On Mosul offered to drop the dates instead of leaflets

Mosul The head of the Commission on human rights of the Iraqi province of Nineveh called on the authorities to stop dumping on Mosul leaflets, costing to the budget are in “millions of dinars”. On Monday, April 17, RIA Novosti reported. Ghazwan Hamid al-Davudi stated that in the Western part of the town has developed extreme dire humanitarian situation. “I need to reset the dates from aircraft over the besieged districts,” he said, explaining that this inexpensive and available in the middle East, the product will save the locals from starvation. The operation to liberate the Western part of Mosul, the administrative centre in Ninawa and the unofficial capital of the “Islamic state” (IG; the activities of the group banned in Russia) — is from February of this year with the participation of aircraft of the international coalition led by the United States. In late March, Iraqi security forces have

The terrorists of ISIS clashed with Bedouins in the Sinai due to tobacco

Three people were injured in clashes between the militants of the terrorist group “Islamic state” (IG banned in Russia) and local tribes in the Sinai Peninsula. Reported by the Associated Press. The conflict began after the militants fired on a truck carrying a consignment of smuggled cigarettes. The car belonged to the Bedouins who control this illegal business. According to terrorists, the sale of tobacco violates the strict Islamic rules. In response, the tribes have captured three of the Islamists. Supporters of ISIS in retaliation for the kidnapping fired rocket-propelled grenades neighborhood controlled by the Bedouin town of Rafah. 17 February, it was reported that the explosion of a landmine in the North of the Sinai Peninsula killed five Egyptian soldiers. The explosive device was buried on the side of the road. It was detonated when passing by a military APC. Responsibility for the attack itself, no one has claimed,

Former South Korean President indicted on 14 counts

The official charges brought against the ousted President of South Korea Park Geun-Hye and Chairman of Lotte Group Shin Dong-Bina, said on Monday, April 17, the Agency “Yonhap”. The most serious crimes, the alleged former head of state: bribery, abuse of power and divulging state secrets. Park Geun-Hye also is accused along with his girlfriend Choi sung-SIL forced the Korean business structure to transfer $ 68 million to nonprofit foundations Mir and K-Sports, and then extorted bribes from the management of these organizations. In addition, the former President received bribes from corporations Samsung and Lotte totaling 59,2 billion KRW, or 52.02 million dollars, according to the prosecution. As the “Yonhap”, the head of Lotte Group Shin Dong-Bin will stand trial on charges of transfer of about 6.2 million dollars to Fund K-Sports Foundation, under the control of Choi sung-SIL. The South Korean authorities arrested Park Geun-Hye on charges of corruption

Stolen Chinese robot helped to detain her captor

In China, stolen by an intruder, the robot helped the police to apprehend her kidnapper. About it reports The South China Morning Post. The incident occurred in Nanjing, capital of Jiangsu province. The robot belonged to a student named Tian, who lived in a rented apartment along with seven other young people. One evening, after returning home, Tian found that he had been robbed: one of the tenants named Zhao, who the next day over the term of the lease, stole belongings of his roommate with a total cost of 1.3 million dollars, including the robot. Tien filed a police report, but law enforcement officers were able to trace the attacker just last week, when Zhao decided to activate the robot. He asked to confirm phone number, and when a thief entered it, immediately passed this information to the host. After that, the police easily tracked Zhao and detained him

The plane crashed in the suburbs of Lisbon

In the suburbs of Portugal’s capital Lisbon light aircraft crashed. About it reports Reuters. On Board four people were killed. The machine collapsed on the ground at one of the supermarkets shortly after takeoff from the nearby airport. On the scene are about 50 fire and rescue. On victims on the ground were reported. April 6, when landing in the French Alps crashed the plane. The aircraft caught on the tops of the trees and caught fire. The emergency was caused by fire fighters and rescue workers, but by the time they arrived, the plane burned to the ground. In the death of two citizens of Belgium — 47 and 60 years.

The United States and South Korea, the DPRK has threatened punitive measures in the event of new provocations

Michael Pence Vice-President Michael Pence and acting President of the Republic of Korea Hwang Kyo-Ahn has promised Pyongyang “punitive measures” in the case of new provocations. This is the Agency “Yonhap”. Pence said that in the case of using the DPRK’s conventional or nuclear weapons response, the United States and South Korea is “overwhelming and effective.” Vice-President of the United States also said that Washington and Seoul will not tolerate any further missile and nuclear tests in North Korea, and advised Pyongyang to draw attention to the recent strike by cruise missiles on Syria. Pens and Hwang Kyo-Ahn have also confirmed that do not intend to abandon the deployment of missile defense systems THAAD and expressed frustration with the response of Beijing against Seoul. Previously, Penny said that the administration of U.S. President Donald trump is not going to follow the policy of “strategic patience” in relation to the nuclear

Leakage of toxic chemicals occurred in the London club

In one of the London clubs has leaked toxic chemicals. About it reports on Monday, April 17, The Guardian. According to police, the signal about state of emergency in the district of Dalston has received at the remote duty at night. At the scene were immediately sent fire brigade and ambulance. From the premises of the club evacuated 400 people and another 200 left it alone until the arrival of emergency services. In hospital with burns was delivered to 12 people. Their lives, according to doctors, nothing threatens. How exactly was leaked, as well as any substance, not yet reported. No arrests at this point was not made, police are investigating the circumstances of the incident. Dalston is a district in the North-East of London, famous for its nightlife. It informed, in particular, was the school “Four aces”, who played a major role in popularizing reggae in the UK.

Harry Potter and Yoda urged Parisians to refrain from voting for Le Pen

On the streets of Paris were posters with the characters in the movie, urging the French not to vote for the party leader “national front” marine Le Pen in the presidential elections. About it reports on Monday, April 17, the correspondent of RIA Novosti. So, wizard Harry Potter asks “not to call her name” during the voting. “On the dark side of the force will not pass you” — notes from the poster of Yoda from “Star wars”. Hero of comics, cartoons and art feeds the Gaul Asterix surprised the huge fish. “What?! (…) And this is why we left the Eurozone?!” — he exclaims. “Navy nightmare” and called the events of Aladdin and Jasmine — a reference to the color of the command Le Pen and her name. On all of the leaflets is an inscription “will Not vote for NetFront”. 14 April in Paris already, there were billboards

Vice-President of the USA told about the American ways to achieve peace

Vice-President Michael Penny said that America seeks peace, but “always achieved peace through strength.” This he said during a visit to the demilitarized zone on the Korean Peninsula, reports TASS. According to him, the new US administration headed by President Donald trump is not going to follow the policy of “strategic patience” in relation to the nuclear missile issues of the DPRK. Pence noted that the United States commitment to security on the Korean Peninsula negotiations and peaceful means. However, he did not rule out other options, stressing that the obligations as an ally of Washington in front of the Seoul “indestructible”. On the morning of Monday, April 17, Pence arrived at a U.S. military base in South Korea camp Boniface to hold a meeting with military leaders and to meet with soldiers of the U.S. army. He went to a ten-day working trip to the Asia-Pacific region on 15

A suicide bomber blew himself up at a bus with refugees in the suburbs of Aleppo

Lipoproteina: the Number of victims of terrorist attack in Aleppo has increased to 70 A suicide bomber blew himself up in a car in the suburbs of Aleppo district of Rashidin, RIA Novosti reported on Saturday, April 15. “In Rashidin at the gas station where there are buses with inhabitants of Foix and Kefraya, blew himself suicide bomber on the car. There are dead and wounded,” — said the source Agency in Aleppo. Referring to the Syrian state channel “al-Ihbariya”, RIA Novosti reports about the deaths of more than 20 people, about 50 were injured. The explosion occurred near a convoy of vehicles which brought evacuees from the besieged militants of the Shiite villages of El-Fua and Kepra (Idlib). The column of buses stopped in Residene on the way to a temporary accommodation centre for refugees in Jibreen. After the explosion of buses with evacuees remain blocked in the district