Trump’s son-in-law volunteered to answer senators ‘ questions about relations with Russia

Jared Kushner Jared Kushner, the son-in-law of U.S. President Donald trump volunteered to answer questions from members of the Senate Committee on intelligence about his alleged ties with Russia. On Monday, March 27, CNN reports with reference to press Secretary of the White house Sean Spicer. “Throughout the election campaign and during the transition period Kouchner officially had contact with foreign governments and officials. Given this fact, he volunteered to speak with members of the Senate Committee, but has not yet received any notification about the meeting,” said Spicer. The Committee, in turn, said that Kouchner agreed to the conversation about Russian interference in American elections. “We expect that he will be able to provide answers to our key questions,” Reuters, joint statement of the head of Committee the Senator-Republican Richard Barr and his colleagues from the Democratic party of mark Warner. Earlier on March 27, it was reported that

The British defense Minister has blamed Russia of self-confidence and assertiveness

Michael Fallon The British defense Secretary Michael Fallon said that Russia is becoming more “confident and assertive”. This opinion he expressed on Monday, March 27, during his speech at the international security conference in London. His words are on the Agency’s website. “When it comes to Russia, we clearly understand the pattern of behavior that is becoming more self-confident and assertive. We want Moscow changed its position, perform the Minsk agreement, restricted reckless military activity and stopped the misinformation,” said the Minister. Fallon noted that only under these conditions will have the opportunity to improve relations with Russia. “Meantime, we must “cooperate, but watch out for” as saying Prime Minister (Teresa may — approx. “Of the”), “—said the head of Department. 16 Feb Fallon accused Russia of trying to destabilize the West and NATO, including through the media. According to him, Moscow is implementing a “soft propaganda” in the

Chinese construction workers found a 500-year-old tomb

Builders in the County Taikang County Zhoukou city in China found during the installation of the conduit of the tomb with two mummified bodies. On Monday, March 27, reports The South China Morning Post, citing emerging in Henan province, the Dahe Daily newspaper. According to the newspaper, a man and a woman whose mummy was discovered workers were buried about 500 years ago. Anthropologists who have worked on establishing their personalities, I believe that the bodies belong to the grandson of GU Zuo (Zuo Gu), the ranking official during the reign of the Ming dynasty, and his wife. It is clarified that the clothes were clad body was so well preserved that it is possible to discern the gold patterns. The mummy lay in a separate crystal coffins in one grave. In January it was reported that in the Hunan province in China found the tomb, the age of which

Zakharova called the cancellation of the visit of Johnson “know-how in diplomacy”

Maria Zaharovairina: Lavrov discussed with the foreign Minister of Britain, his visit to Russia The official representative of Russian foreign Ministry Maria Zakharova on his page in Facebook commented on reports by British media about the cancellation of the visit to Moscow of foreign Minister of Britain, Boris Johnson. Zakharov said that, according to publications, the trip is cancelled due to postponement of the meeting of foreign Ministers of countries-members of NATO. “What are they interesting: about the visit to Moscow has not been announced, and cancel are not forgotten. Some know-how in diplomacy”, — said the diplomat. The UK foreign office has announced the visit of Johnson to Moscow in early March, noting that it should take place “in the coming weeks.” Main topics of the talks was to be the situation in Syria and Ukraine, as well as the development of bilateral relations. Officially the travel date was

British police questioned in connection to the London terrorist with ISIS

British police investigating the attack on the Westminster bridge in London, found no evidence linking the perpetrators of terrorist acts, Khalid Masood with terrorist groups “Islamic state” (IG) and “al-Qaeda” (banned in Russia). About it reports Reuters. “The nature of perfect attack shows the weak technical equipment, and reproduction of other similar attacks,” — said the chief coordinator of the British anti-terrorist police, Neil Basu. According to him, there is also no reason to believe that Massoud embraced radical Islamist ideas while serving a prison sentence in 2003. 26 Mar Bass said that the criminal acted alone. “We all have to accept the fact that there is a possibility that we will never know why he did it. His secret could die with him”, he said. Then it became known that 10 of the 11 possible accomplices of the terrorist was cleared of all suspicion, they released. One person is

The Syrian Kurds wanted to take the “capital of the Islamic state”

Kurdish want to include the Syrian city of raqqa in their autonomy after the liberation of the city from the terrorists of the banned in Russia grouping “Islamic state” (IG), which are de facto considered it his capital. About it reports Reuters. “We hope so, since our project is designed for the whole Syria,” said Saleh Muslim, co-chair of the Syrian Kurdish party PYD. According to him, Raqqa residents will decide the fate of the city, however, the Muslim hopes that they will decide to join the Kurdish project. The creation of a Kurdish autonomy contained in the draft Constitution, which Moscow offered Syria. From the name of the country can eliminate the word “Arab”, leaving the name Syrian Republic. In addition, the Kurds may be able to officially use their language on par with Arabic. From the basic law propose to remove the paragraph about the use of Sharia

Macron surprised the French Patriotic ignorance

Emmanuel Macron Candidate for the French presidency Emmanuel macron during a television interview called Guiana is the largest overseas territory — the island. It is reported BFMTV on Monday, March 27. Statements were made when the politician visited this region with a campaign. “What is happening in Guyana in the last few days very seriously. But I urge everyone to stay calm, and believe that the blocking of the runway of the airport, the flight manifests of the planes can paralyze the life of the entire island,” said macron. Twitter users were surprised such ignorance of geography. They suggested that the presidential candidate can’t distinguish Haiti from Tahiti, and invited Him to stay “on the island of Guiana and never return”. From March 17, in Guiana, there are mass performances by local residents, supported by the trade unions and authorities. They require the Central authorities of the country economic reforms,

Muslims in Germany was more hospitable Christians in the issue of refugee admission

In Germany the Muslims are helping the refugees more often than Christians. These are the results of a public opinion poll conducted by the non-governmental Fund of Bertelsmann, The Local reports Monday, March 27. According to the study, 44 percent of Muslims had a different kind of support to migrants. Among Christians, aid to the asylum-seekers were offered only 21% among atheists — 17 percent. “Voluntary participation in charity shows that our society remains cohesive during hard times,” said Fund expert Yasemin El-Menouar (Yasemin El-Menouar). Researchers have identified several reasons why the Muslims show more compassion towards refugees than other religions. The main of them — a shared cultural heritage. The most interested part came from the same States as current asylum seekers — Afghanistan, Pakistan or Bangladesh. According to representatives of Fund, volunteers from among the Muslims talk to refugees the same language, understand their religion and culture. Thus

“Ahrar al-sham” announced the Downing of the helicopter of the Syrian army

Archive photo Representatives of the armed group “Ahrar al-sham”, said that in the Syrian province of Latakia they downed a government helicopter. It is reported TASS with reference to news portal News Mujaz. According to the rebels, the aircraft was destroyed near the village of Salma. Information about the fate of the pilot and crew members there. The Syrian command has not yet commented on the statement groupings. The Agency Al-Masdar says that the helicopter could belong to the Russian troops, leading the fighting in Syria.

After winning trump’s Scots almost ceased to be called sons Donald

The people of Scotland have practically ceased to call their sons by the name Donald. Reported by the Associated Press. According to the Agency, in 2016, only seven babies were named this name. In 2014, his popularity has fallen by two-thirds. Observers attribute this to the election of Donald trump President of the United States. “Trump has accelerated the decline in popularity,” — said Carol Howe, an expert of the history of the names of the University of Glasgow. However, as noted by Cleveland Evans from University Belvieu (Louisiana, USA), elections in the United States only accelerated the exit from the fashion of the already unpopular name. In the period from 2000 to 2015, in Scotland every year baptized about 20 Donald’s. In 2016, the name was on the 442 in popularity along with the names of Che, Eden and Lomond. Mother of Donald trump was born in the West