Prime Minister françois Fillon. About it reports on Friday, February 24, Le Parisien. The investigation for the “theft of state funds, misuse of public property, complicity and concealment of these crimes, trading in influence and concealment this information from the authorities,” cites the publication of an excerpt from the statement of the Supervisory authority. Will investigate one or more of the Paris investigators who are authorized to tap telephones and to place suspects under house arrest. Lawyers Fillon, commenting on the investigation, expressed confidence in his innocence, reports Reuters. They also criticized the investigation for leaks to the media. On 25 January, the weekly Сanard enchainé (“the Chained duck”) published an article alleging that for several years, Penelope Fillon was listed as an assistant to her

French activists saw in Obama their President

Barack Obama French fans of the former President Barack Obama’s plan to secure his nomination for the post of leader of the Republic. Reported by ABC News. The campaign was given the name Obama 17. On the same website posted a petition designed to convince former U.S. President to participate in the French elections. The goal of the activists is to collect a million signatures. What they intend to do in case of achievement of this indicator was not reported. “At a time when France is going to massively vote for far-right candidate, we can still teach this planet a lesson in democracy by electing the President of the foreigner”, — stated in the message on the website. “Why Obama? Because he’s the best in the world summary this position” — say the authors of the idea. ABC News notes that the main obstacle for the implementation of this idea

Russia has promised to block the UN security Council new sanctions against Syria

Russia will veto a draft resolution of the UN Security Council sanctions against Syria over the alleged use of chemical weapons. About it reports on Friday, February 24, TASS with reference to the Deputy permanent representative to the UN Vladimir Safronkov. “I very clearly explained its position to partners, saying that if it [the draft resolution] will be submitted for consideration, we will impose the veto on it, and they know about it,” — said the diplomat at the end of a closed-door meeting of the security Council. The draft resolution, as suggested by Safronov, “anticipates the results of the investigation” which was conducted by experts of the United Nations and the Organization for the prohibition of chemical weapons (OPCW). In addition, according to zampolpreda, it contains no evidence and biased. In consequence, the diplomat said the pressure to “get a kind of one-sided investigation”. “We have said that the

American witches decided to unite against trump

Exorcists, witches, occultists and representatives of “the other magic groups” decided to unite in the fight against the President of the United States Donald trump. It is reported by WND. Regular rituals designed to “bind trump and all who help him” should be performed at midnight each month on the waning moon, when the head of state has left office. The first ceremony will be held on the night of February 25 in us time (08:00 MSK February 25). The ceremony will be as long as trump is not removed from the post of President. Wizards even created a page on Facebook dedicated to rituals against the American leader. In the posts, in particular, describes the variations of rites proposed. Trump has entered a post of the US President on January 20. Thereafter, a number of cities in the United States held protests in which the participants, in particular, accused

The media learned about the plan of the Democrats to overthrow the trump

Donald Trump In the US Democratic party developed a plan for the removal from power of President Obama Donald trump. About it reports on Friday, February 24, RT. According to him, the strategy was invented by the activist and Democrat David Brock, she was released in Florida after a meeting of the party with investors. The document referred to measures, which should lead to the impeachment of trump until 2020. The main of them is criticism of all errors of the current President of the United States. The Democrats intend to closely monitor the trump and his family, to sue for misuse of official position. It is also planned to establish a special team which will monitor the actions of the new administration and the relationship of the President with leaders of other countries. The key task is called and countering misinformation in the media, supporting the President. The Democrats