Le Pen expressed the desire to have peaceful relations with USA and Russia

Marine Le Pen The candidate in presidents of France from the “National front” marine Le Pen said that he wants to have peaceful relations with all countries, including USA and Russia. She wrote about this in his Twitter. According to Le Pen, she believes that a multi-polar world. “I respect all Nations,” she said. Also, the candidate said he wants to gather all the patriots on both the right and the left, no matter for whom they voted in the first round. According the French interior Ministry, will be held April 23, the first round of the representative of the movement “Forward” Emmanuel macron has received 23.75 percent of the votes, in second place — Le Pen from 21.53 percent. In support of Macron spoke, in particular, his former opponents — the candidate of the socialist party, Benoit Hamon and a representative of the right wing “Republicans” Francois Fillon. The

Erdogan announced a change in Moscow’s position on Assad

Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan hinted at the fact that Russia has softened its stance on the Syrian leader Bashar al-Assad. He told this to Reuters reporters during an interview on Tuesday, April 25. “Erdoğan, don’t get me wrong. I’m not defending Assad, I am not his lawyer. That’s what Putin said to me,” said the Turkish leader, commenting on his conversation with the President of Russia. April 21, Assad said that Damascus a hundred percent sure that the supply of chemical weapons to the rebels, Ankara is. “There is evidence that some of them were presented on the Internet a few years ago,” — said the Syrian leader. The position of Russia is that the citizens of Syria should decide the fate of their country. In particular, Deputy foreign Minister Mikhail Bogdanov said that Moscow supports any steps aimed at the resumption of inter-Syrian negotiations. “We welcome any measures

Receiving assistance from the United States of Syrian groups fell under the blows of the Turkish air force

Continued: the United States expressed dissatisfaction with Turkey’s air strikes in Syria and Iraq The Turkish air force launched several strikes on the positions of the Syrian armed groups and the Iraqi Kurds are receiving support from the United States. This was reported by Fox News, citing two Pentagon officials. The bombing killed more than thirty people, marks the channel. The us military is involved, as a rule, the preparation of some of the armed groups in Syria and Iraq, was not injured. When and where exactly was attacked, not specified. According to Fox News, currently in Syria is about thousand American soldiers.

The United States expressed dissatisfaction with Turkey’s air strikes in Syria and Iraq

Mark Toner The United States is “deeply concerned” by Turkey’s strikes on Syria and Iraq and directly said this to Ankara. As reported by RIA Novosti, told reporters, Deputy state Department spokesman mark Toner. He pointed to the fact that Turkey is attacked in the North of the two neighboring countries without coordination neither with the US nor with the global anti-terrorist coalition. Toner noted that the strikes have led to the tragic death of allied soldiers, including members of the Kurdish militia — the Peshmerga. The US stressed that all military action in Iraq “must respect the sovereignty of Iraq” and expressed hope that Turkey and other partners to more closely coordinate their actions. According to him, Washington made it clear to Turkey that it cannot fight against the Kurdistan workers ‘ party due to the overall fight against terrorists. Earlier it was reported that the Turkish air force

In Poland flipped a bus with citizens of Belarus

In the area of the Polish city Zavada (łódź Voivodeship) overturned bus with tourists from Belarus. This was reported by PAP. According to the press-Secretary of the local police Department Adam Kolasa, just the car was carrying 41 passengers. The group was returning from a tourist trip to Prague. The accident injured 18 people. With various traumas they are hospitalised in the nearest hospitals. Several tourists medical assistance was provided on the spot. The causes of the accident is not yet established. According to preliminary data, the bus driver was sober. 26 January in the same region of Poland, an accident involving 40 cars and trucks. A string of smashed cars stretched for 500 meters. Injured 20 people. Rescuers said that the lack of victims in accident of this magnitude is a real miracle.

Greek court again refused to allow Turkey to extradite military

The Greek court dismissed the Turkish authorities in the extradition of eight of the military who had fled the country after the coup attempt on 15 July 2016. About it reports Reuters. A similar decision was rendered by the Supreme court of Greece in January of this year, however, Ankara turned to Athens with a repeated request for the extradition of fugitives. 16 July last year, military in the Black Hawk helicopter took off from Turkey and landed in the vicinity of the Greek city of Alexandroupolis. They requested political asylum, stating that at home they face death. Ankara has demanded their return. Athens gave Ankara a helicopter and promised to deal with the situation. July 15, 2016, in Turkey there was a military rebellion, which was subsequently suppressed by the authorities. In the course of the failed coup killed more than 230 people, more than 2.1 thousand were injured.

The WTO has allowed Mexico to impose trade sanctions against the United States

The world trade organization has allowed Mexico to impose annual trade sanctions against products from the United States for 163 million dollars. About it reports the Mexican Ministry of economy, reports Reuters. “WTO ruling gives the right to Mexico (…) to apply responses to the imports from the United States,” — said in a statement. The Ministry noted that Mexico city will immediately take up the issue of suspension of preferential treatment for products from the United States. It is a dispute that ran in 2008. It’s labeling and sales restrictions of Mexican tuna in the us market, which Mexico was forced to turn to the WTO. According to RIA Novosti, Mexico initially sought compensation in 472,3 million dollars a year.

In Spain arrested suspected of involvement in the terrorist attack in Brussels

Spanish police arrested in Barcelona nine people, four of whom may be involved in terrorist attacks in Brussels committed in March 2016. It is reported by El Mundo. Initially, the members of the group came into the view of law enforcement due to suspicion of illegal transportation of drugs. In the course of rapid development it became clear that some members of the gang can be related to last year’s attack in the Belgian capital. The surveillance lasted for eight months. For reasons of secrecy, and other details to the law enforcement bodies do not disclose. A series of terrorist attacks in Brussels was made on 22 March 2016. Was attacked Zaventem airport and the metro station “Maalbeek”. The victims were 35 people, more than 300 were injured. According to investigators, the metro explosive device detonated Khalid Batrawi, and the airport — his brother Ibrahim along with Ashrawi Najim, who

Netanyahu canceled a meeting with German foreign Minister because of his contacts with the opposition

Benjamin Netanyahu Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu has canceled a meeting with foreign Minister of Germany Sigmar Gabriel, who is visiting the region. It is reported by Bild. According to the publication, this decision is scandalous. German-Israeli relations are at their lowest level in recent years. In many ways, this cooling is due to the fact that Berlin condemned the decision of the tel Aviv about the ongoing construction of settlements in the occupied Palestinian territories. According to the Jerusalem Post on the eve, April 24, the German representatives were charged with the actual ultimatum: either they refuse to meet with opposition non-profit organizations (NPOs), and then talks with Netanyahu will be held or cancelled the interview with the head of the Cabinet of Ministers of the Jewish state. In the end, the head of German diplomacy held a meeting with activists of the NGO “breaking the silence” that collect and

Turkey launched air strikes on Kurds on the Syrian-Iraqi border

The Turkish air force launched air strikes on targets of the Kurdistan workers party (PKK) near the mountain range of Sinjar in Northwest Iraq and northeast Syria. On Tuesday, April 25, according to Reuters, citing a statement by the Turkish military. In Ankara, believe that the PKK members coming from these areas in Turkey the weapons, explosives and ammunition for attacks on military checkpoints. The bombing was carried out at 02:00 local time. Killing at least five fighters of the Peshmerga. Since 1984 the PKK in the South-East of the country is waging an armed struggle for political rights of the Kurds in the country and the creation of a Kurdish autonomy in its composition. The truce between the Turkish government and the Kurds was terminated in July of 2015. The reason for the resumption of the active phase of the confrontation was a terrorist attack in the town of