Trump criticized conservative Republicans

Donald Trump The US President Donald trump has criticized conservative Republicans in Congress did not support it during the vote on Obamacare. The corresponding entry he posted on his microblog. Anger trump caused the behavior of a group of congressmen, known as the Freedom Caucus. The President threatened that if they did not stop to put a spoke in his wheel, he will be deprived of their seats in the next parliamentary elections. — Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) March 30, 2017, 13:07 “Freedom Caucus will harm the case of the Republicans, if they quickly begin to work in the common team. In 2018 we have to fight against them and against the Democrats,” trump wrote. In response, a member of the Freedom Caucus, Congressman from Michigan Justin Amash, compared the actions of trump with the actions of a fifth-grader and alerted him to the fact that the group does not

Eight Islamists blew himself up with a grenade in Bangladesh

In eight Bangladesh Islamists blew himself up with a grenade, being in a hopeless situation. About it reports Reuters. During the RAID the police on Wednesday, March 29, and surrounded the house in the city Nasirpur, where the hiding militants. The guards invited the jihadists to surrender, but they instead came together and detonated a grenade. Killed eight people, including one woman. Monday, March 27, Bangladeshi commandos destroyed a hideout of the militants in Sylhet, eliminating four of the Islamists. A few days earlier six people, including two policemen, were killed during a siege of a house in Sylhet, another 40 people were injured. This occurred after two militants trying to break through the cordon outside, detonated explosive devices near a police cordon and a crowd gathered behind him. The responsibility was taken by the “Islamic state” (IG, is prohibited in Russia).

In Germany prosecuted migrant Talib

In Germany, the trial of an Afghan who is accused of membership in a terrorist organization, the Taliban (banned in Russia). About this soobschaetreuters. 21-year-old Hikmet T. accused that he in 2013 he joined the Taliban, received training in one of training camps of the group and took part in four attacks on police officers. “In at least two cases, he was fired from a Kalashnikov in the direction of the Afghan security forces, — stated in the materials of the investigation. — It is not clear whether he managed to kill or injure anyone.” Prosecutors claim that Mr. Hikmet has left the location of the detachment of the Taliban, in which he fought, in the beginning of 2014. When he arrived in Germany, not reported. It is also unknown whether he submitted the documents for the refugee status. Talib-the deserter was arrested in early December 2016, all the while

The statements of the Ambassador of Spain to Russia is explained by the error of the translator

Gerardo Bugallo Ottone The statements of the Ambassador of Spain in Ukraine against Russia and President Vladimir Putin were misinterpreted and taken out of context. This was written by the newspaper El País, citing sources in the Spanish foreign Ministry. In depodesta explained to RIA Novosti that the Kingdom adheres to the official position on the necessity of fulfilling the Minsk agreements for resolving the Ukrainian conflict. On March 29, the Russian foreign Ministry of the word Gerardo Bugyi Ottone called unacceptable. “We believe that making peremptory and biased statements, the representative of Spain in Kiev, not only went far beyond his official status, but opposed himself to the official position of the leadership of their own country”, — stated in the document published on the Ministry’s website. March 22 at the meeting of the press club “Diplomats without ties” organized by the Ukrainian Agency “UKRINFORM”, Gerardo Bugallo Ottone called

The state Department clarified the U.S. position on the fate of Assad

Rex Tillerson The fate of President Bashar al-Assad must be decided by the citizens of the country. This was stated by U.S. Secretary of state Rex Tillerson, his words are reports Reuters. During the visit to Ankara the head of state also noted that the United States considers Turkey as a key ally in the fight against militants of the terrorist group “Islamic state” (IG, is prohibited in Russia). Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan, however, called for Washington to rely on legitimate actors in its mission against extremists. USA are operating in Syria in Alliance with the Kurdish groups that Turkey considers a terrorist. The civil war in Syria lasts since 2011. In the confrontation involved government forces opposition forces Islamist groups and terrorists, including militants. After the conflict, former President Barack Obama expressed his view that Assad must leave his post for the start of the Syrian settlement: in

The body of Kim Jong-Nam will return the DPRK

Kim Jong-Nam The body of Kim Jong-Nam, half-brother of North Korean leader Kim Jong-UN, will be returned to the DPRK. This is stated in the message published on the website of the Prime Minister of Malaysia Najib Razak. “We received a letter from the family of the slain to return his remains to North Korea, and the coroner has approved the move — stated in the message. — The government firmly believes in the need to respect the principles of justice and sovereignty, and the police investigation into this serious crime in the land of Malaysia, will continue.” Earlier it was reported that Razak announced the end of the crisis in relations between Pyongyang and Kuala Lumpur after the North Korean authorities have allowed the Malaysian diplomats to freely leave the territory of the DPRK. March 16, Japanese media quoted the Deputy head of police of Malaysia, Noor Rashid Ibrahim

In Germany started to look for “Russian” for NATO exercises

German recruitment Agency HR Optronic GmbH, cooperating with NATO and the Armed forces of the United States, beginning the search for actors for the role of the Russian doctrines on the ground Hohenfels (Hohenfels), located in Bavaria. Extras will portray civilians, according to the website A vacancy announcement was posted on March 22. Actors playing farmers or shop owners, have to wear special vests with infrared sensors, which allow you to calculate how many civilians were killed or injured in the fighting. Candidates must speak well in Russian, it is also desirable to know English or German. It is reported that the ground was built 10 villages, each with 10 to 30 houses. The territory is not allowed electronic devices, and also has a strict ban on alcohol. According to the newspaper “Kommersant” informed that the recruitment Agency was engaged in search of extras for the exercises approached to

The largest party, the EU has accused Russia in the war against liberal values

The largest political force of the EU — the European people’s party (EPP) adopted a resolution on the results of the two-day Congress, held in Malta. In the document published on the website of the EPP, refers to the “undeclared war”, which Russia allegedly is against the liberal values of the West. “Russian propaganda, disinformation campaigns and continued support for anti-European political forces to undermine the European project, the transatlantic cooperation and of Western democracy in General — in terms of liberal values, political independence and sovereignty”, — stated in the resolution. The authors also argue that the cyber threat emanating from Moscow, “is much higher than Chinese”. The text notes that actions such as “distortion of facts, promoting distrust in the democratic process and even meddling in the election” is completely unacceptable. “The EU needs to develop an effective and detailed strategy for immediate and decisive counter the Russian

The number of Syrian refugees in neighboring countries exceeded five million people

The total number of Syrian refugees in Turkey, Lebanon, Jordan, Iraq and Egypt exceeded five million people. On Thursday, March 30, Reuters reported, citing the Office of the UN high Commissioner for refugees. It is noted that more than 488 thousand Syrians accommodated in special camps. For 2016, the UN reported about 4.8 million Syrian refugees. However, since the beginning of 2017, their number increased. Ankara has repeatedly noted that more than three million asylum seekers, Turkey has hosted. The civil war in Syria lasts since 2011. In the confrontation involved government forces opposition forces Islamist groups and terrorists, including militants of the banned in Russia as extremist organization “Islamic state”.

Hillary Clinton made the biggest political speech after defeat

Hillary Clinton Former presidential candidate Hillary Clinton made her most lengthy speech on political issues, after losing the election. It is reported by CNN. “Perhaps there is no place where I would like to be more than here. Well, except that in the White house,” she joked. Clinton noted that the administration of current head of state Donald trump is facing strong public opposition to and demonstrations against the policies of President is just beginning. “People who hitherto have not participated in politics, began to share their stories at meetings in municipal administrations. These are people who have something to say, people who want to be heard,” said former Secretary of state. According to her, one of the main challenges of the XXI century — advancing rights and opportunities for women and girls, and in the ruling administration is now a significant bias in favor of men. She criticized the