Chinese officials explained the rules of behavior in social networks

Chinese officials should not condemn the policy of the party, to distribute pornographic materials and to multiply rumors. It is reported with reference to the account of the Central Commission of the Communist party of China (CPC) for discipline inspection in WeChat messenger newspaper the South China Morning Post. Also party functionaries are prohibited from receiving bribes electronic money, to intervene in the voting process, to share secret information, to access online shopping and post “inappropriate” messages. As specifies the edition, WeChat is very popular among the people of China: they use it as chat applications, for telephones, for sending pictures and cash payments. In addition to the recommendations, the message in the account of the Commission contained a list of the guilty and the description of the punishment that they suffered.

In the centre of Budapest desecrated the monument to Soviet soldiers-liberators

In Budapest was desecrated the monument to Soviet soldiers-liberators on the Central square Szabadsag (Freedom). On Tuesday, April 18, reports TASS with reference to the press attache of the Russian Embassy in Hungary Tigran Garibyan. “A group of activists participating in the current protests against the Hungarian authorities, there were two of them, the evening came to the monument and implementing online broadcasting in a network “Facebook” threw him two balls, filled with water with latex paint yellow. Then they sat down on the parapet of the monument and began to wait, when they are stopped by the police, what happened almost immediately,” he said. The detainees were charged with administrative offense. According to the diplomat, they appeared in court and was sentenced to a fine. Everyone should pay 30 thousand forints (about 96 euros). In late March, it was reported on the desecration of the largest in Poland burial

U.S. man shot and killed three bystanders

Three people shot in Fresno (California, USA). On Tuesday, April 18, reports local newspaper the Fresno Bee, citing the chief of the city police Jerry Dyer. According to the publication, the suspect was detained and taken into custody, the attacker was 39-year-old Corey Ali Muhammad. A man opened fire in several points of the city in four bystanders, but didn’t shoot anyone. Dyer said that the victims have all been white men. According to him, it was a “random act of violence.” The motive of the crime could be hostility on racial grounds: as writes the edition, the detainee said that he had a hatred for white people. In addition, the police chief said that before the arrest, the suspect shouted Islamist slogans, including “Allahu Akbar” (“Allah is great”). However, he noted that it is too early to judge whether the incident an act of terrorism. Ali Muhammad was previously

Trump has signed the decree “Buy American and hire Americans”

Donald Trump The US President Donald trump has signed a decree designed to protect the national labour market and encourage the purchase issued in the country of the goods. On Tuesday, April 18, reported on the White house website. The document is called “Buy American and hire Americans” (Buy American and Hire American). It is expected that it will lead to a change in visa policies and conditions for public procurement and trade agreements. In particular, it aims to increase the share of U.S.-manufactured goods in the course of public procurement of government agencies. However, the leadership of government departments will be able to revise agreements with foreign suppliers if they are acquiring too large amounts of foreign goods. In addition, the order allows for U.S. companies to sell goods to the governments of U.S. trading partners on the same terms as foreign firms in the domestic market. The decree

George Bush senior hospitalized

George Bush Sr. Former US President George HW Bush taken to hospital. About it, ABC News reported in his Twitter, citing his press Secretary. “Former President George Bush hospitalized, but feels normal,” — says the publication. Also, the TV channel has published in his microblog statement of the office of the former American leader. The text States that he “was taken to hospital Houston (Texas) on Friday for observation in connection with the ongoing cough”. — ABC News (@ABC) 18 April 2017, 22:01 According to the diagnosis, the Bush “mild case of pneumonia,” he received the necessary treatment. “President Bush is in a good mood will take the examination while on the road to recovery”, — stated in the document. In mid-January, the former President of the United States was in the hospital with pneumonia, in the ICU he was hooked up to a respirator. Later, his wife Barbara was

Sarkozy urged the French to vote for Fillon

Nicolas Sarkozy Former French President Nicolas Sarkozy urged his compatriots to vote for the candidate from the party “the Republicans” françois Fillon during the first round of elections on April 23. It is reported BFMTV. In his address, Sarkozy recalled that during the period when he led the country, Fillon was the Prime Minister. “I worked with him for five years. I know that we can trust him,” said former French leader. “For me, it is obvious that the interest of France require from each of us without any soul-searching to vote for françois Fillon. I will do just that. Next Sunday I’m asking you to rally around him”, concluded Sarkozy. Despite the fact that both politicians are “Republicans”, relations between them soured after Sarkozy Fillon walked in the party primaries last fall and became a candidate country. After this defeat, Sarkozy said, finally running out of big politics. The

Erdogan announced about the agreement with trump emergency meeting

Recep Tayyip Erdogan Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan said that during a recent telephone conversation with his us counterpart Donald trump agreed emergency meeting. He stated this in an interview with CNN. “We agreed that we will hold this meeting in the near future,” he said, stressing that personal contact is necessary to improve bilateral ties. Erdogan also described the contents of a recent telephone conversation with the President of the United States. “It was very nice, he congratulated me on the outcome [of the referendum]. We talked about the development of relations [between Turkey and US] in the near future, and exchanged views on this issue and on Syria,” — said the President of Turkey. Previously, on 18 April, it was reported that trump called erdoğan and congratulated him on the outcome of the referendum on amendments to the Turkish Constitution. For this U.S. President has been criticized by

Near a Christian monastery in Egypt shooting occurred

One policeman was killed and four more were wounded in a shooting in the area of guard post near the Church of a Christian monastery of Saint Catherine in the South Sinai Peninsula in Egypt. On Tuesday, April 18, according to TV channel Al Arabia, citing the head of the security Directorate of South Sinai Ahmed Tile. He denied reports that the incident was a terrorist attack. According to him, the militiaman was shot dead by his colleague by mistake. The wounded guards were hospitalized. Other details of the incident are not given. In turn, the representative of the monastery, father Gregory said that the monastery is still guarded, the attack was not made, among the monks, no one was hurt. April 9, in the churches of Egypt within a few hours of two explosions occurred. This morning a bomb on themselves activated in the past the main temple of

Syria has accused the coalition led by the United States in the deaths of more than 20 residents of Deir ez-Zor

As a result of air strikes of the US-led coalition in the province of Deir ez-Zor killed more than 20 civilians. It is reported by Syrian state news Agency SANA. The victims of the RAID in the town of al-Bukamal committed April 18 steel not less than 16 civilians, about 40 were injured. A day earlier, the aircraft fired 12 missiles at the building of the agricultural College and several residential buildings in the village of al-Hussein. Killing seven people, including two women, 12 local people received injuries of varying severity. 3 APR newspaper the Independent, citing data from the Syrian organization for human rights (SNHR) reported that the bombs and missiles coalition led by the USA have killed more civilians than the actions of the “coalition led by Russia”, or militant “Islamic state” (IG, is prohibited in Russia). According to SNHR, total IG destroyed in March 119 civilians, including

A former UN worker robbed banks in new York city during the lunch breaks

The NYPD arrested a former employee of the UN, the suspect in four Bank robberies. It is reported by NBC 4 New York. According to investigators, 52-year-old Abdullah the Shuaiba committed his crimes in the last six months during lunch breaks. According to the channel, the attacker in 2013, some time worked in the United Nations as a specialist in communications. Later he changed his occupation. On 20 February it was reported that new York police shot and killed 18-year-old robber, armed with a dummy weapon. Sergio Reyes stole beer in one of the shops, threatening the seller with the subject similar to the gun. When the attacker went outside with the loot, he noticed the police. They demanded to drop the weapon, but the Flight has sent the model of the gun in their direction. The guards opened fire on the suspect. From his wounds, he later died in