In Pakistan, three women are killed a suspect in a blasphemy preacher

In the Pakistani city of Multan shot dead a Shiite preacher, who 10 years ago accused of blasphemy. About it reports Reuters. According to the police, to the house of Fazal Abbas, who healed the afflicted prayers, the three veiled women. They asked the preacher to perform the ritual of healing, during which one of the women shot him with a pistol. Police arrested the murderers. They argue that they acted on their own initiative, but the relatives of Abbas believe that they were associated with Sunni conservatives. Shiite healer Fazal Abbas in 2004, was accused by conservatives of blasphemy. Escaping from punishment, he fled to Denmark. Some time ago he returned to Pakistan, hoping to prove his innocence. Before the end of the trial the judge released Abbas bail. April 13 in the Pakistani city of Peshawar 10 students, shouting “Allah Akbar” they attacked their classmate Mashal Khan, stripped

In Slovakia from-for ice has faced about 40 cars

In the Slovak Tatra mountains of ice was encountered from 30 to 40 cars. It is reported by HN In the accident injured 25 people, two victims are in serious condition. Others received injuries of mild to moderate severity. All necessary medical care is provided, some of the people taken to hospital. Due to the collision of machinery traffic in the area blocked. Employees of the traffic services direct transport to a detour. Video: At the scene are the rescuers and police, whose work is hampered by continued heavy snowfall. On January 26 in Poland, an accident involving nearly 40 vehicles. A string of wrecked cars stretched for 500 meters. One of them burned. Injured 20 people. Rescuers have called a miracle the fact that in this accident no one died.

In Naples will launch a website to combat slander

The authorities of Naples launch the website Difendi La Citta in which residents can tell about the appearance of false information in the media about this Italian city. It is reported by Il Mattino. According to the mayor of Naples, this is done in order to “protect the reputation of the city.” According to him, in Newspapers, on television and Internet sites there are posts that “make Naples the object of prejudices and stereotypes,” reports The authorities report that will stop the rumors by publishing a clarification as well as taking legal action. Some residents of Naples criticized the initiative, fearing that it could lead to censorship. The number of Facebook users suggested that the way the city management seeks to hide the mistakes made in the management of Naples.

Tillerson has accused Iran of provocations in the middle East

Rex Tillerson U.S. Secretary of state Rex Tillerson has accused Iran of continuing and alarming provocations aimed at destabilizing the Middle East and undermining American interests in the region. About it reports BBC News. “If you let the situation to chance, Iran could go the same path as North Korea, and grab for the whole world”, — said the head of American diplomacy. On 19 April President of the United States Donald trump instructed the national security Council (NSC) to assess the conditions of the nuclear deal with Iran. In connection with this order Tillerson wrote a letter to the speaker of the house of representatives of the U.S. Congress, Paul Ryan, in which he called Iran the leading state sponsor of terrorism. 3 Feb trump in his Twitter has published a recording in which he said that Iran is playing with fire. A day earlier, the American leader has

Le Pen supported the Russian veto at the UN security Council resolution on the chemical attack in Syria

Marine Le Pen The proposed UN security Council resolution to investigate the chemical attack in Khan Sheyhun deliberately blamed on the Syrian government. With this approach, the international community would never know the truth, so Moscow vetoed, said the candidate in presidents of France from the “National front” marine Le Pen. The politician said the radio station Europe 1, according to RIA Novosti. “An international investigation is needed and if I sat in the UN Security Council, would vote for his conduct,” said the politician, adding that she wouldn’t be called guilty before the investigation. 12 APR Russia blocked a draft resolution of the UN security Council on chemical attack in Syria. The draft document was submitted, the United States, Britain and France, it is the Secretary General of the organization were asked to investigate the incident with the use of chemical weapons in Khan Sheyhun. Against this resolution, except

CEC Turkey rejected the opposition’s statement about the cancellation of the referendum

The Supreme electoral Council (CEP) Turkey rejected the appeal of the opposition, demanding to revise the results of the referendum on introducing amendments to the Constitution. On it informs TV channel NTV. For satisfaction of the appeal voted one member vis — against 10. It is noted that the final results of the referendum will be announced on April 27-28. The opposition Republican people’s party demanded to cancel the results of the plebiscite, citing the illegality of the decision of the electoral Council to count valid ballots and envelopes without stamps. 16 April, Turkey held a referendum on amendments to the Constitution. According to preliminary results, the amendment was voted 51.4%. The mission of OSCE observers declared that the referendum did not meet the standards of the Council of Europe: voters have not received objective information about the reform on a number of stations had no observers from non-governmental organizations,

Residents of the Vietnamese village took hostage 20 policemen

The villagers May Duke, located 50 kilometers from the Vietnamese capital of Hanoi, took hostage 20 policemen. It is reported BFMTV. The conflict arose a few days ago: the officials, accompanied by guards — a total of 38 people came to the village to conduct demarcation. Part of the agricultural land, the authorities intend to give for the construction of one of the Telecom companies. Village activists detained all visitors and locked them in one of the buildings. Three officials and 15 police managed to escape, the rest remain in captivity. According to local residents, with the hostages treated well, they fed. At the same time the villagers fear that the authorities may try to force to beat the prisoners. “We poured oil around the house where the hostages are locked. We are ready to set fire to it, if the police will go to the assault,” said a local

In Greece a military helicopter has crashed

In the crash of a Greek military helicopter killed four people. This was reported by ANA. According to News247, on Board were five officers and NCOs, members of crew and observers. One female soldier survived. With heavy injuries it is hospitalized. The crash happened in a remote mountainous area in the North of the country. The helicopter made planned flight around the border. At the scene continue search operations, rescuers are searching for the black boxes of the crashed car. About the possible causes of the accident is not reported. On 20 September last year in Greece crashed military attack helicopter force Apache. The crash happened in the area of Thessaloniki. Both pilots survived.

In Venezuela during the protests killed two students and a guard

The opposition March In the course of shooting during a protest against Venezuelan President Nicolas Maduro has killed two students and a Sergeant of the National guard, Reuters reports. Opposition supporters took to the streets in Caracas and other cities protesting against the policies of Maduro, who, in their opinion, undermines democracy and puts the country’s economy into chaos. Supporters of the President in his appeal was held in the capital of counter-demonstration. Only mass actions from both sides was attended by several hundred thousand people. As noted, these protests — the longest in 2014. According to human rights activists, Wednesday, April 19, during the protests were arrested more than 400 people. According to Maduro, the protest under the peaceful facade lie the opposition’s attempts to stage a coup to end socialism in Venezuela. The opposition, for its part, says that the President has become a dictator and accusing his

Deputy Le Pen called the flag of the European Union oligarchic cloth

Florian Filippo Florian Filippo Deputy head of the French party “national front” marine Le Pen on foreign relations — called the flag of the European Union “oligarchic rag”. About this he wrote on his Twitter page on Wednesday, April 19. “You’ll see, soon we will put your oligarchic cloth away in the closet. Long live the flag of France!” — said in a tweet. In the report there is the Emoji with the image of the flag. — Florian Philippot (@f_philippot) April 19, 2017, 09:16 Thus Filippo replied to the post of European Commission representation in France. In his microblog it posted an image of the EU flag and the message: “Proud of our flag, a symbol of unity, solidarity and harmony of the peoples of Europe. Let’s not hide it”. European officials reacted to the demand of marine Le Pen during a speech on TV to remove from the