The Minister spoke about the scale of the destruction after the explosions in warehouses in Kharkov

The effects of explosions in warehouses in Balakleya Fire and explosions at an ammunition depot in Balakleya (Kharkiv oblast) resulted in 243 damage to buildings. About this in his Twitter said the Deputy Prime Minister, Minister of regional development, construction and housing and communal services of Ukraine Gennady Zubko. “Suffered injuries of different degree 243 of the building, including 117 apartment buildings, 87 private houses”, — is spoken in the message. In addition, the explosion injured “to 12 objects of social sphere and 22 infrastructure and industry.” At the moment, the authorities continue to investigate the extent of the destruction. Zubko added that the people of the city give the building materials to enable them to independently perform primary repair of the damaged buildings. The stock continued explosions. The incident occurred in a military warehouse of the Ministry of defense of Ukraine on the night of March 23. As a

As a result of shooting in the American night club a man died

As a result of shooting in the American night club Cameo killed one and injured 14 people. The incident occurred in Cincinnati, Ohio, USA. This local police told the TV station WLWT. Law enforcement officers learned about the shooting early in the morning. Is there anyone you suspect is not yet known. Earlier in the day it was reported that in Las Vegas (Nevada) the unknown man has arranged shooting in public transport. Two people were wounded, one of them died in the hospital. The shooter surrendered to police and was taken into custody. Last summer in Florida, the unknown opened fire in the Parking lot of a night club in Fort Myers. Police reported two dead and 13 wounded. A few months earlier in Orlando was committed a mass shooting in a gay club. In the result, 50 people were killed, 53 injured. The shooter was an Afghan Omar

Iran to impose sanctions against 15 American companies

Iran to impose sanctions against 15 American companies for what they are “aiding and abetting terrorism”. On Sunday, March 26, according to Tasnim. The Agency quotes the statement the Ministry of foreign Affairs of the Islamic Republic that restrictions are imposed for supporting terrorism organizations “in response to the new unilateral sanctions of Washington against Iran.” On March 24, the US imposed sanctions on 30 individuals and legal entities involved in the transfer of key technologies and the sale of weapons to Tehran, Damascus and Pyongyang. The next day it became known that this list includes eight Russian companies. In September 2015 the American authorities have imposed sanctions against Russian defense companies suspected of activities that violate U.S. law on the non-proliferation of nuclear weapons against Iran, North Korea and Syria. Ministries and departments of the United States in this respect ceased to enter into procurement contracts with these companies

In London, the car hit four pedestrians

North London car knocked four pedestrians, reports TASS with reference to the Metropolitan police. The incident occurred in the night of Sunday, March 26. It is reported that the driver and passengers did not wait for the police to arrive and actually ran away from the scene. In this case, was arrested one person after a while. In the car found the knives. It is noted that the incident is not being treated as an attempted terrorist attack. March 22 a native of South-East England Adrian Russell Ago, changed his name to Khalid Masud, while driving, drove a car into pedestrians on Westminster bridge, knocked down several people and reached the building of the British Parliament. There car was stopped by police. The offender stabbed him with a knife, after which he was eliminated by another guard. Responsibility for the attack claimed by the group “Islamic state” (IG, is prohibited

In Bangladesh during the storming hideouts of the Islamists killed 6 people

As a result of two bombings in Bangladesh have killed at least six people, including two police officers, reports Reuters citing local police. More than 40 people were injured. Among them — about a dozen members of the army and the security forces. The explosions occurred when a detachment of security forces in the northeastern district of Sylhet stormed the safe house of a local Islamic group sworn allegiance to Islamic state. She is responsible for the attack on a café in July 2016, during which killed 22 people, mostly foreigners. During the RAID of a five-story building were evacuated all there were 78 people. The day before, a suicide bomber blew himself up at a checkpoint near the main airport of the country. “Islamic state” in Russia included in the list of terrorist organizations, for participation in activities which provide for criminal liability.

Slutsky blamed the U.S. for lack of desire to fight terrorism together with Russia

Leonid Slutsky The head of the Duma Committee on international Affairs Leonid Slutsky commented on the new US sanctions against a number of enterprises of the military-industrial complex of Russia. On Sunday, March 26, reports “Interfax”. The politician pointed out that these measures indicate about Washington’s reluctance to see in Moscow an ally in the fight against terrorism. “Unfortunately, we have to admit: Washington is still, as in the administration of the [Barack] Obama refuses to see Russia as a partner. Respectively — and an ally. The question in the first place, of course, talking about the interaction between the fight against international terrorism,” — said Slutsky. The MP stressed that specially drew attention to the theme of cooperation of Russia and the USA in combating international terrorism. “It’s kind of indicator: today it is vital to join efforts in the fight against this scourge. And what do we see?

Began in Bulgaria early parliamentary elections

Supporters of the Socialist party of Bulgaria (archive photo) In Bulgaria started early elections of deputies of the 44-th National Assembly. In the country at 7:00 opened more than 12 thousand polling stations, and another 371 plot opens in 70 foreign countries, reports TASS. The election is contested by 11 parties and nine coalitions registered their candidate sheets, and nine independent candidates. The right to vote has more than 7 million people. The procedure is mandatory. The voting followed more than 4 thousand observers. His first unofficial results will be known when at 20:00 polling stations will be closed. In the presidential elections in November 2016, won rumen Radev. He was nominated for the post of the initiative Committee, headed by the Socialist party.

The police warned the perpetrator of the terrorist act in Berlin for 9 months before the attack

Criminal police office North Rhine-Westphalia, Germany, in March 201-6 th warned the authorities that carried out the attack in Berlin, the Tunisian Anis Amri can prepare the attack. On Saturday, March 25, writes Bild am Sonntag. In the order of publication was the text of the official letter sent by the office of the interior Ministry of the Federal state. “The currently available reliable information, comes from Amri terrorist threat”, — the document says. As evidence provides some data, including extracts from the correspondence of the Tunisian in February 2016. Criminal police office insisted that the Amri should be expelled from Germany, but a higher court ruled that this measure has no legal basis and rejected the idea. Interior Minister for North Rhine-Westphalia, after the attack, continued to insist on the fact that at the time a legitimate reason to send a young man there. On 19 December 2016 truck,

Propinsi candidate won the election of the head of administration of Hong Kong

Carrie Lam The new head of administration of Hong Kong for a five year term elected 59-year-old Carrie Lam, reports broadcaster RTHK. Lam received at least 601 members of the electoral College needed to win. TASS notes that the candidacy Lam supported Beijing. The chief Minister of the special region of Hong Kong (Hong Kong) is currently elected by an electoral College of 1,200 people, mostly representing the business elite of the region and, as claimed by the opposition, under the control of Chinese authorities. In Beijing it was proposed to introduce General elections of the head of Hong Kong, the number of candidates was limited to three, each of which had to receive the approval of at least half of the electors. Opposition to this idea was condemned, accusing Beijing to try to spread in Hong Kong “fake democracy,” and organized a protest called “revolution of umbrellas”. It lasted

The number of injured in the explosion at the West of the UK has increased to 32 people

The explosion at the West of the UK in the area of Wirral in the County of Merseyside injured at least 32 people. On Sunday, March 26, reports Sky News with reference to the local ambulance service. According to doctors, 30 injured minor injuries, two others sent to hospital with serious injuries. About the victims not reported. The representative of the local fire service explained that, according to preliminary data, the explosion occurred in the building of the dance Studio. According to witnesses, it was completely destroyed, in addition, was standing near the damaged building. On-site emergency police work, it sets the circumstances of the incident. About the incident in the West of the UK reported on 25 March. It happened around 21:15 local time (00:15 GMT). It was initially known about the 15 victims, most of whom were customers nearby Chinese restaurant.