The media learned about the intention of the trump to withdraw the U.S. from NAFTA agreement

Donald Trump The President of the United States Donald trump is likely to sign an official decree, formally exempting the United States from the North American free trade agreement (NAFTA). This writes the newspaper The New York Times, citing a senior official of the administration. While not reported, what will be the wording of the decree, and what specific steps will be spelled out in it. It is noted that the document will start a six-month period required under the contract to notify the agreement parties. During this period it will be possible to negotiate new terms. In recent days the White house has announced that it will set duties on canadian lumber, claiming that Canada did not fair with the American dairy industry. The NAFTA agreement between USA, Canada and Mexico entered into force in 1994. Within it were abolished or reduced duties on large quantities of goods. In

USA made a statement regarding its strategy towards the DPRK

The strategy of the President of the United States Donald trump against North Korea are intended to exert pressure on Pyongyang and force it to abandon its programs to develop nuclear weapons and ballistic missiles. As reported by Reuters, said in a joint statement by Secretary of state Rex Tillerson, Minister of defense James Mattis and the Director of National intelligence Dan Coates. To achieve its goals the government of Ukraine by tightening sanctions. At the same time, as stated by the administration, the US was open to negotiations. “The United States is committed to stability and peaceful denuclearization of the Korean Peninsula. We remain committed to negotiations to achieve this goal, but we remain ready to defend itself and its allies,” reads the statement. The situation on the Korean Peninsula is currently one of the most intense topics of international politics. Earlier it was reported that the US is

Venezuela will begin the process of withdrawal from the Organization of American States

Delsi Rodriguez Venezuela will start the procedure of withdrawal from the Organization of American States. About it as transfers RIA Novosti, in a televised address said the Minister of foreign Affairs of Venezuela, Delcy Rodriguez. “Tomorrow, as instructed by President Nicolas Maduro, we will present to the OAS a written claim and start the procedure, which will take 24 months,” — said the head of Department. In the case of the OAS, Venezuela will become the only country of America, not a member of this organization. Wednesday, April 26, the permanent Council of the OAS decided to convene an emergency meeting of foreign Ministers to discuss the situation in Venezuela. Prior to that, Rodriguez said that he had received from Maduro instructed to begin the process of withdrawal from the OAS, subject to this meeting. In Venezuela, the ongoing political crisis against the backdrop of economic problems caused by the

Flax Pen changed the slogan in the eve of the second round of elections

Marine Le Pen Candidate for the French presidency, marine Le Pen, which supports far-right party “national front”, I changed the slogan in the eve of the second round of elections. It is reported BFMTV. — Marine Le Pen (@MLP_officiel) 26 April 2017, 10:37 Now the slogan of the campaign, Le Pen sounds “to Choose France.” Previously, it was “on behalf of the people.” Presentation of a new slogan and poster was held on Wednesday, April 26. The politician on the poster is wearing a blue jacket and short black skirt. Le Pen sat on the table, exposing his right knee, but the hands are clasped to the castle, put on the table. In the lower left corner of the inscription “marine — President”. Sunday, April 23, passed the first round of the presidential election. For the post of the head of state claimed 11 candidates. The leader of the movement

Moscow has declared its readiness to mediate in negotiations between the Taliban and Kabul

Zamir Kabulov The meeting on Afghanistan in Moscow sent a signal to the leaders of the Taliban and the government on the need for peaceful negotiations. This was stated by the presidential special representative on Afghanistan Zamir Kabulov, according to RIA Novosti. “We need to sit at the negotiating table. Russia is ready to provide a platform, and we must negotiate peace, not war,” said Kabulov. According to him, the parties must realize the necessity of such negotiations. “Now a word for them, we want both sides realize this and they wanted. When they tell us we will be glad,” — said the diplomat. 25 April in the framework of the VI Moscow security conference, foreign Minister of Russia Sergey Lavrov has met former President of Afghanistan Hamid Karzai. As reported, during the meeting, “they exchanged opinions on the current situation in Afghanistan, issues of national reconciliation and the prospects

The militants have learned to drop bombs from domestic drones

Terrorists banned in Russia grouping “Islamic state” has developed a new munition which can be discharged with ordinary domestic unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs). About it reports Reuters with reference to data of experts, Conflict Armament Research (CAR), which track used in modern conflicts, weapons. “These explosive devices can be thrown, run with the help of a homemade nozzle to firearms or if you are using the latest version — reset with the UAV that you can buy in any store”, — reported experts CAR after a visit to the Iraqi city of Mosul in November, February and March. Meanwhile, the jihadists themselves in social networks, laid out evidence of bombs from drones in 2016. According to the staff of the organization, in December, the IG achieved a standardization of arms and established their industrial production, the scale is similar to the military industry in some countries. During the battle for

Moscow criticized Turkey for air strikes on the Kurds

Aviator, the Turkish air force for the Kurds in Syria and Iraq could lead to the strengthening of the positions of the terrorist group “Islamic state” (IG, is prohibited in Russia). This is stated in the statement published on the Russian MFA website. “At a time when the war on terror in Iraq and Syria is still far from complete, such actions clearly do not contribute to the consolidation of anti-terrorism efforts, and to aggravate the already tense situation”, — explained in Department. In addition, the statement notes that the blows inflicted on the territories of sovereign States to bypass their legitimate governments. In the current situation, said the diplomats, all parties to the conflict should be political vision and focus on the fight against the jihadists. April 25, the Turkish air force launched air strikes on objects of the Kurdistan workers party (PKK) near the mountain range of Sinjar

In the North of Syria began, the fighting between the Kurds and the Turkish army

In Northern Syria, clashes broke out between Kurdish militia (Peshmerga) and Turkish army units. It is reported by the ANF News. The Turkish forces, using artillery and heavy weapons, attacked the Kurdish positions near the city of Afrin. Militia fighters hold back the offensive. Data on casualties from both sides were reported. April 25, the Turkish air force launched air strikes on objects of the Kurdistan workers party (PKK) near the mountain range of Sinjar in Northwest Iraq and northeast Syria. In Ankara, believe that the PKK members coming from these areas in Turkey the weapons, explosives and ammunition for attacks on military checkpoints. The RAID killed at least five fighters of the Peshmerga. Since 1984 the PKK in the South-East of the country is waging an armed struggle for political rights of the Kurds in the country and the creation of a Kurdish autonomy in its composition. The truce

In Paris, police went on a “March of anger”

In Paris took place many thousands demonstration police called a “March of anger”. It is reported by Le Figaro. The action began with a minute of silence in memory of Xavier Gugele, police, killed during the attack on the Champs Elysees on April 20. “Today is the manifestation of the guards, the sentinels of the Republic, laborers National police”, — said the leader of the trade Union of law enforcement officers of Yves Lefebvre. According to him, the protesters demand that the problems of police drew the attention of both candidates in presidents of the country. As writes the edition, the protesters shouted slogans: “the Police attack — the society is in danger!”, “We work in a hellish rhythm, we have a right to privacy!” As explained in the Union of law enforcement officers, they require an increase in the minimum wage of police officers for 150 euros per month,

The explosion of a van in Pakistan, killing 13 people

In the explosion of a minibus in the Pakistani city of GODAR (area to hens in so-called zone of tribes on Severo-the West of the country) killed 13 people. It is reported BFMTV. As explained by a senior local official, Bacera Khan, among the victims of the attack, three women, six-year-old girl and a nine year old boy. Responsibility for attack was assumed by the terrorist group “Islamic state” (ISIS) and the Taliban (banned in Russia). “Tribal area” (full name “federally administered tribal areas”, the FATA) is inhabited by Pashtun district in the Northwest of Pakistan along the border with Afghanistan. Is officially under the Central government of Islamabad, in fact, semi-Autonomous controlled by local tribal leaders. The area is extremely poorly controlled by the government of Pakistan and has long been a hotbed of banditry. In the last 25-30 years in the “tribal zone” dramatically increased the influence of