Died former football player of “Zenith” Vladimir Kazachenok

Vladimir Kazachenok Former football player of “Zenith” Vladimir Kazachenok, died Sunday, March 26, on 65-m to year of life. This was reported on the website of the St. Petersburg club. Kazachenok was born on 6 Sep 1952 in Kolpino. In the blue-white-blue forward has played 219 games and scored 78 goals. In 1980, Kazachenok together with “Zenith” became the bronze medalist of the USSR championship. Vladimir Kazachenok has three times been included in the list of 33 best players of the championship of the country. As a football coach he worked in the Leningrad “Dynamo” sports school “Zenit”, “Svetigora”, “Petrotrest”, “Khimki”, “Change-Zenit” and Estonian “Kalev”. In 2014, he worked as the Director of the training center of the Academy football club “Zenit”.

The Senator proposed to introduce criminal punishment for street racing

Vadim Tulpanov The head of the Federation Council Committee on rules Vadim Tulpanov proposed to introduce criminal liability for gross violation of public order while driving. The relevant draft law he intends to submit to the state Duma, reports TASS. The document proposes to expand the list of aggravating circumstances of article 213 of the Russian Criminal code (“Hooliganism”) through the Commission of an offense while driving a vehicle. The maximum sanction this article — imprisonment for the term up to five years. The Senator explained the need for the introduction of criminal responsibility for gross violation of public order committed when driving a vehicle, “the emergence of a higher degree of danger to society and a threat to human life as a result of these acts.” As an example, he cited street racers who “regularly racing in the streets”. Currently, the most severe punishment for such offenders is the

Exit polls predicted the victory of Pro-Western GERB party at elections in Bulgaria

In the parliamentary elections in Bulgaria, according to exit polls, won the Pro-Western party GERB, ahead of main rival, Socialist party, by a few percentage points. About it reports “Radio Bulgaria”. According to the Agency Gallup International, the EMBLEM of 32.8 per cent, BSP — 28.4 percent. The third force in the new Parliament will be a coalition of “patriots United” with 8.8 percent of the votes. For the Movement for rights and freedoms voted 7.8 percent of the voters. The party of businessman Veselin Mareshki “Will” received 4.6 percent. According to Market Links, a separation of the EMBLEM from the BSP is about three percentage points to 32 percent against 29. “United patriots” received 8.5 percent, “the Movement for rights and freedoms” — 7.72 percent, “Will” — 4,89%. According to one, the center-right “Reformist bloc” overcome the four percent barrier, and others not. Early elections of deputies of the

Bulgarian socialists conceded defeat in the elections

Cornelia Ninova The leader of the Bulgarian socialist party (BSP) Korneliya Ninova, acknowledged electoral defeat and congratulated the party “Citizens for European development of Bulgaria” (coat of ARMS) with the victory. It is reported by RIA Novosti. “I want to congratulate the EMBLEM of victory. If they will invite us for talks on forming a coalition, we will not participate in them. In politics there are fundamental things, and our programs are distinctly different, we are an alternative coat of ARMS”, — she said at a press conference. In turn, member of the leadership of the BSP Krasimir Yankov said that the socialists are satisfied with the level of support they received in the elections, since it is much higher than in the previous elections to the Parliament, reports “Radio Bulgaria”. According to Yankov, if the leader of GERB Boyko Borisov manages to form a government, he will have to

“Syrian democratic forces” knocked IG from the airport from the city tabka

Dam “Tabka” “Syrian democratic forces” (SDF) took full control of the former military airfield near the town of Tabqa, knocking out fighters of the “Islamic state”. About it reports Reuters. Currently mixed SDF troops, the backbone of whom are Syrian Kurds are on the offensive on Tabqa, RIA Novosti reported with reference to TV channel “al-Mayadin”. SDF — Union of Kurdish and Arab forces, supported by the international coalition under US leadership. Tabka, located on the banks of the Euphrates river, is on the way to the “capital” of ISIS in Syria — raqqa. The city is under the control of the terrorists since 2013. On 22 March it became known that in the province were planted with American troops. The purpose of the operation — the capture of Tabka adjacent Saur dam. This will allow the troops to join the main forces SDF and begin the assault on Raqqa.

On the fact of encroachment on the life of policemen at a rally in Moscow opened a case

Criminal case initiated on the fact of infringement on life of a police officer at an unsanctioned rally in Moscow. About it “lente.ru” has told the official representative of the GSM TFR in Moscow Julia Ivanova. “According to investigators, in the center of Moscow 33-year-old policeman, who was in the performance of their official duties, by unknown persons intentionally inflicted multiple blows of an unidentified object in the head. In serious condition, a police officer taken to Metropolitan hospital, where he is given all necessary assistance,” she said. Currently, the complex of investigative actions aimed at establishing all the circumstances of the incident and arrest of the persons involved in the incident, added Ivanov. The action on Tverskaya has not been agreed with the Moscow government. It offered to transfer her to Sokolniki and Lublin, however, the organizers refused to do so. The total number of protesters out on the

The dam at Raqqa partially collapsed due to the ongoing fighting

Dam “Tabka”, Syria Dam “Tabka” on the Euphrates river in the vicinity of Raqqa partly fell because of fighting near the town. It is reported by Syrian TV channel Al-Mayadeen, citing the source. The power plant has suspended work because of the shelling was put out of action the control point. The experts can not reach the scene because of ongoing fighting in the vicinity of the dam. Clashes between the armed coalition of “Democratic forces of Syria” and members of the banned terrorist group “Islamic state”. Representatives of the opposition fear that in the event of terrorists will undermine the dam. Sunday, March 26, residents of the Syrian city of Raqqa received from the militants a message with a recommendation to evacuate in connection with the possibility of dam failure. The notification stated that as a result of the air raids of the dam suffered serious damage and she

The media learned about the trump awarded Merkel the account for 300 billion for NATO

Angela Merkel and Donald trump US President, Donald trump gave German Chancellor Angela Merkel at the expense of 300 billion dollars for NATO. On Sunday, 26 March, writes The Sunday Times, citing sources in the German government. Paper the American leader conveyed the German government last week, during a closed-door meeting in Washington. One of the German Ministers, who requested anonymity, called the incident outrageous. “The aim of such demands is an attempt to intimidate the other side, but the Chancellor took it calmly and not react to provocations”, — he said. Meeting trump and Merkel held at the White house on March 18. The US President in his Twitter described it as magnificent, however, did not fail to point to the fact that Berlin is supposedly “owes huge sums of money, NATO and the United States.” The head of state stated that we need to pay for “powerful and

Media reported about the death of Mosul one of the experts of the IG’s mining towns

The Western neighborhoods of Mosul In the district of tall afar, West of Mosul killed Abu Hamza al-Tunisi, is known as a leading specialist in the installation of explosive devices in a grouping “Islamic state”. It is reported by the Iraqi satellite channel Al-Sumaria, citing local residents. Abu Hamza mined along with four assistants, one of the two-storey houses, tall afar, when the explosion occurred are laying device. The whole group of terrorists killed. The TV channel notes that Abu Hamza, judging by the nickname “al-Tunisi”, hails from Tunisia. Under Mosul he came from Syria as one of the leading experts in the IG for installing booby-traps in urban areas. Ground offensive against Mosul, the stronghold of the “Islamic state” in Iraq began in October 2016. In January-February of 2017, Iraqi troops, with the support of the International coalition forces led by the United States, liberated a large part of

Spanish police found 17 kilograms of cocaine in the party rubber bananas

Spanish police seized in the cities of Valencia and Malaga 17 kilograms of cocaine in rubber bananas disguised as real, and the containers it came in. On Sunday, March 26, according to ABC News. Clarifies that 57 fake fruits were in packages with edible party. The bananas were filled with seven kilograms of prohibited substances, and the remaining 10 were inside the boxes. Two suspects were detained citizens of Spain. Currently, law enforcement officers looking for a third partner, presumably Italian. As reported on the website of the TV channel, the investigation of cases of delivery of the drug in the fruit of the Civil guard of the country beginning in November of last year, when I first found cocaine in a batch of bananas. On March 14, the customs officers in St. Petersburg have stopped the channel of delivery of cocaine from Latin America. The drug was also hidden