In Congress submitted a bill on sanctions against Russia over “aggressive actions”

Representative in Congress from the state of West Virginia, Republican Alexander Mooney (Mooney Alexander) proposed to impose new sanctions against Russia. A draft law has been submitted to Congress, the text published on the website of the American legislature. Muni believes that the restrictive measures should be introduced for the “cyber intrusion and other aggressive activity.” The Congressman, in particular, proposed to apply limits to those whom Washington suspects of virtual attacks, but also against those under suspicion in doing business with the intelligence or the Russian defense industry. In addition, Mooney insists on the creation of one of the divisions of the American Finance Ministry special Department in Russia. On March 25, the United States imposed sanctions against eight Russian organizations because of the violation of American law on the non-proliferation of weapons of mass destruction regarding Syria, Iran and North Korea. In late March, the Senate intelligence Committee

The Creator of the rainbow LGBT flag died in the US aged 65 years

Gilbert Baker American artist and activist Gilbert Baker (Gilbert Baker) who created the symbol of the LGBT movement, the rainbow flag, died on the 66th year of life. On Friday, March 31, wrote on Twitter his old friend — a musician and gay activist Cleve Jones (Cleve Jones). — Cleve Jones (@CleveJones1) 31 March 2017, 20:57 “My dear the light’s gone. Gilbert Baker gave the world the rainbow flag; to me he gave forty years of love and friendship, — said in the recording. According to Reuters, details about the cause and circumstances of his death are not yet available. On his official website stated that the last few months he lived in new York. Gilbert Baker was born on 2 Jun 1961 in Kansas. He has developed the design of the rainbow flag (also known as the pride flag or the flag of freedom) for the city’s gay pride

Protesters set fire to a Congress of Paraguay

In Asuncion protesters stormed and set fire to the Congress of Paraguay after the Senate secretly voted for a constitutional amendment that would allow President Horacio Cartes to run again, reports Reuters. The Constitution prohibits reelection, as it was adopted in 1992 after the 1989 fall of dictatorship. The amendment also requires the approval of the house of representatives. “Carried out the state coup, we will fight back, and we call upon the people to resist together with us,” said Senator Desiree Masi of the Opposition progressive democratic party. The demonstrators set fire to tires and removed part of the fencing surrounding the Congress building. The police used tear gas and rubber bullets. Several politicians and journalists were injured. The Minister of internal Affairs Tadeo Rojas said he suffered a lot of police.

Czech Ambassador in Switzerland withdrew from the post because of critical tweets wife

Czech Ambassador to Switzerland and Liechtenstein, Karel Boruvka received from the Ministry of foreign Affairs of his country requirement until the end of April to leave the post. On Friday, March 31, says Lidovky. According to him, foreign Minister Lubomir Zaoralek has accused his employee that he can’t affect the spouse who publish micro-blogging network Twitter criticisms. “I got a notice that should leave his post. Without any justification. I returned to the Ministry. In personal correspondence with the Minister chided me repeatedly that I can’t shorten his wife and her communication in social networks. And this was the reason for my immediate dismissal,” — said Boruvka. He added that he considers the actions of the Ministry of foreign Affairs of the Czech Republic is unprecedented. “We are talking about the personal rights of my wife, she’s a private citizen and not an employee of the foreign Ministry,” — said

Trump has signed two decrees on trade policy

Donald Trump The US President Donald trump on Friday, March 31, signed two Executive orders aimed at narrowing the trade deficit. Reported by the Associated Press. According to the first document, Department of trade given 90 days to prepare a report on the factors influencing the trade deficit. Another decree aimed at increasing collection of import duties. “Work and well-being gone from our country,” said trump in the oval office of the White house. “We returned manufacture and place in our country,” he added. “First, I sign an Executive order to ensure that we collect all taxes and duties from foreign importers who engaged in fraud. From this point on those who violate the rules will face serious consequences, very serious consequences”, — quotes TASS of the word trump. “Secondly, I signed a decree on conducting a comprehensive assessment of the trade deficit of the US and all violations that

In Italy for refusing to wear the hijab mother shaved 14 year old daughter shaved

In Italy parents have punished a 14-year-old girl for refusing to wear the Muslim headscarf in public places. On Friday, March 31, the newspaper La Repubblica. According to her, it is about a family of immigrants from Bangladesh, who for several years lived in the suburbs of Bologna and among the neighbours was considered closed, but not radically Islamic. However, the newcomers did not attract the attention of the police and was not seen in local mosques. Mother of eighth-grader after learning that she at leaving the house takes off the hijab, but came back and again wears it, shaved her bald. The incident became known when the girl in this form came to class. The girl told about the incident the teacher, then the school administration has addressed in law enforcement bodies. It turned out that the parents didn’t just make three daughters to wear traditional Muslim clothing, but

Most Brazilians are disappointed in the government of Temer

Michel Temer The approval rating of the government of the Brazilian leader Michel Temer fell to a record low. About it reports Reuters with reference to the results of the polls. A study conducted by the national Institute of public opinion and statistics, showed that 55 percent of Brazilians evaluate the work of the government negatively, considering them “bad” or “terrible” (in December 2016, the figure was 46 percent). Reacted positively to the activities of Ministers, only 10 percent of respondents (compared to 13 percent last December). Falling popularity of the President: if at the end of 2016 26 Brazilians were satisfied with his rule, now the figure is 20 percent, at the same time, the number of opponents of the President increased from 64 percent to 73. Eight out of 10 Brazilians said they do not trust the Temer. Temer holds the post of head of state from 31

In Germany was absurd increase in defense spending to two percent of GDP

Increase defense spending to two percent of GDP, as required by the North Atlantic Alliance is unrealistic for Germany. On Friday, March 31, said Minister of foreign Affairs of Germany, Sigmar Gabriel, said “I believe the absurd assumption that in the next few years, Germany will spend the Bundeswehr 70 billion euros,” — said the Minister. Gabriel added that Berlin is ready to do more to ensure security, but the German authorities don’t think it’s limited to just the increase in defense spending. “We Germans currently spend a lot of money for the admission of refugees who come to us because military action has failed, without bringing the situation to stabilize. Thus, we see what can happen when attention is concentrated only on increasing military spending,” the Minister added. Before March 31, U.S. Secretary of state Rex Tillerson, speaking to the foreign Ministers of NATO, reminded the members of

The white house called the defeat of ISIS a higher priority compared to Assad’s departure

The United States must recognize that the future of Syrian President Bashar al-Assad depends on the people of Syria. The main priority of the United States in the region should be the defeat of the militants of the “Islamic state”. As reported by Reuters, said at a briefing the press Secretary of the White house Sean Spicer. “As for Assad, there is a political reality that we have to accept,” he said. According to him, under the previous administration in this regard has been missed many opportunities. “The United States has a serious priorities in Syria and Iraq, and we have made it clear that the fight against terrorism, particularly the destruction of ISIS, is foremost among those priorities,” said Spicer. Representative of the American administration thus confirmed the words of the US Ambassador to the UN, Nikki Haley, who said that the departure of Assad as President of Syria

U.S. Secretary of state spoke about NATO’s role in repelling the aggression of Russia

Rex Tillerson U.S. Secretary of state Rex Tillerson said that NATO is the main element necessary to deter Russian aggression. It is reported Bloomberg. “Let me at the outset to be clear: the U.S. strongly support the existence of NATO, and the Alliance remains the Foundation of transatlantic security, U.S. Secretary of state said, speaking before foreign Ministers of the block. — The Alliance is of fundamental importance to counteract the agitation and aggression of Russia, which is sometimes carried out with the use of violence”. According to the Agency, thereby Tillerson has tried to reassure members of the Alliance, suspicion of Washington’s intention to improve relations with Moscow at their expense. He succeeded, and the meeting was held in a positive atmosphere, emphasizes Bloomberg. The Secretary again reminded the member countries of NATO about the need to uphold the Charter and to pay for defense at two percent of