Russia was surprised by the reports about alleged blocking of statements in the UN security Council on the DPRK

The permanent mission of Russia to the UN, expressed surprise at the allegations that the Russian delegation had allegedly blocked the draft statement of the Security Council of the world organization for the press condemning the missile launch of the DPRK, carried out on April 16. A clarification published on the Agency’s website. The representation explained that the project was indeed made by the delegation of the United States, but it revealed a previously inconsistent statement. “From the standard text has been deleted the words “through dialogue” (through dialogue) in relation to the search of ways of settlement of the situation on the Korean Peninsula. As you know, these words are a quote from paragraph 48 of the latest UN security Council resolution 2321 sanctions against the DPRK”, — stated in the message. After received a request to recover text that has important political value, United States, without explanation, turned

The media learned about a large-scale hunt for the WikiLeaks informant in the ranks of the CIA

U.S. intelligence agencies are investigating one of the largest leaks in the history of the CIA, which became known to the public thousands of top-secret materials with a description of the tools used for penetration into smartphones, smart TVs and computer system. It is reported CBS News. According to sources, the CIA and the FBI are looking for the insider responsible for the leaks, which is assumed to be either a CIA officer or a representative of the private contractor, who had to content access. Most of the information was classified and was kept in the Department with a high degree of protection from unauthorized access. While sources claim that the material had access to hundreds of people. All of them checked. Earlier, Vice-President Mike Pence said that the authorities are ready to take any necessary measures to bring to justice the individuals behind the publication of the WikiLeaks material

Russia has submitted to the OPCW proof of statement himataki in Syria

Moscow presented the Organization for the prohibition of chemical weapons (OPCW) range of evidence demonstrating the nature of the staging of the incident with the possible use of chemical warfare agents in Syria’s Idlib province. In an interview with TASS said Russia’s permanent representative at the organization of Alexander Shulgin. According to him, at the meeting of the Executive Council of the OPCW in the Hague, the Director of the Department for nonproliferation and arms control, the Russian foreign Ministry Mikhail Ulyanov showed some photos from a likely himataki, despite attempts to prevent this from representatives of a number of Western countries. Shulgin said that Ulyanov pointed out a number of inconsistencies between the spreading commercials on YouTube, and operational photos from the incident. “It is alleged, for example, that was used sarin, one of the symptoms which are constricted pupils. Meanwhile, the images show that in children, the pupils

The Russian foreign Ministry has condemned NATO’s plans to hold a workshop in Svalbard

The Russian foreign Ministry called provocation plans to spend on the Spitsbergen archipelago workshop on the NATO parliamentary Assembly. The corresponding statement posted on Wednesday, April 19, on the website of the foreign Ministry. Moscow believes that the States parties to the Svalbard Treaty of 1920 should be interested in preserving in this area the principles of peace and good neighborliness. “In the context of the current NATO course on “containment” of Russia, accompanied by unprecedented military preparations near the borders of our country, attempts to pull Svalbard “under the wing” of the military-political bloc and the holding of events under its auspices do not meet the spirit of the Treaty,” — said in comments. The foreign Ministry regarded the conduct of the Alliance as a provocative, adding that in the Arctic region there is no problems which would have required the intervention of NATO. Diplomats believe that the tension

Tillerson has lashed out at Iran and a deal on its nuclear program

Rex Tillerson U.S. Secretary of state Rex Tillerson called the failed approach of strategic patience against Iran. With such a statement, as reported RIA Novosti, spoke at a press conference on Wednesday, April 19. According to Tillerson, “a comprehensive policy against Iran requires the solution all threats”. Also, according to him, the deal with Iran on its nuclear program failed. “Joint comprehensive plan of action failed in reaching your goal of non-nuclear status of Iran. It only postpones their goal is to become a nuclear state. This transaction represents the failed approach of the past,” he said. Tillerson called Iran the leading state sponsor of terrorism in the world, which “undermines US interests in countries such as Syria, Yemen, Iraq and Lebanon,” while continuing to support attacks against Israel, reports TASS. “Iran is responsible for the aggravation of many conflicts,” he said, adding that “unrestrained Iran could go the same

Turkey’s main opposition party has threatened to leave the Parliament

The main opposition party of Turkey threatened to withdraw from Parliament in protest against the violation of the law during the referendum on changing the Constitution. About it reports Reuters. “We do not recognize the results of the referendum, — has declared the official representative of the Republican people’s party Celine Siek the side. — We promise to use all our democratic rights to protest them.” The Bok stated that her party supports the holding of a new referendum, and added that the legitimacy of Sunday’s plebiscite is in question. In the Grand national Assembly of Turkey Republican people’s party has the second largest faction — 133 MP — second only to the ruling Party of justice and development. 16 April, Turkey held a referendum on amendments to the Constitution. According to preliminary results, the amendment was voted 51.4%. The final results will be announced in 11-12 days after appeals.

Poland has asked the US for help in putting pressure on Russia in case of the Smolensk disaster

Witold Waszczykowski Warsaw hopes for US assistance in filing complaints against Russia in the international court of justice in the case of the Smolensk disaster. On Wednesday, April 19, said the Minister of foreign Affairs of Poland Witold Waszczykowski after a meeting with U.S. Secretary of state Rex Tillerson, reports RIA Novosti. “In the case of a catastrophe near Smolensk, we are interested in all help. Technical assistance in investigation assistance in the form of political pressure on Moscow,” — said Waszczykowski. He added that Warsaw also interested in legal aid as the plans of the Polish authorities to submit to the international court in the absence of cooperation with the Russian side. Waszczykowski stressed that Tillerson is aware of the claims that Poland is placing Russia in the case of the Smolensk disaster. According to the diplomat, Warsaw hopes that the Department would “look with fresh eyes at the

Lavrov called the incident in the Syrian Khan Sheyhun provocation

Sergei Lavrov Russia considers the incident with the alleged chemical attack in the Syrian Khan Sheyhun as a provocation aimed at undermining the ceasefire and the political process in the country. The Minister of foreign Affairs of Russia Sergey Lavrov said in a telephone conversation with his French counterpart Jean-Marc Ayrault, the Ministry of foreign Affairs. “Of deep concern and the ensuing hasty aggressive US actions that caused a missile attack on the territory of a sovereign state member of UN,” — said in the message. “Russia has always advocated respect for international law, including the inadmissibility of intervention in the Affairs of sovereign States, and insisting on a truly independent objective investigation of the incident in Khan Sheyhun”, — stressed in the diplomatic office. April 4, the Syrian opposition, said the Syrian government forces of chemical weapons in Khan Sheyhun (Idlib), resulting in 87 people were killed and over

In London, an explosion occurred

In one of houses of the district Hiring, located in the North of London, the explosion occurred. About it reports The Daily Star. Injured three people, including a policeman. It is noted that the police summoned in connection with the violation of public order. The explosion occurred when law enforcement officials arrived on the scene. Then the fire started. It is reported that a nearby house was not damaged. Currently under investigation. The police explained that we are not talking about the attack. On 25 March, an explosion occurred in a private house in the West of the UK. Was damaged several buildings in the neighborhood. Injured at least 15 people, mostly visitors to the nearby Chinese restaurant, many cuts from the explosion shattered window panes. The cause of the incident could be an explosion of a gas cylinder.

A month before the death of Hitler in absentia brought accusations of war crimes

Adolf Hitler The United Nations Commission for war crimes in March 1945 brought correspondence accusations Fuhrer of the Third Reich Adolf Hitler. According to The Independent, this is the conclusion made by the author of the book Human Rights After Hitler (“human Rights after Hitler”) is a British academic Dan Plesch. The Commission, which appeared in 1943, by order of the governments of the coalition, was to collect evidence of Nazi war crimes. The charges were filed based on the document from 1944, in which the Czechoslovak government in exile declared that Hitler and his closest associates — the Deputy of the Fuehrer in the Nazi party Rudolf Hess and the reichsfuehrer SS Heinrich Himmler — were responsible for criminal acts. In addition, Plesch, referring to the legally confirmed documents and records of conversations with victims of torture, says that the US and UK knew about the existence of death