Moscow concerned by concentration of US Navy ships in North East Asia

Moscow concerned by concentration of the strike group of the Navy of the United States in northeast Asia and counter the bellicose rhetoric of Pyongyang. On Thursday, April 27, said the official representative of Russian foreign Ministry Maria Zakharova, RIA Novosti reported. “In the evolving circumstances it is important to prevent the development of events in a crisis scenario, which is fraught with just rolling of open armed confrontation,” — said the diplomat at a meeting in Moscow. According to Zakharova, the situation on the Korean Peninsula “continues to deteriorate”. “At the heart of this trend is the reluctance of the warring parties to abandon the confrontational approach and bet on the power methods of solving existing problems”, — noted the official representative of the foreign Ministry. The diplomat added that Russia hopes for a constructive discussion of the situation on the Korean Peninsula during a special UN security Council

Chinese users of social networks interested in the wife of Macron

Bridget Macron For many Chinese users of social networks, the wife of a candidate for President of France Emmanuel Makron was more interesting than the political campaign policy. About it reports The South China Morning Post. According to the newspaper, many topics about Brigitte macron appeared in WeChat. One of them is called “Makron: it’s a road to love a lot more exciting his path to the presidency”. The Chinese were surprised by the age difference between spouses: most policy 39 years, and Brigitte — 64. WeChat users also drew attention to the fact that macron was the adopted grandfather in 30 years. As noted by The South China Morning Post, the circumstances of the marriage of the French policy resulted in the fact that users of Chinese social media began to compare it with the negative character of popular anti-corruption TV series “In the name of the people” Qi

French police officer accidentally shot his colleague

Archive photo In France, police officer accidentally shot a colleague. It is reported by the newspaper L’alsace. The incident took place at Mulhouse in Eastern part of the country. One of the officers examined the weapons, and at that moment there was a shot. The bullet hit the chest of his colleague. The doctors came in a few minutes the ambulance is 200 metres from the police station — but the wounded man could not be saved. Investigators began the proceedings, however, according to preliminary data doubt in the accidental nature of the incident they have. The police officer who fired the shot, was taken to hospital in a state of shock. February 28, during a speech of the President of France Francois Hollande guarding his gendarme sniper accidentally fell and fired a shot and then injuring two people, the policeman and the waiter.

Media reported about the dismissal from work of more than 9 thousand policemen in Turkey

In Turkey on suspicion of having links with the opposition Islamic preacher Fethullah gülen from the work suspended 9103 police. On Thursday, April 27, according to Hürriyet Daily News. The day before it became known that in 72 provinces of the country were arrested over 800 people suspected supporters of a religious leader. The RAID was attended by about 8.5 thousand police officers. It is noted that the special operation continues. On 2 April the head of the Turkish Ministry of interior Suleyman Soylu said that after the coup attempt in the country was delayed more than 113 thousand people. According to him, 47,1 thousands of suspected Gulen arrested. July 15, 2016 in Turkey, attempted a coup, which killed more than 230 people, more than 2.1 thousand were injured. After these events, the country held mass purges in government, the security services, courts, army, educational institutions. Ankara has accused of

Merkel told about the complication of relations between the EU and Turkey after the referendum

Angela Merkel A referendum in Turkey on introducing amendments to the Constitution has seriously complicated relations between Brussels and Ankara. On Thursday, April 27, said German Chancellor Angela Merkel, reports Focus-Online. “We respect the right of the Turkish people to decide on the introduction of a constitutional amendment,” she said, noting that a great concern reports of violations during the voting. “The Turkish government should take this into account”, — added the Chancellor, speaking in the Bundestag. According to the head of the German government, that “Turkey finally turned away from Europe, it is not good.” On 26 April the Turkish leader Recep Tayyip Erdogan said that Ankara could revise its stance on the issue of EU membership if Brussels will continue to stall for time. 16 April, Turkey held a referendum on amendments to the basic law of the country. According to preliminary results, the amendment was supported by

Trump has agreed with the leaders of Mexico and Canada on new negotiations on NAFTA

Donald Trump US President, Donald trump promised the President of Mexico, Enrique peña Nieto, and the Prime Minister of Canada, Justin Trudeau that the United States still will not come out of the North American free trade area (NAFTA). It is reported RIA Novosti with reference to the White house. Conversations trump with the leaders of the two neighboring countries was held Wednesday evening, April 26. In the White house both called the meeting “pleasant and productive”. “President trump has agreed not to terminate the NAFTA at the moment, and the leaders agreed to quickly, in compliance with the required internal procedures, to jump to the start of re-negotiations on the NAFTA deal, which would benefit all three countries,” the statement reads. According to trump, he’s going to “lead the NAFTA in accordance with the requirements of the moment through negotiations.” Previously, the newspaper The New York Times, citing a

Zakharov explained the absurdity of a US strike on the airfield in Syria

The impact of American missiles “Tomahawk” at the airport shirt in the Syrian HOMS, was a senseless and absurd because the result was destroyed the air base, which was urged to send experts to investigate a chemical attack in Idlib representatives of the United States. This opinion was expressed in an interview with Yahoo! Global News, the official representative of Russian foreign Ministry Maria Zakharova. She said that after a chemical attack in Idlib Russia has offered to send international experts in the field of chemical weapons in the region to establish the circumstances of the tragedy. However, according to Zakharova, “Western colleagues” insisted on sending inspectors not in Idlib and airfield of the Syrian air force in HOMS. There is, in the opinion of American experts, based aircraft, which could be used for the use of chemical weapons. “That is, first they insisted on dispatching experts to the airfield

The Israeli air force attacked near Damascus airport

The Israeli air force during the night of Thursday, April 27, attacked one of the targets near Damascus international airport. It is reported TASS with reference to the channel “al Alyam”. According to preliminary information, the blows were inflicted on the military base. In the vicinity of the air port in the air attack broke out a large fire. The sounds of powerful explosions were heard on the Eastern outskirts of the Syrian capital. From the military command of Syria any statements is not followed. Security sources in the region told Reuters that the purpose of the Israeli attack was the warehouse, which was carried out with the supply of weapons to the Lebanese grouping “Hezbollah”. According to him, through this warehouse is a significant amount of weapons, which Tehran regional ally of Syrian President Bashar al-Assad, regularly sends through the air. Video of the explosions, which, according to the

The media learned about the expansion of President of the United States of the powers of the Pentagon

The administration of U.S. President Donald trump has allowed Pentagon officials to “reset limit” the number of American troops in Iraq and Syria, said on Wednesday, 26 April, Reuters, citing its sources. The Pentagon confirmed the information, but stressed that the number of troops consistently. As stated in the defense Ministry, the US strategy eliminates the need to increase military presence, as it is aimed to support “local forces” in the fight against the terrorist group “Islamic state” (banned in Russia). The Agency concludes that the solution to trump significantly expand the powers of the Pentagon, and frees him from “confusing” the system limitations. The result is a real number of US troops in the region may be hidden, and will use the White house. Control system Force Management Level system was introduced in Iraq and Syria, with the Obama administration. The previous American President periodically increased available limits the

Trump made the disbanding of the court for blocking anti-immigrant ordinances

Donald Trump The President of the United States Donald trump is considering the possibility of disbanding the court of Appeals for the ninth circuit in San Francisco. He stated this in an interview with the Washington Exampel. Judges of the Ninth circuit court had previously blocked two of the Executive decree trump, restricting entry to the United States from countries with a predominantly Muslim population. The us President said that “many people would like to disband the” court. “I consider such proposals,” — said trump asked. Trump believes that the language of his decrees is clear “even the freshmen,” but not the judges, who “didn’t even pay attention to it.” As a result, according to the President of the United States, in the country there are people who are “allowed to commit crimes”. So trump has commented on the decision of judge William Orrice, which on April 25 has blocked